
Might & Magic Duel of Champions Review (BioGamer Girl)

BioGamer Girl states, "The new Ubisoft release offers up a fun new way to play with cards in a free-to-play format that allows players to unlock most anything in the game without paying any money out of pocket. There is a decent sized learning curve to the new title, and the game's tutorial doesn't explain all of the mechanics as good as it should. The game's campaign is a bit bland, but there are a variety of different game modes to enjoy in the title, so fans of the genre can definitely get a lot of fun out of the title despite its flaws. Might & Magic Duel of Champions is well worth a download for free on Steam, and though it can be a pricey investment, some gamers won't mind shelling out some cash to build the best decks available in the game."

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How To Beat Noboru In Might And Magic: Duel of the Champions

GamerU has covered basic tips on how to be a competitive player in Might And Magic: Duel Of Champions, but those general strategies won't always help in staged campaign missions where the enemy hero has a huge advantage from the start. One such difficult battle takes place in the second level of the “Herald of the Void” campaign against the Sanctuary hero Noboru.


How to Become a Champion in Might and Magic: Duel of Champions

The Might & Magic franchise has managed to span just about every genre over the course of its history, from first person RPGs to turn based strategy and even third person action games. It was only a matter of time before Might & Magic finally collided with the collectible card game craze, and now you can take your Haven griffin knights into battle against Academy wizards or an undead Necropolis horde in the free-to-play Might Magic: Duels of Champions.


Might & Magic Duel of Champions Review (Strategy Informer)

From Strategyinformer.com: "Ubisoft's Free-to-play CCG Might and Magic: Duel of Champions has been out for around two years now, two years in which the CCG genre has broken out from a niche concern into something far more popular - mostly thanks to Blizzard's all-conquering Hearthstone. But with two years of updates, patches and balance changes, how does Duel of Champions stack up to other titles that covet the position of CCG of choice?"

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