
PS4 Units Weren't Intentionally Damaged, Claims Former Foxconn Intern

The international discussion of what's happening on the assembly lines that have led to PlayStation 4 units landing on the doorsteps of customers dead on arrival, has caused quite the stir. One student recently posted an apology to the public, letting it be known that the students didn't intend to damage the PS4 units on the assembly line, but the working conditions were hard enough on them to force a loss of quality on the product.

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Hellsvacancy3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Whip em harder next time Sony

-> Real bad joke I know

Derekvinyard133851d ago

Dude, this company installed NETS on the buildings because so many people were jumping off the roofs.

JoGam3851d ago

Its not like the intern will tell the truth.

abzdine3851d ago

0,4% lowest electronic failure every registered.
now stop complaining and go enjoy your next gen console.

MasterCornholio3851d ago

OMG i thought you were making a sick joke but your not.


Shadowstar3851d ago

@MasterCornholio : There are nets under many famous bridges as well. A medical study showed that they didn't really affect the suicide rate, though, as people just found different bridges to jump from.

ShinMaster3851d ago

Is this a different intern?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
seanpitt233851d ago

People don't realise that if they paid the workers what they should and give them breaks and a good working environment then the price of the ps4 would not be $399 more like $799.

cleft53851d ago

I like deals as much as the next guy, but respect for human life always comes before getting a deal. What Foxconn is doing is just inhumane.

RavageX3851d ago

The hell is wrong with you?


No device is worth the poor treatment of people.

seanpitt233851d ago

I don't support it I think its shocking but its the facts.

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cleft53851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

In all seriousness, major companies like Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc absolutely need to come up with a better way to manufacture their products. The reality is that Foxconn is doing things in China that they could never get away with in places like the US, England, or Japan. I understand the need for a company to make products at a low price, but at a certain point there are just things you shouldn't be allowed to do. Foxconn is clearly crossing the line and needs to be stopped.

I am having issues with my ps4 related to hdmi problems. It sucks, but that pales in comparison to the horrific treatment of these workers. Particularly students that have been forced into being factory workers. At a certain point enough is enough, and that point came years ago for Foxconn.

Ripsta7th3851d ago

They need to to stop being greedy! Well i wouldnt say is either one of the big 3s fault , more like foxxcons problem

bennissimo3851d ago

I would honestly prefer for consumer electronics to cost more because the companies involved are paying manufacturing workers a livable wage with livable conditions.

Mikelarry3851d ago

lol this next gen is more mysterious than big foot and the loch ness monster combined :). if this turns out to be true we can breath a little bit easy

ZBlacktt3851d ago

Damage control to save contracts. Was anyone really expecting them to say yeah, you busted us. We failed at Q&A. Yet, the consoles came from there and these 376 cases or so say broken when plugged in. Dunno....

GentlemenRUs3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Those Idiots!

Foxconn has a lot of crap coming its way!

dennett3163851d ago

There's no big conspiracy behind faulty consoles....they're just an inevitability when electronics are mass produced. Sucks to wait for so long and get a faulty unit, and I'm sure you get angry and want to blame somebody, but it's just that s**t happens.
No sabotage, no conspiracy, no pervasive threat to every console out there....it's just faulty units that will be replaced with as little fuss as possible. I would say let's not blow things out of proportion when the inevitable faulty Xbox One's are reported, but that won't stop it happening anyway, so I won't bother. Just enjoy whichever system you get (or both) and don't let the negative hype that will appear worry you too much.

Fairchild Channel F3851d ago

+1 Bubble for being a rational human being.

kingPoS3851d ago

You sir make sense.

Gateway MT6706 2008

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It’s Time for Sony to Bring Back Killzone and Resistance

Sony is in the middle of an FPS crisis, but bringing back two much-loved PlayStation shooters could easily be the solution.

shinoff21833h ago

I'd rather them focus on a rpg. Shooters can wait

just_looken1h ago

We have alot of rpg's but only cod for a AAA first person shooter unless you toss in xdefient but that is still fixing 2yr old beta issues.

We need more AAA fps games then rpg's

Inverno1h ago

I honestly don't think we'll be seeing these anytime soon, if ever. Insomniac is officially on Marvel duty since it seems that all they're working on based off the leaks, and Horizon is more of what the casuals want these days. And I now I'll get a bunch of disagrees, but keep in mind that Resistance last got a game on the PS3 (2011) and Killzone was a launch title for the PS4 (2013). 10 years is a long time to make a game, if had any interest they would've done it by now, add InFamous to that list.

just_looken40m ago(Edited 29m ago)

Your right except the dates killzone mercenary was on ps vita 2013 same with resistance burning skies back in 2012


Resistance 3 turned me off to the series but I’d love a reboot. KillZone I think can stay dead. Give me a new Resistance like 1or 2 and I’ll be happy.

JEECE4m ago

Except Resistance 1 and 3 were far more similar, 2 was the outlier. 3 was a great return to form after 2 changed so many things from the first game.

Huey_My_D_Long36m ago

I honestly never cared or liked killzone. Huge resistance fan though. I remember so many nights playing melee only on USS Lexington, and I like the alt history vibe.

P_Bomb33m ago

I’ve been barking up that tree for years. 😢

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Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Gets Its First Review, Main Story Length Revealed

The main story length in Sega and Atlus' upcoming role-playing game, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, has been revealed via its first review.

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repsahj2h ago

Great review coming from famitsu! 9/9/9/9 is hard to get from them.


Cartoon JRPG Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game coming this summer

Coming later this year to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC platforms is Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game from PM Studios and Studio Kumiho.

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