
Extreme Game Review: Wii Sports Club

Nintendo set the gaming world ablaze back in 2006 when they launched their new (at-the-time) home console - the Wii. While it was being slammed for its lack of HD-graphics and childish "waggle controls" - one game took the console above and beyond its stronger and "more hardcore" competitors. It's a game that millions of people, from little kids to old retired grandparents, can get up and say "I've played that".

Two words: Wii Sports.

The best-selling video game ever, clocking in at over 80+million units sold, has been taken back to the drawing board, and given a new breath of life. Possessing enhanced controls, a boost in graphical fidelity and a first for the series - online gameplay - Wii Sports Club looks keen to re-create the magic of its former self.

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Here's Why Wii Sports Needs To Come To the Nintendo Switch

Nintendo could be sitting on a gold mine with a past favorite.

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Relientk77870d ago

Because we all miss accidentally throwing our Wiimotes at the TV, so let's throw some Joy-Cons.

Neonridr870d ago

VR is the same way, wrist straps for a reason.

Neonridr870d ago

I loved the golf from Wii Sports Resort.

Cuzizkool869d ago

I was always confused by Nintendo’s decision to kill the franchise. “Super” stayed with Mario titles even after the Super Nintendo. They can still use the Wii name. Hell it’s been so long that releasing a new one, or even an HD remaster, will tap into that nostalgia market.

DazaMc869d ago

Super Mario launched on the NES not the Super NES.

septemberindecember869d ago

Super was never because of the Super Nintendo. Super Mario Bros launched on the NES. The Super is because it's an indirect sequel to Mario Bros.

They can just call it Nintendo Sports or something, but using the Wii name would be a bit confusing.

Bigman4k869d ago

Yeah i agree but i don't think Nintendo will be bringing wii sports to the Nintendo Switch samething goes for diddykong racing


Top 10 Wii U Games That Still Need To Be Ported To Nintendo Switch

Some of the best Wii U games have yet to be ported to Switch, so GCP have come up with their top 10 Wii U ports they want to see still come to Nintendo Switch.

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PhoenixUp2056d ago

It’d be awesome if HD remasters of GameCube & Wii titles also came to Switch

FalconSabre2056d ago

Agreed. There are so many good games I'd love to see, especially the Mario Galaxy games.

2056d ago Replies(5)
Geobros2056d ago

Super Mario Maker is must for Switch owners.

strayanalog2056d ago

Definitely. I'm still waiting on this one myself.

Sgt_Slaughter2056d ago

Xenoblade X, Star Fox Zero, and Super Mario 3D World/Maker are the best bets IMO.

Segata2056d ago

Tokyo Mirage Sessions,Xenoblade X and The Wonderful 101 are the only ones I want now.

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Multiplayer Madness 3: My Favorite Multiplayer Games Revisited

Phil writes, "Whether locally or online, multiplayer is a marvelous way to extend the life of a given video game. That said, not all games need multiplayer shoehorned in. The fact of the matter is that the games on this list, part three of my descent into Multiplayer Madness, has multiplayer that feels like a natural extension of the single player. From Grand Theft Auto V to Wii Sports Club, this list has a wide variety of titles in it that I can't help but enjoy and recommend to you, SuperPhillip Central's readers."

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PixelGateUk3017d ago

I never really got into GTA online, it always felt a little bit scattered

TeamLeaptrade3017d ago

Not a bad list. GTA is fine, but I feel like they missed adding something like Call of Duty 4 or something along those lines.

philm873017d ago

I could put off by GTA online's terrible matchmaking on the PS4, not sure if this has been improved or not yet.