
Day one patch makes Call of Duty: Ghosts single-player 1080p on PS4

Activision will issue a day one patch for the PlayStation 4 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts that improves the native resolution of the single-player campaign, Eurogamer can exclusively reveal.

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3823d ago Replies(5)
MorePowerOfGreen3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )


So some reports were right? People laughed at a resolution patch the other day related to XB1.

DoesUs3823d ago Show
OlgerO3823d ago ShowReplies(2)
bicfitness3823d ago

There's no patch to fix a crap GPU and complicated memory setup. But whatever you need to tell yourself, Green.

Don't ever change. You will be one of my main sources of amusement this coming gen.

Mike134nl3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

But it is possible for a day one patch to fix cod to 1080 p. Strange that people didn't notice it was running 720p.

mikeslemonade3823d ago

That means the patch could fix the frames too. Regardless, the reviews are too early when people are not reviewing multiplayer.

And PowerofGreen and his hoodlums are coming out of the woodwork. Where's that bloodmask though. He's the most intelligent one lol

4Sh0w3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

OK a patch to fix framerate, lol even those usually need more patches before the issues are resolved, OK but got it, but a patch to fix 1080p??? lolz, seriously IW???

Didnt IW and sony confirm it was 1080p? Wow truth is coming out after all the focus on X1, seems some behind the scenes BS. What a mess.

Ju3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

This is a "configuration bug", means someone messed up when doing the master built and nobody noticed. You can't fix resolution without changing code and you can't do that without digging deep into the engine - nothing what you can do in a couple of days. This was always meant to be 1080p. Guess someone threw a XO config in instead. LOL

NMEMEDIC3823d ago

Funny how Sony fanboys are in denial. Knack is proof that all this 1080P nonsense is worthless. If the game sucks who gives a ish about res.

mikeslemonade3823d ago

Bayonetta frame rate was fixed and that was a big fix. We're talking about fixing frames from 50 to 60. Not 12 to 30 like it was in Bayonetta.

Atleast Knack is trying to do something different.

pyramidshead3823d ago

SO apparently this game is clearly a development train wreck judging by this news, sheesh. Well at least it's actually getting the patch lol.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3823d ago
Drekken3823d ago

Resolution is just a setting. A patch can fix that. A bottlenecked system with an underpowered GPU cannot be patched. People laugh at you for most things you say.

Comnnsence3823d ago

@Drekken, good one. buuuuuuuuuuuuurn..

starchild3823d ago

Resolution is just a setting? lol
Tell that to my PC games.

Increasing resolution puts a much greater burden on the GPU.

So if a system doesn't have the graphical overhead available you can't just simply patch it and magically have a higher resolution.

DOMination-3823d ago

You can't just easily fix this with a patch. It will require a huge download as the difference in assets between 720p and 1080p is surprisingly large. You can't just flick a switch and magically the game is a higher resolution.

To me this sounds like it will just upscale to 1080p. But maybe I'm mistaken

Ju3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

You guys care to actually read Activision's statement? It was always 1080...someone messed up the settings on the disk (image). That's getting patched. Obviously the engine always ran 1080 - like the MP in that version already does. Without patch.

Blacksand13823d ago

The XB1 is 720p with a 1080p up-scaled because MS tried to make it a t.v hub first and a gaming console second. My Fios is 720p reg. channels and 1080p on HD channels. When you mix the two that's what you get 720p with a up-scaled of 1080p, because of t.v part of the console.

Drekken3822d ago

I am amazed at the lack of knowledge in some of these responses.

You guys have never played on PC. That is all I can think. OPTIONS>GAME SETTINGS>Choose from 20 different resolutions. It is a setting. If IW said it runs at 1080p then there is no performance issues.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3822d ago
Sarcasm3823d ago

The difference is that the PS4 version was designed and meant to run at 1080p. There's no patch that will ever make the XB1 version run that.

Golden_Mud3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

Patch available after while ........ "it's ok , the PS4 version is still better" , please stop saying it's impossible cause we all know it's not , NBA 2K14 is running 60 fps and 1080p with more powerful graphics than CoD G (CoD as a whole after MW1 is already destroyed)

Sarcasm3823d ago

^Seriously you think NBA 2K14 is more powerful than COD? lol A game that is limited to a basketball arena vs an entire shooter.


GTgamer3823d ago

Ooh just stop it

mistertwoturbo3823d ago

I don't see why Xbone owners are doing a happy dance. Their version will forever remain 720p, while the PS4 version will run at what they stated it to run at.

Boody-Bandit3823d ago


I don't know what's worse. Your lack of knowledge or the fact that 3 people agreed with you. Sports, along with racing games, are some of the least taxing games to be made. FPS an open world games are the most intensive / taxing.

Blacksand13823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

15 = PS4

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3823d ago
GTgamer3823d ago

I think its time we Tell InfinityWard to take a break from creating games for awhile :/

SpecialK3823d ago

You mean the developers that just released a game grossing more than GTA5??? The guys who make the highest selling, most popular FPS series in gaming?

Honestly its getting irritating people hating on cod because its 'cool' it may not be imaginative but the fact is they're one of the only developers with the sense to realize that people still like to have friends round to play games and accommodate for that.

if I ever have people round, COD is easy to pick up an play, supports split screen online, multiple game modes everyone can join in on. Who else makes a game like that??? Theres halo for the xbox and that's it.

So although its not imaginative, Infinity should never stop until other developers get it out of their heads that we all want to be PC gamers and sit in a dark corner alone playing online instead of on a couch with friends.


Ju3823d ago

^^^ Yeah, the more embarrassing this is, tbh. Making billions (with a B) and messing up trivial things like a simple config. No money can buy sleep, I guess.

USMC_POLICE3823d ago

Notice how it was single player only that had the 720 mistake not the whole game like xbone :)

3823d ago
FamilyGuy3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

They laughed because the X1 won't be receiving any resolution related patch. Not until devs start using titled rendering or MS optimizes their drivers to a level that fixes the space issue if that's even possible.

Personally I was surprised by how close they looked in the comparisons so this makes sense to me. I had read some CoD guy state that people "might think the X1 version looks better" so I just assumed that the X1 upscaler was doing a really good job.

I wonder if we'll see any reviews get retracted/changed because of this.

Blacksand13823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

One more day

HammerKong3823d ago

its cod and its better to play on pc ,pc dvds are cheap and i will not spoil my both new consoles playing this game wether its ps4 or xb1 . and i used to play fps most on pc and will buy only excluive shootrs for my both consoles,like halo and kzsf.i'am having kzsf right now and i wont to get rid of it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3822d ago
Convas3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

Well would you look at that. Dirty Pimp? Abriel? Lukas? You all doubted Qualz from NeoGAF who has a pixel counting reputation on level with the all-glorious CBOAT.

ResolutionGate 2.0

So I guess the folk that claimed that the difference was noticeable ... all credibility is lost?

And will we learn anything from this? Nope. Not a damn thing.

Edit: No one is claiming that the PS4 can't run COD @ 1080p. This is about facts and the way the game was reported by certain members of gaming media IN LIGHT of the ResolutionGate with the Xbox One version of the game.

GarrusVakarian3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

I seriously have no idea who Qualz is and never have known who he is (i never visit Neogaf), so don't call me out on that please.......I doubted that the PS4 COULDN'T run this game at 1080p.....and i was right. I also said that IW already stated that the PS4 version is 1080p....again, i was right. So....uhm maybe you should take my name out of your comment, but you probably won't.

Any word on if the X1 version is getting a patch? Genuine question btw.

"Edit: No one is claiming that the PS4 can't run COD @ 1080p. This is about facts and the way the game was reported by certain members of gaming media IN LIGHT of the ResolutionGate with the Xbox One version of the game.

I have no idea what is going on lmao, i saw an article saying it was 720p...so i commented saying IW already stated it was 1080p....who the f is qualz and wtf does the X1 have to do with this? Confused is me.

Neonridr3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

Weird why IW would say on twitter that it was native 1080p. You would think they would say with a patch it's 1080p just to avoid any confusion.

If people would just word things correctly all this damn shite could be avoided.

kiz26943823d ago

I don't think his credibility is lost, he may have seen a difference in visuals between the xbone/ps4 regardless of resolution which seemed to be infavour to PS4, and without the 1080p, with it it should look better.

kneon3823d ago

It's quite possible that the PS4 version used higher resolution textures even at 720p, which would account for the difference people have reported. That's assuming there really was a difference in the preview releases.

CrossingEden3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

People who talk about resolutions and stuff usually have this to say "if you look closely," Um, looking closely is literally the last thing I or ANYONE else is going to be doing when they actually play the game. Especially on the first run through. That's why I never take comparisons seriously if they look identical unless you "hurr durr look closely guys, that leaf on the ground has a slightly different shade of green" -_-
EDIT:Seriously I feel like there's a guy following all of my posts and instantly giving them a disagree.

Neonridr3823d ago

@kneon - if you use a higher resolution texture (say a texture that is 1080p) but you only render it at 720p, how can you see the difference if natively they are rendered at the same resolution?

kiz26943823d ago

Neonridr@ Take it this way, if I have a 720p camera, and record a game off-screen which is displaying 1080p and also do the same game but its running at 480/546p and compare the footage you would see a difference, subtle but its not impossible, this is the same concept of texture resolution and native in-game resolution.

nukeitall3823d ago


Infinity has stated identical on Xbox One and PS4, except for the resolution.

That means, the asset must be identical too.

Ju3823d ago

I'm loosing hope in humanity. Do we really have to have a degree to comprehend what the cause for the issue is? Really? The game was always 1080 (repeating myself here), but settings where hard-coded to 720 on the disk. Oh man...

There is no difference in texture resolution (not even on the XO).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3823d ago
Stsonic3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

Meow!! Do I scence a cat fight? Somebody put some milk in my bowl and fill up my litter tray because this is going to get promiscuous.

DarkLordMalik3823d ago

I guess i will just leave it here


How does Digital Foundry determine the resolution? They also count pixels so it was strange to see people bashing pixel counting as a method. Of course, to accurately count pixels, we need direct screen grabs and we had that as well, not only the YouTube video.

GrimWykydtron3823d ago

@Neonridr- its completely different thing, resolution of textures on most basic level is just how much detail that texture have just becouse u run game in 1080p doesnt mean textures will have a lot of detail etc like in lets say vanilla Skyrim on PC.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3823d ago

All that means is the ps4 looks better then the x1 even @ the same resolution.

And somebody had to notice it or their wouldn't be a patch for it.

NeloAnjelo3822d ago

The fact remains... Even at 720p the game still looked better on the PS4. No? It certainly did to me.

At 1080p this may me even greater.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3822d ago
jackanderson19853823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

i'm no expert in this field but if they're patching the PS4 is it possible the could patch the X1? please no smart a** xbox comments serious question

EDIT: @below fair enough i suppose but hey maybe you never know

kiz26943823d ago

its possible but it still comes to the question if it can handle it tho, and with the MP on X1 still being only at 720p it wouldn't seem to likely it would be patched.

Elit3Nick3823d ago

Ghosts isn't running anything demanding, a computer that's weaker than both would be able to play it maxed out if IW actually tries to optimise it.

Salooh3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

X1 obviously can handle ghost on 1080p and 60fps , this game doesn't need a lot of power. It's just that MS made the standard resolutions are 720p and upscaled 1080 . That's my theory . They are using the power on something else like multitasking or kinect or something like that. That's why people/developers saying ps4 focus on gaming.

LordMaim3823d ago

I wouldn't count on that happening. This was an isolated case of an issue affecting the game, rather than the multiple instances of Xbox One games failing to make 1080p.

Deividas3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

Yes they would be able to, but they would only do it to games that would still maintain a high enough fps for it to be worth it and the hardware can handle it.

For example Dead Rising 3 is 720p @30fps...But with the framerate videos out there, it dips to 20fps a lot, therfore dont expect that game to go 1080p because it would just be unplayable. So all in all depends on the game for the most part.

Idba3823d ago

Maybe, but i dont think is likely or possible, bc if it was ms would have probably already have said that imo

sAVAge_bEaST3823d ago

It seems they Patched the Single Player game, because they shipped it 720p,.

Maybe, .but will the esram allow it???? -Mark Rueben said he doesn't know if it's possible, which means probably not.

jackanderson19853823d ago

it's allowing it for 4 EA games, an MS Studio game and it'll probably allow it for many more down the line so why would COD be the special case?

sAVAge_bEaST3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

I don't know, you'll have to ask Activision yourself.

I would guess -(hard ware limitations)

u got owned3823d ago

It is possible, but question should be, Does Activision will spend the time and resources to do it?

M-M3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

No. If you read the article you'll see that the game was running natively at 1080p on multiplayer(PS4). The game being 720p on single player was a mistake made by Infinity Ward, the single player campaign was supposed to be 1080p from the start. On the other hand, the Xbox One is running at 720p across the board.

torchic3823d ago Show
LeCreuset3823d ago

"'Call of Duty: Ghosts runs natively at 1080p on the PlayStation 4,' an Activision spokesperson told Eurogamer this evening.

"'There was a configuration issue in the retail version on single-player mode only. This has been addressed with a day one software update. People will be able to download the day one update when PlayStation 4 launches in their territory and play at native 1080p.'"

From these quotes, I take it that it is unlikely the same could be done for Xbox. This seems more like an issue where IW screwed up something in the retail version of the game that caused it not to run at 1080p, as opposed to being unable to get it to 1080p. I also wonder if reviewers got the retail version of the game, or some other version.

MRMagoo1233823d ago

No its not possible at all , the thing is the ps4 version is already 1080p the game was just set to 720p and they forgot to change that before it was put on disc, all the patch will do is tell the game it can now run in 1080p and thats that, with the xbone version nothing is meant to be 1080p and it wasnt made for 1080p so just changing it to 1080p would be the same as it being upscaled, which is useless because it will already be upscaled via the console.

The game looked better on the ps4 before the patch i can imagine the gap will be even more apparent after it.

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ThatEnglishDude3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

Strap in guys (and girls, for the politically correct of you out there) another generation of endless downloading, patches, DLC, and day one updates are upon us!

Christopher3823d ago

That's the future of everything.

PCs get patches all the time.
Consoles get patches all the time.
Phone apps get patches all the time.


It will only continue considering everything must update with changes in architecture, features, bugs, and so on. Software is extremely complex and it's only going to get more complex as we go on.

starchild3823d ago

Yeah, but PCs have a lot of advantages that go along with that small inconvenience.

Consoles were always supposed to be something straight forward and convenient. Now they are just like PCs, only with fixed hardware and locked ecosystems.

Revolver_X_3823d ago

Lets go back to the N64 days, when games with glitches and bugs had them there forever. /S

MidnytRain3823d ago

Let's ship games that aren't broken from the get-go.

LeCreuset3823d ago

You just made me recall playing Prince of Persia: Warrior Within on the PS2. Yeah. I remember running around that room for hours near the end of the game, looking for a way out; wondering why the sand portal wasn't working like it did every other time. I'll take the patches. At least they have a chance of fixing glitches and what not.

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All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

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UnSelf806d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth806d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo806d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy806d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad805d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX806d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam806d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje806d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad805d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude806d ago (Edited 806d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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Call of Duty Multiplayer This Decade Ranked (2010-2019)

Call of Duty multiplayer ranked from worst to best! 2019 is coming to a close and MP1st ranks the best COD multiplayer games this decade.


Ray Tracing in Monster Hunter World, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Watch_Dogs 2, COD: Ghosts & more

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s members Benchmark PC Tech, Jose cangrejo, WillTalksTech, Zetman and MissinInAction have published some videos, showing Monster Hunter World, Black Mesa Xen, Watch_Dogs 2, Call of Duty Ghosts, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, The Sinking City, Remember Me, Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 with the ray tracing/path tracing effects that Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod introduces."

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Pyroxfaglover1767d ago

Wore implementation I've ever seen,.. guess it just does not work all that great on every engine

MarkyMark891767d ago (Edited 1767d ago )

Agree, but this gives me hope that one day Ray Tracing can be a software based feature and not require some type of proprietary hardware to achieve. Software will always outpace Hardware so it could happen, but I feel like its going to take a lot more time to achieve the same level that RTX has already shown glimpses of so far. Really just waiting for Cyberpunk to see if RTX is actually something viable. I think if anybody can truly showcase RTX Features it would be Projekt Red.

zeal0us1767d ago

Too bad it doesn't make Mankind Divided a better game.

starchild1767d ago

It doesn't need to, the game was already fantastic, imo.

zeal0us1766d ago

Human Revolution was a better game and not to mention longer.

isarai1767d ago

Reshade is not raytracing, its a screen space post processing effect. Thats like calling SSAO "global illumination"