
Annoyed Gamer - Getting Ready for Xbox One

*Warning: Contains Bad Language*

"Marcus Beer gives some tips leading into Microsoft's big launch."

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Kingthrash3603863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

he's still angry w sony clearly...smh lol naw he made good points in vid.

mushroomwig3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Angry over what exactly? His rant was based on absolutely nothing except rumors and hearsay. If he's still angry it's because he wasn't given a free PS4, that's basically it.

Gothdom3863d ago

people still listen that moron?

sexbobomb913863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Yeah, pretty much. People were mad at him for spreading a damaging rumor which did not have a credible source and which is pretty much confirmed to be fake.

Now he tries to make it seem that people hate him for a different reason...

Abash3863d ago

This video's timing and everything about it screams "IM A STAUNCH XBOX FANBOY AND IM SO ****ING NERVOUS THE PS4 IS LAUNCHING IN LESS THAN A WEEK :("

I mean no offense, but it's a little pathetic


He doesn't want a "free" ps4. He wanted a retail version, so he can review it, for the average user.

He said that he has on already pre ordered. He was going to send it back after his review.

Godmars2903863d ago

Supposedly he's pissed that Sony put conditions over how/where he reviewed the PS4 and that he had to go to a special event to pick up his review console rather than it simply being shipped to him. Given that I can understand why he and Sessler might feel put out, but they went too far mentioning a "rumor" which neight really mentioned.

I mean in all that wasted 15 minutes about bad internet etiquette he never touched upon the point which Jim Sterling brought up. Didn't even bother to address it. Really only said that he has a right to mention rumors.

Game-ur3863d ago

People like him and Adam Sassler are obsolete now, the most influential gaming site today is NeoGaf

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GribbleGrunger3863d ago

I don't believe it! I actually agreed with everything he said.

isa_scout3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

I did to until the end of the video. To say he and Adam Sessler contribute and work within the industry is false. It's a flat out ignorant comment. Adam Sessler and Marcus Beer contribute no more to the industry than you or I when we stand outside for 6 hours to pick up the latest game. My point is, most of these journalists have a god complex. They don't work in the industry, what the hell are they thinking?They report ON the industry they don't make games or run corporations. If anything they are partially to blame for damaging the industry as a whole.

Edit: Just want to add that I would NEVER curse anyone or threaten them, and it seemed like Marcus was daring people to come at him. There's some crazy people on the internet Marcus I'm not sure I'd screw with someone that may potentially freakin stock me down and murder my ass.
If we can talk to eachother in degrading ways(we shouldn't but we do) as gamers then we can talk to them however we feel too right? What makes Adam Sessler and Marcus Beer so damn special?

jgrigs093862d ago

Well in defense of Adam. That was his job on G4. Until that show was canceled. He isn't special, but that is his job. People saying shit is a tad bit immature. I can't stand people who hide behind a computer and trash talk. Like what he said you're a coward, if talk but hide. Plain and simple trash talkers are cowards.

come_bom3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Fanboys really are morons. I agree with Marcus Beer.
Sites like n4g, gameplailers, neogaf, eurogamer, etc, should ban these kind on "people" from their sites, and real gamers should not encourage them... simply ignore them.

Play games, not consoles.

Biggest3863d ago

So. . . Let's go outside and play tag, or let's sit down and play the games. . . On our consoles?

Your comment is very strange, come_bom.

Mike134nl3863d ago

He seems kinda mad at the amount of abuse 1% of focal gamers are giving him instead of trying to open a dialogue and also at Microsoft for how they handled rare.
We all know those annoying kids who will send annoying messages about your mother etc., can't even imagine the amount of people sending him messages in caps-lock about him being a moron or far worse.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3862d ago
DeadRabbits3863d ago ShowReplies(2)
coolbeans3863d ago

@9:30 to end

I wonder what percentage of n4g users would get folded into this part of his rant.

IamTheStorm813863d ago

An embarrassingly huge percentage, sadly.

majiebeast3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

He calls out gamers for not do anything for the industry.

Meanwhile the only thing he has ever done is make sure Phil Fish left the industry and canceled Fez 2. Attacking a person with borderline is quality stuff Beer.

People tried to have a conversation with him on twitter last week and he just said f*ck off and that the overheating rumour isnt his fault, but Sony's for not debunking it.

SonyNGP3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Phil left on his own accord. Mainly because he was a whiny butthurt little turd. He kept throwing his dumb twitter temper tantrums after that IW episode and basically told Beer to go kill himself and demanded an apology. I'd say he's done more attacking than Beer did.

BG115793863d ago

Marcus' way for Sony to debunking the overheating rumor implied Sony giving him a PS4? Maybe?

coolbeans3863d ago

-That's kind of taking it out of context. He reneged on that to state gamers buy games (of course), that's well and good, and they're entitled to be demanding of great experiences; not use vulgar language against gaming personalities.

-First, he's PR'd for several gaming companies over the years. Second, Phil Fish specifically stated Beer (or "some **** **** **** etc. that he called him) wasn't to blame for him leaving.

-Knowing the internet, I'm going to have to question just how many on twitter actually attempted to have a "conversation" with him and how much vile he had to wade through to get to those legitimate replies. And since he mentioned the false rumor bit in this video, he's already acknowledged being wrong about that.

In the end, my comment wasn't meant to say Beer isn't culpable of any blame but more aimed towards the disgusting vitriol he's talking about against Sessler and the sad state of internet anonymity making grown men act like children. Even the innocuous stuff like the 'Madam Sessler' gag in discussions or blogs (I do understand why it sprouted up) makes me feel like I'm in a playground full of children that are still giggling at funny-sounding names.

bleedsoe9mm3863d ago

good job marcus call them on their bs

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Marcus Beer Interview, Spider-Man PS4 Release Date & Playstation 5 Rumors (Gamertag Radio)

Special guest interview: Marcus "Annoyed Gamer" Beer. Roundtable discussion about E3 2018, Spider-Man PS4 release date & Playstation 5 rumors.

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AAWELLS092254d ago

Whats your problem? Why act like this? Is no one supposed to like him after a certain time period has passed?

MWH2254d ago

I liked his episodes back in the GT days, he then went and started a youtube channel but unfortunately it didn't last.

Good to see he's still around.


Representation of Wales and the Welsh in gaming

The purpose of this post is to put a bit of inform readers about the representation of Wales and the Welsh in gaming. (Wales is the country UK country that nobody's heard off.) However, hings are looking up for the representation of Wales in the video game industry. All things Welsh are slowly but surely becoming more and more integrated into the industry, and in novel and diverse ways to boot. It’s looking like this trend won’t buck anytime soon, with gamers of all nations highly resonating with these Welsh and Wales-inspired characters.…

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2682d ago
Angerfist2682d ago

There were the Rally Tracks that have always been set in Wales


I am Embarrassed To Be a Game Journalist

CCC Says: "Mozart liked poop. Mozart liked poop, a lot.

It's a little known fact, but it’s absolutely true. The famous composer, and a staple in today's high society, composed letters and songs alluding to his fecal fandom. In one example, in a letter to his mother, he can be found saying, "I now wish you a good night, s*** in your bed with all your might." Sure, he wrote over 600 pieces, many of which were acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, chamber, operatic, and choral music. Sure, his work has inspired countless others and endured the centuries, but had he existed in an age more geared towards tabloid journalism and viral tweeting, would he have been so well received? Or would Mozart have been written off as some crazy poop guy?"

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Dno3957d ago

you should be. Your kind is one of the many reasons gaming is not taking seriously by the rest of the world.

Gamers are the second reason but ill need a blog to get into that.

3957d ago
EXVirtual3957d ago

True. The fanboy battles might as well be fought on Cybertron. The writer seems to have sense. To me, there are 2 types of gaming journals. The hit whores who work on big websites which always hires an appealing girl as they're main reporter and give great reviews to terrible games (COD) and half of the people there aren't even gamers. Then you have the respectable ones who write good articles and know what they're talking about and report the facts. Places like IGN sugercoat everything that MS did with the DRM.

cyguration3957d ago

Man, I can't agree enough with your article.

You're also spot on about the attractive reporter to pull in the hits. They're also all over YouTube, giggling and half-talking about the games but mostly playing up to the camera with the hairdo, makeup and the tight t-shirt.

Worse yet is that sites that try to get it right (i.e., BeefJack) don't receive half the amount of props they deserve because 1.) They don't have a tight t-shirt girl doing video news for them and 2.) they aren't sensationalizing enough of their headlines to control page view filtration through aggregators like Digg, N4G or Reddit.

The system is inherently broken and rewards the crooks.

Also...I would love to see how that fanboy war on Cybertron would play out. PS fanboy is losing against an Xbox fanboy, so he transforms from the Cell into an x86 architecture to blow him up...lol

3-4-53957d ago

uhh did this article just compare Mozart to Phil Fish ?

Reaching much ?

guy made ONE game, that is DECENT.

ala_7673957d ago

I am embarrassed to to read this article as a gamer :'(

slampunk3957d ago (Edited 3957d ago )

Not a bad read....

“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.”

3957d ago
deathstriker3957d ago

This is just my opinion but...

1. "Game Journalist" sounds pretentious, critic sounds better. No one really says "Film Journalist", do they?

2. Comparing a guy who made one fairly good game to Mozart is so overly hyperbolic it's hard to take the writer serious.

3. Both guys were wrong and childish. Beer more so for starting it, but you can't tell someone to kill themselves and that your life is way better and still be the good guy.

cyguration3957d ago

...or to "choke on my ****" and not be considered gay or a troll.

Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with either of those.

3957d ago