
PS Vita and God Eater 2 Get Two Wacky TV Commercials

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan and Asia released two new TV commercials for the PS Vita and the upcoming action JRPG by Namco Bandai God Eater 2, that will also be released in Japan for PSP.

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Blastoise3865d ago

I predict good times for Vita and this game over the coming weeks.

Sanquine903865d ago

Agree, vita is doing steady in Japan and some awesome games are going to be localised. YS, Borderlands 2 , This, Soul sacrifice delta and with PS vita tv the sales are going to boom:D

paul-p19883865d ago

Cannot wait!! I want them to announce a localised release date soon, or to know if they are even going to localise it, as if they don't i'll just import it lol

Blastoise3865d ago

I'm 80% sure it will be localised. God Eater Burst was a US PS+ game, which I like to think was them giving westerners a taste of the franchise for future references :)

Plus, Namco Bandai are okay for localisations.

Fingers crossed!


Charming Ciel Figure from God Eater 2 Is Nostalgia in White

God Eater 2 and its expanded release Rage Burst still have many fans due to their availability on portable consoles, so they're still getting figures.

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PlayStation Awards 2014 winners announced

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia has announced the winners of this year’s PlayStation Awards.

The awards cover games released between November 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014. The “Platinum Prize” is awarded to games that shipped over one million units, while the “Gold Prize” is awarded to games that shipped over 500,000 units. There’s also a “User Choice” category voted by fans, as well as a “20th Anniversary User’s Choice Award.”

XboxOneX3473d ago

I think The Last of Us should be at the top of the list. Its such an amazing game.

WeirdShroom3473d ago

I just wonder how bad Xbox would get trashed if they had their own personal awards for their current console. Cries of pretentious hauty BS would surely fly. And as usual the tears would be delicious. Pass the salt?

Immorals3473d ago

Can you explain? From my personal experience, my friends that have xboxes enjoy the games they buy more than playstation owners.

WeirdShroom3473d ago

Because the trendy thing these days is for people to trash on MS for things, then praise Sony for essentially the exact same things. IE: Calling MS "desperate" for a "$100 price cut", when all they did was un-bundle Kinect....exactly like Sony did to drop their price by $100 by un-bundling the camera(only this was BEFORE launch). The salt is provided by fanboys on both sides crying like little bitches, pretending their views are world views and generally being hypocrites. That clear it up for ya, bub? :)

MasterCornholio3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

"enjoy the games they buy more than playstation owners"

Well thats a stupid thing to say. GTAV is equally as enjoyable on both i dont see how Xbox consumers are going to enjoy it more than PlayStation owners.

Im currently enjoying the heck out of the game and its my first time playing it so im pretty sure im enjoying it a lot more than many XB1 and PS4 owners.

Why is it that in order for a game to be more enjoyable than a game on the PS4 it has to be the Xbox version?

Immorals3473d ago

@MasterCornholio I was speaking about exclusives, rather than multiplats.


Killzone: Shadow Fall and Others Joining JPN PS+ Lineup

PS+ will be getting digital editions of Killzone: Shadow Fall and more major titles next month in Japan.

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eezo3488d ago

any link for official announcement?

DoctorRedBeard3487d ago

were getting Infamous First Light and Injustice Gods Among Us for then next 2 months. :D

MajorGecko3487d ago

id rather have killzone then DLC and a side scrolling fighting game.

Mr_Luke3488d ago

I want it here in EU too!! :O

Pillsbury13488d ago (Edited 3488d ago )

It was bound to happen sooner or later. I would also expect other Sony 1st party launch titles to join ps plus in the future such as knack and lbp3.

Torque_CS_Lewith3488d ago

LBP3 is not a launch game though.

Pillsbury13487d ago

Lbp 2 eventually came to ps plus, is this not true?

Edi0073488d ago

I m happy with injustice for eu and first light i hope killzone or knack for February

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