
Final Horizon Interview: Insectors, Tower Defense, PS4-PS Vita Features and More

"Tower defense may be one of the more over-saturated genres out there right now, but they're still immensely popular. What does it take to "evolve" the genre though? Eiconic Games is aiming to do just with Final Horizon, a tower defense title that sees the player fighting against waves of nigh-unstoppable alien bugs with advanced weaponry. And no, they don't come in peace."

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scott1823871d ago

This game sounds so good! I love that you will be able to see progressive damage to the enemy as they get hit by your towers.


10 PlayStation Vita Gems That Flew Under the Radar

VGCartz's Adam Cartwright: "Throughout the life of any console, certain games come to prominence and are recommended to new owners without reservation. For Vita, these are things like DanganRonpa, Digimon, Killzone, Persona and Tearaway – titles that are recognised for their outstanding quality and universal appeal that I’d say the majority of dedicated Vita gamers will have tried at one time or another.

For every console, there are also a tonne of games that fly under the radar and are only noticed by a tiny subset of fans. Everyone with a Wii knew about Mario Kart and Super Mario Galaxy, for example, but few knew of Battalion Wars 2 or Fragile Dreams. These ‘hidden gems’ can often provide some of the most diverse and exciting experiences in a console’s library, it just might take a little digging to find out about them.

Vita is no exception and this article will be a selection of 10 hidden gems that I’ve come across on Sony’s handheld."

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After10Ben1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

I read through the entire list and the game that I think I would like the most is Wanted Corp. Twin stick shooters are always fun on the go. I have to admit, that this game never hit my radar, so this article is great to bring games like this to our attention. I still play my Vita. Playing Final Fantasy X remaster and using the cross save feature with the ps4. Great system even to this day.

isarai1476d ago

Had to import it but UPPERS is a great game, it's so fun and corny, i love it


Final Horizon PlayStation 4 Review | RealGamerNewz

Josh from RealGamerNewz reviews Final Horizon on PS4:

"Final Horizon comes from Eiconic Games who were founded in 2006 in Oxford, England they primarily develop using their own proprietary software called Moai. Eiconic Games has also developed games for iOS, Android, PS Vita, PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbox Live Arcade. Some of these titles include: Arctic Adventures, Polar Panic, Squeeballs party, mercury, pulsAR, Brain Freeze, Total Recoil, and of course Final Horizon."

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Hitman07693438d ago

I'll probably try this now that I heard about it being good.

TheSuperior 3438d ago

Yeah I'm thinking about it too. I have been hoping for a good strategy game and it sounds like even if the enemies are a little easy to take out that the rest of the game is pretty decent. Might join you on that mate! :)

TheJacksonRGN3438d ago

I might join in as well. Still thinking about it.


Several Upcoming PS Vita Titles Revealed and Rated by PEGI

PEGI rated 5 brand new PS Vita games for release within a few weeks.

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AutoCad3480d ago

All those games sound like i could get them for free..

Just kill the platform already SONY.

Inception3480d ago

"Just kill the platform already SONY"

NO. Right now i'm having a blast with Freedom Wars and Tales of Hearts R. And for next year i'm waiting for Gravity Rush 2, Soul Sacrifice 2, Toukiden Kiwami, Ys 8, Tales of Innocence R, Oreshika, Danganronpa: Another Episode, Hotaru no Nikki, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 2nd chapter, and Hotline Miami 2.

Haters gonna hate.

URNightmare3480d ago

I just bought Borderlands 2. Never got to play it on PS3.

AutoCad3480d ago

why? i own a freaking ps vita,tired of seeing sh**y support for the handheld.Turning into a wiiu with no 3rd party support.

killacal133480d ago

@ AutoCad

I think that developers should really pay attention to the vita, smaller, still evolving studios, could get some guidance and start producing triple A titles on the handheld to get some practice on bigger titles, all the while creating new Ip content, or experimenting on proven formulas. I really wish there was a port of Demon souls on the vita, I think it would be great if ported correctly.

HentaiMasterRace3480d ago

I agree that these type of games are annoying after awhile, but I don't think they should kill it. I feel that they should put some GoW on Vita, that will sell.

GokuSolosAll3480d ago

Medieval Defenders and Doodle Kingdom. sound like half decent Android ports or something, and so does Panda Run (I love pandas so I'll get at least this one).

Mulletino3480d ago

Playing my ps4 on my handheld while the wife watches whatever it is she watches is the bees knees

eZJrg6ur3479d ago

Yeah I do that a lot too! I beat Diablo III, Black Flag, Infamous: SS, and I'm working my way through Dragon Age on the Vita right now.

I don't mind her marathoning Gilmour Girls when I can do that. :D

Killzoner993480d ago

Oh but I thought the Vita has no games *sigh* . It's funny , the buzz around the 3DS has been dead for some time now yet the Vita has all these games being announced and the media still hates on the Vita.

Xof3479d ago

You're kidding, right? 3DS "buzz" has been really strong lately, what with the new models, and all the big games lately--Pokemon, Smash, Fantasy Life, Persona, etc.

And the "no games" criticism of the Vita has never been "there are literally no games." It has always been "there are too few exclusive games to justify a purchase."

Which is perfectly valid. All the big Vita exclusives are pretty niche--the platform completely lacks the casual appeal its predecessor and competitors have.

And I seldom see anyone hating on the Vita... But I do see a lot of people with lots of valid complaints on how mindbogglingly poorly Sony has been handling the platform.

ninjahunter3480d ago

As much as i love my vita, this list is nothing to be using in defense of the vitas livelihood.

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