
New ‘NBA LIVE 14′ Screenshots To Behold

EA Sports has released some new screenshots from NBA LIVE 14.

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Bigpappy3864d ago

Not ugly. But show some gameplay.

Justino3653864d ago

I hope it get's ported to the vita! I'll definitely buy it!

chanto233864d ago

just buy it for the ps4 and remote play it on the vita

toddybad3864d ago

is it just me who doesn't see the point of remote play if you have to be sat in the same building as the ps4?
Would be great if you could take a vita on holiday and play your ps4 games but instead we have a bizarre situation where you can play remotely only nearby.

OrangePowerz3864d ago


It doesn`t say only playable at home, but obviously you will need a very good connection to have it running in a way that is useful away from home. It`s streaming over the internet I don`t know what people expect. There won`t be a magical connection between the devices that removes latency and the requirement for a fast internet connection.

Godz Kastro3864d ago

@toddy... I don't get it either.

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Top 10 Worst Xbox One Games

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "The Xbox One is home to dozens of great video games… but also some garbage. So like we did for the PlayStation 4, let’s take a look at the top 10 worst Xbox One games in today’s countdown!"

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Why so many updates with NBA Live 14?

When NBA Live 14 was released last November, the reviews, as stated before, weren’t flattering. Many fours and fives were given out to the franchise’s first title in four years, which didn’t sit well with the development team at EA Sports.

These low scores lead the team to realize that they couldn’t just wait until NBA Live 15 was released to address a lot of the issues. Instead, they worked countless hours to prepare gameplay and visual updates to NBA Live 14 to prove to their audience that they weren’t just in it for the money.

“We got hammered, and we didn’t like seeing the scores that were coming in,” executive producer Sean O’Brien said.

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Applejack3675d ago

Some pretty good deals here but this is for Europe only.

djplonker3675d ago

Yeah they need to put "eu" or "na" in the title... eu didn't get those 0.99 flash sales awhile back :(

user14394143675d ago

PS Nation are here again giving the FANS what they want. XoXoXo

3675d ago
UltimateMaster3675d ago

Pretty nice, but I got what I needed.

jacksons983674d ago

They had some nice deals two weeks ago for Vita during their Golden Week sale. I picked up several games Y's, Persona, Muramasa and Chrono cross.

cellur1113674d ago

They weren't that exciting.

Yi-Long3674d ago

Was thinking about picking up SoulCalibur 5, but it's not the complete version (including DLC), so I won't bother.

Other than that, I seem to have most of the stuff I would want.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3674d ago
nowitzki20043675d ago

Soon MS will copy the discounts too.... or do they do that already.

AceBlazer133675d ago

Think they announced it yesterday. Xblg members will now have discounts like PS+ along with the subscription model. So they don't keep their games when their gold runs out.

InMyOpinion3675d ago

I'm a happy PS4 owner now but one thing I experienced MS did better when I gamed on the 360 was their deals.

The deals for the PS4 have been meager so far, to put it nicely.

Blink_443675d ago

Why would you care if they copied Sonys strategy? It's good for consumers.

jacksons983674d ago

I've gotten Resogun, Contrast, Don't Starve, Stick it to the Man, some other crappy game, and Outlast all free on PS4.. Don't think Xbox One owners have anything like that.

nowitzki20043674d ago


Yeah resogun was surprisingly great and addictive. What was free on xone?

InMyOpinion3674d ago

I meant discounts, as in lowered prices for selected games.

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Kurt Russell3674d ago (Edited 3674d ago )

Two sports titles with a minimal following outside of the US dropped to a still unreasonable 45 quid... At 20 I may have been tempted just to play a bit of 2 player here and there... no chance at that cost.

Baka-akaB3675d ago

Wow the list of deals blows compared to what we've seen with us flash and spring sales lately .
Especially when i remember the Atlus sales in US .

And on PS4 really ? you can't afford even a meager 10 off on decent retail games ? Nba live wich no one wants and Madden with the new one looming over ?

TRS_Gear3675d ago

Why is Europe always getting these sick deals? What about the folks in the States?

djplonker3675d ago (Edited 3675d ago )


killzone:sf is also $84 on the psn store in europe... na always has better sales and cheaper prices overall


speedforce1313675d ago

We have our share of bad sales too and no we don't have cheaper prices overall. Not for people living here.

To you, it seems like that, because your money is worth more than ours. Everything is cheaper in your eyes.

Baka-akaB3675d ago (Edited 3675d ago )

Still it's not about just "importing" digital cheaper thanks to rate exchange .

There are deal more often , especially from publishers that dont even have an european office .

Today's list is still quite a few stuff that was already free in the instant collection , very old , or not really that cheaper with sequels incoming . BAre a few exceptions of course .

Instant collection stuff is usually better in EU , but the sales ? Nah

Ghost_Nappa3674d ago

$84 What the actual fuck????

Eonjay3675d ago

There are literally hundreds of deals.

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