
Call Of Duty Ghosts Next Gen Campaign Interview - Part 2

Infinity Ward Executive Producer Mark Rubin explains what next gen opened up for Call of Duty Ghosts in this exclusive interview.


XDefiant dev confirms release date for upcoming sniper nerf patch

Following a wave of community complaints, XDefiant executive producer Mark Rubin has confirmed when players can expect the sniper nerf patch to arrive.


XDefiant dev promises fix to frustrating hit reg issues, though players remain skeptical

Mark Rubin, XDefiant’s executive producer, responded to an X/Twitter post that fixes to hit reg “are something [they] are working on.” Unfortunately, it’s unclear when it will arrive, as neither Rubin nor the development team have yet to provide an actual time frame.

just_looken11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

Ha man what is this the 8th time they are working on this issue?

SO the game is using division one maps/assets with some divison 2 thrown in with that we can say they never really made the maps so what have they been doing for there 6 to perhaps 8 years of dev time? must be alot of hookers/blow/parties.


Notellin10d ago

It's astounding how much money they blow and this is the results. Gaming development is out of control.

just_looken10d ago

Right even when ubisoft cancelled division heartland as a beta player that game was a far better state then they push with this trash of a game that is still in a beta state after 3 years of delay's.

we are so starved of any decent fps/3rd person shooters out there it seems we will take anything even though some ps2 fps games were more fun then this game in my old opinion.

FPS_D3TH10d ago

Skeptical because it was an issue with ALL the betas and still hasn’t been fixed

just_looken10d ago

Its like they are using division one servers but they caught fire then were put together with barry/carols help from the janitors wing or some shit. Three years they still can not make it so the gun goes boom the guy gets hit then damage is applied.


That day when Activision fired Jason and Vince

“Jason and Vince just got fired!” A lead artist shouted, as he rode in on one of the many small kick-push scooters that would typically lay around the studio. He quickly scooted away to some other part of the office space to spread that shocking message.

Read Full Story >>
DaniMacYo119d ago

Activision would say that to all their victims. Here’s money now get over it.

RhinoGamer88119d ago

A friend worked there in production and was miserable due to working with IW and with ATVI. When he complained to his VP about it, he was told...be glad you have a job and are making games.

mastershredder119d ago

Sounds about right, but is also sounds like something Infinity Ward would say. They made their own bed and cashed in hard to do it. F em.

franwex119d ago

That sucks, but that’s corporate America. I mean, they could’ve turned down the money and leave to Respawn too. At least they got something, my corporation would’ve probably expected everyone to go back to normal.

gold_drake119d ago (Edited 119d ago )


"oh we're running ur life? pff get over it, like honestly"


theindiearmy119d ago

I mean, if my company wants to give me a bonus and raise my salary by 50%, I'd get over whatever the hell they wanted me to. 🤷‍♂️

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