
Call Of Duty Ghosts Multiplayer Map Tips From Infinity Ward

Infinity Ward Community Manager Tina Palacios offers tips and tricks for her favorite Call of Duty Ghosts multiplayer maps in this exclusive interview.


That day when Activision fired Jason and Vince

“Jason and Vince just got fired!” A lead artist shouted, as he rode in on one of the many small kick-push scooters that would typically lay around the studio. He quickly scooted away to some other part of the office space to spread that shocking message.

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DaniMacYo119d ago

Activision would say that to all their victims. Here’s money now get over it.

RhinoGamer88119d ago

A friend worked there in production and was miserable due to working with IW and with ATVI. When he complained to his VP about it, he was told...be glad you have a job and are making games.

mastershredder119d ago

Sounds about right, but is also sounds like something Infinity Ward would say. They made their own bed and cashed in hard to do it. F em.

franwex119d ago

That sucks, but that’s corporate America. I mean, they could’ve turned down the money and leave to Respawn too. At least they got something, my corporation would’ve probably expected everyone to go back to normal.

gold_drake119d ago (Edited 119d ago )


"oh we're running ur life? pff get over it, like honestly"


theindiearmy119d ago

I mean, if my company wants to give me a bonus and raise my salary by 50%, I'd get over whatever the hell they wanted me to. 🤷‍♂️

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Infinity Ward Opens New Studio in Austin, Texas

Activision developer Infinity Ward has opened a new studio in Austin, Texas, which will work on the Call of Duty franchise.

"Infinity Ward has opened a brand new studio in Austin, TX," reads an advertisement from the developer.

"The studio will work on creating new and innovative experiences for Call of Duty and create state of the art technology to power them. Our studio provides a safe, trusting, and empowering environment to unleash your creativity and help make the extraordinary."

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Flawlessmic198d ago

Another dev team for call of duty, like there isn't enough currently........ yayyyy

Well this atleast partly confirms yearly releases are definitely remaining, doubling down if anything.

Rynxie198d ago

That's what we need, two call of duties every year. I'm calling it.

Brazz198d ago

Hopefully, with more studios they can make better COD, 4h campaings are unacceptable.

Killer2020UK198d ago

🎉 Call of Duty Q1, Call of Duty Q2, Call of Duty Q3, Call of Duty Q4 🎉


Infinity Ward Facing Backlash for "Listening to Community Feedback" Regarding Warzone Player Count

Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward is facing serious community backlash after claiming to change a Warzone feature due to "feedback."

PunksOnN4G228d ago

They did not listen the dis it for the zombie modea only people been asking for this to help the servers run better for months they refused till now hahahah yeah infinity wars is the worst

thorstein228d ago

"Player Feedback" as in some folks on Twitter or "player feedback" as in we surveyed current players?