
Xbox One Dev: “All Those Saying They’ll Buy Titanfall on PC Forget Who Makes the OS”

"Recently, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen has stated that Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall will be a life-time exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC."

daggertoes833836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Ouch there's another zing. Microsofts public relations is awful. Why would you say that. Very passive aggressive. I know it was a xbox one developer who said this but as a developer you still are in public relations.

theBAWSE3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Microsoft and their staff are the biggest butthurt fanboys right now

what a comment to make... ALL TIME LOW

fact of the matter is people don't need an xbone to play titanfall regardless of OS.... wow

FANTA11803836d ago Show
theBAWSE3836d ago Show
xHeavYx3836d ago

I don't mind this dev's comments, you have to do what you can to downplay the competition, especially when your console is more expensive yet less powerful

Loki863836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

I don't see anything behind this comment other than to let you know this is a Microsoft exclusive. So the fact you buy it on PC means that it is still MS's product.

Mystogan3836d ago

I think you're making a mistake here. The PSfanboys are the butthurt ones xD, Microsoft just got titanfall as an exclusive...

Lalanana3836d ago

Lol yup

wanna play titanfall on pc? guess what?

More money in the bank for MS lol

ZodTheRipper3836d ago

I'm unbelieveably glad about Steam working on a new gaming focused OS right now. Finally I can leave this Windows crap behind, I really started to hate this OS in the last couple of years.

badz1493836d ago

with CoD Ghost confirmed to be running at 720p on Xbone, PC is already the best bet for those wanting to play Titanfall. not having to worry about it being lo res and stuff LOL!

extermin8or3836d ago

Is he trying to say the game won't function if your using say steam OS when it launches? Really.... an OS geared towards gamers that many might well adopt for gaming and they'd risk sales by refusing to support it? Just to spite people who didn't buy the xbox one version of the game? Can't see EA execs allowing that one...

scott1823836d ago

They make the OS... good for them. They don't make the hardware. Tons of companies made money on my PC purchase, even Sony makes computers. MS doesn't own the PC company! They are very arrogant.

This is a very strange comment for a Microsoft employee to make, is everyone at MS this immature?

sigfredod3836d ago

Yes is true that MS do the OS, but everyone getting the superior version on PC will be a big blow to the sales and financial expectations for the xBone division, so MS will be worried if most people choose the PC

johndoe112113836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Ok, Is it just me or does it seem like anything or anyone that has any sort of dealings at all with microsoft just reeks of arrogance??

Did he really think that was an appropriate comment to make at a time like this when microsoft is battling EA for the "most hated company in the world" award?

I know it's a dev but is it that microsoft has some sort of PR curse on them?

To everyone saying that nothing is wrong with this statement, this statement is soaked in arrogance, covered in senselessness and deep fried in stupidity.

These are not the type of statements that should be coming from microsoft right now in the midst of all the negativity that is surrounding them.

Maddens Raiders3836d ago

WOW - everything coming from these people's mouths lately sounds desperate, childish, churlish, and misleading. This kind of talk from a dev and company totally turns me off - the same way it would if a car company or racing team were talking about another company or team like this. Ridiculous comment.

johndoe112113836d ago


How is it if i buy a game for a pc that I own microsoft makes any money from that?

Is it that companies have to pay microsoft a license to make a game for windows?

If they do then that statement makes sense but if they don't how exactly is that benefiting microsoft?

4Sh0w3836d ago

I get it, tired of sonfanboys saying they'll get it on pc, but why stoop to the fanboys level?

MorePowerOfGreen3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

I'd Say Sony is just as bad as their fanboys. Man did you watch the E3 pressers?

PS fanboys are intense it's no wonder folks are getting testy. PS fans savagely and personally attacking the Devs, publishers and MSFT employees on social networks over this(or basically anything)

He's talking about people trying to damage control the console situation, trying to downplay exclusivity over a PC version, as if MSFT lost exclusivity to another competing console.

Ratty3836d ago


All fanboys do that. I've seen plenty of Nintendo, Xbox and Playstation fanboys talk crap at each other and the devs on social networks. There's retarded people like that everywhere.

NukaCola3836d ago


Every time you pop in that bluray disv in your Xbone...cha-ching! Money into Sony's pocket. Any Sony film or media on LIVE goes into Sony's pocket. You think these companies don't coexist? There's competition but only war is between nerds.

DoesUs3836d ago


Quick! Blame followers of Sony! Worst MS troll on this or any other website. Stick to Misterxmedia, you 2 we're made for each other.

adorie3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

My only concern is that microsoft may pay for os exclusivity once Steam OS gets off the ground. Im starting to get irritated with their practices. I wanted to pick up Titanfall on pc, but I do not like Origin and EA much less, especially after seeing what they did to Respawn.

NewMonday3836d ago

MS dosen't get any share out of PC game sales, in the other hand Sony will make money out of every BR XB1 game and that is a fact

TitanFall doesn't have great graphics so people will settle for getting it on the 360, and many gamers like me are going for the PC/PS4 combo so most will not care.

Dan_scruggs3836d ago

This comment brought to you by Windows.

WeaseL3836d ago

Never bought a copy of windows just keep getting free legit ones.

AngelicIceDiamond3836d ago

Or here's an idea. quit being little haters and buy it for X1.

You guys are a hateful bunch.

And I think its funny.

saber000053836d ago

@Mystogan, If it's anyone that is butthurt, it's you. Looking at ALL your replies you make, sure does support my theory. Who cares. Enjoy playing your handful of exclusives in 720p. I will be playing games on 1080p on my PC and PS4.

XboxFun3836d ago

This dev's comment is more than likely directed at all the Sony fanboys who magically all of a sudden have a gaming PC.

3836d ago
Revolver_X_3836d ago

The most immature statement by a dev yet. 99.9% of PC users purchasing Titanfall already own a PC. How does Microsoft receive profit from PC sells? Especially on pre-existing PCs. Its just a dumb comment all around. He should try harder next time.

SmokingMonkey3836d ago

Way to sell your new console.

"whatever, you're still giving us money."

AsimLeonheart3836d ago

It is like he is saying there is nowhere safe and you cant get away from MS.

WiiUsauce3836d ago

Worse things have been spewed by Sony's Jack Tretton, so shut up. Sony is just as bad.

Cernunnos3836d ago

Steam OS will be great, but anyone who expects to play EA titles on Steam OS will be very dissappointed. All EA games are on Origin, not Steam, and it will probably stay that way. Expect MS to pay EA quite handsomely to keep it that way too.

kickerz3836d ago

So let me get this straight. You bunch have a dig at Microsoft and say that you will just get Titanfall on PC it will be better on that anyway . Microsoft dev come out and state the obvious, that it dosnt bother them as you are still playing it on windows.
LMFAO honestly you guys need to wake up to yourself. Cause all Microsoft are doing is releasing a fun gaming system for us to play on and have fun and u lot are trying to destroy them. Real smart

Consoldtobots3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

there is nothing surprising about his comment, instead I think it is a HUGE reveal of who stalks N4G because we've been hearing that crap logic from supposed "xbox fans" on here for years. Hey boneheads, stop trying to control the consumer/market and just put out competitive products. Stop trying to relieve yourself on Sony who came to console gaming WAYYYYYY before and EARNED their spot as a gaming giant. The more you try to rob Sony of the recognition they deserve the more you piss intelligent consumers off because it just means you want what they have WITHOUT EARNING IT!!!!!! Get off your damn high horse and hire some people that know how to make a freakin console instead of letting clueless corporate suits make all you product decisions and then MAYBE you will start to earn some goodwill from the gaming community.

oh and p.s.

stop punishing people who buy your products by nickle and diming them at EVERY turn. It's classless greedy and downright stinks.

FamilyGuy3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Geez, there's million of 360s already out there too that can play Titanfall, both versions will be 720p and it already has black ops 2 looking graphics. Not sure how much of a loss in quality a person will suffer from choosing to play it on the 360 they already own or a X1.
PC just allows them to avoid renewing that Live Gold subscription.

Now people without a gaming PC OR a 360 could easily find a 360 for under $100, a much better price than the $500 X1 option. Add live and you're still playing Titanfall for under $160.

Point is there are many options one could take if they don't want the X1 but want Titanfall. It's got to prove why it's best on X1 before it could be called a "system seller" or even an OS seller. It was recently confirmed that you don't even need Windows 8 to play it, it'll run on W7.

Ritsujun3836d ago

Xbone180'd by themselves. LOL.

SecondSon3836d ago

Well Microsoft please go back and focus on being a Desktop Windows developer because your consoles and phones are not doing that well and Windows 8 is seriously slacking.

user55757083836d ago

well at least on PC we'll get higher than 720p resolution

Seafort3836d ago

@Lalanana Actually MS get nothing from PC or PS gamers buying Titanfall on PC as there is no royalties from PC games.

I won't be buying Titanfall as I boycotted EA years ago :)

P0werVR3836d ago

I don't know how this is desperate. If anything it's fact and true. I would say arrogance.

Btw, to even it out. It is true this was a statement to PS fanboys stating mind numbing claims of buying it on PC. Well, money in the bank either way.

mewhy323836d ago

Who cares who makes the os? I'll play it on my awesome gaming pc and get true exclusives for my ps4.

AbortMission3836d ago

Lalanana getting desperate lmfao

PhantomT14123836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Also, devs don't pay royalties when they're releasing on PC, even if it runs on Windows, Mac or Linux (that's one of the reasons PC games cost less than consoles games).

So nope, Titanfall needing Windows OS to run on PC doesn't mean much. People won't buy Windows 7 or 8 because of Titanfall and Microsoft won't get royalties for each copy unlike the XOne version of the game.

MrTimesplitters3836d ago

Cant we all just be nice and accept each console for what they are. P.S HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Anarki3836d ago

Remind us, do Microsoft get any cut from the PC version of the game?

MarkusMcNugen3836d ago

Why would he say something like this? Probably because he read all the PS fanboys saying Ill just get it on PC then as if thats somehow getting back at Microsoft. But you have to play it on the Windows OS. Which makes for good marketing for both products, potentially increasing their customer base for both.

Anyways, I said the same thing yesterday.


You guys are crazy if you think Sony wouldnt do the same thing in Microsofts position. Potentially increase profit from two seperate revenue streams, or just one? If Sony had a popular PC OS, Id expect the same thing and wouldnt bash them or try to insult them for it. Its smart business practice.

MysticStrummer3836d ago

@Lala - So what do you suppose MS would prefer, that you play Titanfall on a PC/360 you already have or that you spend $500 on an XB1 to play it?


n4rc3836d ago

Typical fanboy stupidity...

Sony takes cheaps shots at ms about cod.. They are just stating facts..

Microsoft states a fact.. And they are arrogant monsters..

Report away.. But you people have hit a new level of stupidity.. I weep for humanity if you dumbasses are the future..

Withdreday3836d ago

I don't even see what the big deal is. It's a online only COD clone with Mechs.

Who the hell cares?

UltimateMaster3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Ok, so let me get this straight.
A so called giant of computers, tells people to buy stock based on just 1 game?
Like that will magically lift up the company when they aren't even making the game?

If you go off and tell people that your stock and that it will increase based on 1 game that you're not making that may or may not interest people on platforms that most people already own...
Really doesn't sound all that good now does it?

RedDevils3836d ago

They're forgetting that if everyone start buying games on Pc instead of the X1 or stop buying the X1 all together, wouldn't that make the X1 obsolete lol

SITH3835d ago

Well, proof people hate the truth. I have been saying for years, if it is on PC and Xbox 360 it is exclusive. All because of the OS.

DragonKnight3835d ago

What a stupid thing to say. Just because Microsoft makes Windows, doesn't mean Microsoft gets money from PC games. And the idiots thinking it's still a true MS exclusive because MS makes Windows are so stupid their existence drops the collective IQ of the world. No one is buying a game because of Microsoft's OS. It's no consumer's choice what particular OS a game works on, but if it were you can guarantee it wouldn't be Windows when there is a perfectly good FREE OS available in Linux.

I've heard stupid things coming from MS and XB1 devs, but this has to be one of the dumbest.

Gamer19823835d ago

Titanfall is compatible with W7 meaning MS make no money from PC buyers as I seriously doubt ppl will be updating to W7 for this game. All those who are getting on PC either have W7 or W8. So the comment was pointless anyway. Not to mention I bought W8 for £25 back in January meaning MS made a lot less off me than they would if I bought an Xbox One.

AndrewLB3835d ago

Scott- Microsoft doesn't make hardware? are you serious? last I checked, they make Surface 2 which has an Intel i5 CPU and runs 1080p lol. Plus you have windows phones and massive amounts of operating systems and other programs.

Funny how people keep saying how Sony is killing it, yet that's not even remotely true. Have you even seen how bad Sony's financials are? http://finance.yahoo.com/ec...

And just today Sony lost $2+ billion after their Hirari Forcast was cut. http://www.bloomberg.com/ne...

And better yet, about two hours ago Sony (SNE) stock got downgraded AGAIN. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/fina... http://blogs.wsj.com/moneyb...

If sony were a country, they'd be Greece.

re2_apocalypse3835d ago

To the idiots who think M$ gets money from PC versions of Titanfall; your mistaken. M$ gets no (Zero = 0) royalities from the sales of PC games. Boom!

+ Show (53) more repliesLast reply 3835d ago
Kuse3836d ago

Right Right, like Yoshida hasn't been passive aggressive in his comments.

awesomeperson3836d ago

At least he's entertaining.

lemondish3836d ago

I haven't noticed any of that. Care to point me to a comment he's made to consumers that came off obviously passive aggressive?

FamilyGuy3836d ago

Oh gawd, Yosh doesn't talk crap to CONSUMERS, he talks about the competition. This MS dev is literally talking crap to gamers, he might even lose his job over this small statement.

tagan8tr3836d ago

Is everyone forgetting that the Xbone has a blu ray disk drive in it blu ray is a patented technology owned by Disney,HP ohh yeah and SONY!!
Sony makes money off every xbone sold wow how bout that

MarkusMcNugen3836d ago


And? Your point is? Of course they work together in some regards to help each other or further technology and then compete in other areas. Let me put it this way:

Is everyone forgetting that Sony laptops have Windows OS on them and it's patented software owned by MICROSOFT!!
Microsoft makes money off every laptop sold wow how bout that.

n4rc3836d ago


And Microsoft owns the codec used to play them... What's your point?

I swear people don't do any research on anything..

tagan8tr3836d ago

Your making my point for me, this all started people saying MS makes money off pc sales of Titanfall.I pointed out about blu ray u point out windows on sony pc's then I say xbones pluged into sony TV' or xbone playing music and movies from sony artist and movie production companies. Point is the whole thing is intertwined, wow how bout that Nugen..
What does research have to do with it what I said is true sony did help create blu ray when MS invested in HD DVD or did u forget about their stupid HD DVD add on for 360..

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3836d ago
Xsilver3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

I can see MS is MAd about it because if everyone buys the game on PC then the xone wont move units so in the end MS will still be pissed because a 60 game wont make up for a 500 dollar console in sales lmao poor MS.

zerogotit3836d ago

Do you seriously believe that their mad because titanfall if going to sell on pc and not on xbox? And 8 agrees? Shesh lol MS is just reminding everyone what MS is.

Xsilver3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

hmmmmm how many already own good Gaming PC's http://n4g.com/news/1383749... allot and MS wants Titanfall to move Xone's don't let them fool you if they didn't they would of never made it an exclusive but when allot people are saying that they will play it on PC then less xone will be sold you don't get that :/ so yes MS is MAd.

sigfredod3836d ago

You sir go it, i made the same statement, people getting the superior PC version of titanfall or in the 360, will be a big blow on the xBone division sales and financial expectations

pyramidshead3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

lol he sounds so bitter, probably because of the latest news or the fact his own game may be 720p :/

I can guarantee people don't have a problem with supporting Microsoft through Windows. It'll still be cheaper than dropping $500 on some hardware just to play it whereas you more than likely have a PC with windows that was paid off years ago and just have to spend what ever on Titanfall as a product.

xxV0rschlaghammer3836d ago

So an off the shelf PC from a year ago will be able to run Titanfall at 720-1080p/60fps as-is? lol? I don't think you know how PC gaming is.

Well off to play Crysis maxed out on my Pentium 133Mhz/16MB system now that I know how it works.

Revolver_X_3836d ago

Yeah, because upgrading the OS makes 60fps on max settings possible /s

Either way MS receives no profits from PC sales. No one is buying a PC to play Titanfall. They all have one already.

Seafort3836d ago

@xxV0rschlaghammer Erm yes it will. Titanfall is using the modified Source engine that powered Half Life 2 and Portal 2.

It's not a demanding engine and is highly optimised by Valve to run on low/mid end PCs unlike the Watchdogs engine that Ubisoft are using.

Hellsvacancy3836d ago

What a way to encourage people to pirate the pc version

mafiahajeri3836d ago

It's an online game though so it wouldn't work.

Studio-YaMi3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

I won't,even if they are acting douchey,the game seems like total fun & I will gladly pay for it,it's just that comments like that DOES encourage people on pirating the hell out of the PC version.

you'd be surprised what some PC gamers might do to go around that,being always online I mean.

Baka-akaB3836d ago

Yeah however , plenty do pirate windows anyway , if its all about zinging

xxV0rschlaghammer3836d ago

Since SimCity is so readily available and fully playable by pirates, huh?

AIndoria3835d ago


thepiratebay.sx(/) torrent /8580065/ SimCity.2013.NO.DRM.CRACKED.1. 5-VULPESZEDRA


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3835d ago
Anzil3836d ago

like we didnt know eh? we are try not to support the one because ms is ruining console gaming so therefore i buy it on pc

Infamous2983836d ago

@Lalanana Are you sure that you aren't working for microsoft??

swerve1213836d ago

I see you fanboys hate the truth. Its a MS exclusive so what. Sony has there exclusives also. Just pick your system of choice or both.

Benjammin253836d ago

I'll be able to play it on Steambox, which isn't affiliated with Windows in any way. Try harder.

jeffgoldwin3836d ago Show
Jaces3836d ago

I don't care. The point of me getting it on a PC is so I don't have to buy a Bone. As long as I can do that I'm happy.

LAYLOW3836d ago

Hes just stating facts ...RELAX dont get your pannies in a bunch .....sheeesh!!!

KwietStorm_BLM3836d ago

lol seriously that statement sounds like it came from an abusive partner in a relationship. "You can cry to the police all you want, but you know who paid for those shoes on ya feet." The point of people even mentioning the PC version is that they don't have to *buy* an Xbox One. To make a public statement like this, implying people are chained to the pole either way, is really unprofessional.

JasonKCK3836d ago

360, X1 and Windows is all MS. Titanfall still might make it's way to Linux someday. I think some people here have the "butthurt" backwards.

rainslacker3836d ago

I dunno. When I see PC gamers talk about PC gaming, I never really see them talking about the Windows platform...at least in discussions such as this. It's never "Windows is better than a Xbox/Playstation", it''s always, "PC is better than Xbox/Playstation".

The OS is pretty irrelevent, and while MS gets money for the OS itself(most of the time), people don't upgrade their OS to play the latest games. They do upgrade the hardware though for some games...namely the GPU, and in some cases the MB/CPU/Memory combos. Windows OS is just there by default because it's what most devs support.

While the statement is arrogant, it is basically saying what everyone else is saying, "There's no reason to buy an X1 to play this game, I can just get it on PC". This particular dev is saying the same stupid argument that because you're going to play it on windows, you're still using a MS platform. What he fails to realize is that we may be using a MS platform, but we aren't using MS hardware(console). There is a distinct different between console and platform.

worldwidegaming3836d ago

This is partly because fans empower them (the wrong fans) and CFOs getting axed for the stating the obvious rarely if ever happens.
This type of free publicity ends up working because people are going to stick with Microsoft until the bitter end (like Sony fans did current generation.)

awi59513836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )


Why not its not going to hurt microsoft at all the people that say im going to play it on Pc anyway are PS4 fanboys that are mad at microsoft. They werent going to buy a xbox 1 anyway so yeah he gave them the finger they shot it up first so he returned it. So all the people bitching about this story arent pc guys we already knew it was comming its ps4 fanboys that he doesnt care gets mad or not.

andrewsqual3836d ago

Isn't this on the Source engine? So it will be on Steam and Linux then won't it???

Cernunnos3836d ago

No, EA is the publisher, so it will most likely be just on Origin.

HugoDrax3836d ago

No it will be on EA Origin, not steam...

BlackBusterCritic3836d ago

For all the fanboys who don't know diddly squat, here's a nice educational link as to how Microsoft doesn't benefit from PC gaming: http://gaminrealm.com/2013/...

And implications that MS has any ownership of anything on the PC is a fallacy. If its not sold on GFWL (which doesn't exist anymore) or published/developed by MS, then they don't make a cent.

dragon823836d ago


Unless the person who buys Titanfall on PC is going out and buying a new PC also, Microsoft ALREADY got their money form the copy of Windows that will be running the game.

Guess what that means??

Microsoft will not get a single cent from the purchase of that copy of Ttianfall.

How does Microsoft profit from this again??

sentury1113836d ago

@dragon the whole point of the exclusives is to tie people down to a platform. Getting new customers isn't always the only choice.

Magicite3836d ago

and now tell me how many PC's/Laptops have MS made.

SL1M DADDY3836d ago

They have made it easy though to buy Xbox exclusive games.... Just own a PC and a PS3 and you have the beswt of both worlds. No need for an Xbox One.

FanboyKilla3836d ago ShowReplies(2)
GraveLord3836d ago

You've just noticed that? This "Xbox one developer" seems like an extreme fanboy.

B-radical3836d ago

Lol I said this yesterday its true tho

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3836d ago

I have pirated windows so blow me.

MynextGen3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Hey hypocrite your the one to talk seriously please just keep your mouth closed because you look so foolish with your comments Sony fans biggest bunch of hypocrites and butthurt community wah

tablav3836d ago

This developer needs to wake up. People who are buying the PS4 instead of the Xbox 1 aren't necessarily trying to boycott Microsoft. They just want a PS4!

I will be getting Titanfall on PC and I don't care if that means Microsoft gets money. They got the exclusive, they should get the money.

It just so happens that I don't want an Xbox 1.

Zancruz3836d ago

Lol, What I find funny is he thinks Microsoft is gonna make an extra $560 (Xbone & Live) off of one PC Game sell! Catch Titanfall on sell from Amazon or etc and they've made even less money.... lmao

OCEANGROWNKUSH3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

The point is that Titanfall ceases to be a system seller for the xbox one, with it being on 2 other platforms, both already in the hands of millions of people around the globe.

Angeljuice3836d ago

Only a moron would buy windows when you can download it for free. I hate Windows, the sooner the industry switches to a decent OS the better. I've never paid a penny for any version of Windows and never will. Overpriced rubbish written by the clueless employees of a terrible company.
Microsoft have never received a single penny from me and never will.

Thanks for the free OS Microsoft (still overpriced when it costs nothing).

sentury1113836d ago

For all those talking about Steam, isn't this an EA game and only playable on Origin?

AO1JMM3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

"Microsofts public relations is awful"

Who said it was a Microsoft employee that said that?

joshuatobi3836d ago

People are so stupid yes the pc version microsoft does get a cut but xbox one sales will be hindered thus it wont help there system sales.

Deathdeliverer3836d ago

I don't think its that people don't want to buy FROM Microsoft. They just don't want to buy a XBOX. No one is saying "Microsoft isn't getting a dime from me! Ill buy it on PC!" They simply say they have other options than the console.

3-4-53836d ago

Titanfall for PC = $60

Titanfall for XB1 = $560

Nice try random xbox dev who is about to be fired.

rainslacker3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

PC version will likely be $50. PC games are cheaper.

Also nice to see devs can use the same stupid fan boy arguments that the actual fan boys do. Playing this game on PC is not the same as buying an Xbox to play this game, and most PC players know this, and most half intelligent console players know this. Windows is just the defacto standard for PC gaming atm. But that may be on shaky ground in the very near future.

To those that don't understand the difference. It's like saying you support Adobe software because you play flash browser games. It's nonsensical, and one of the stupidest new arguments in the console wars I've heard in a long time...and that's pretty bad considering how many stupid arguments there are in the console war.

otherZinc3836d ago

He's right, SONY Super Friends are ridiculous. If a game is that great, I'm buying the console, I'm not sitting in the shadows talking sh*t.

assdan3836d ago

Everyone does that, and saying that doesn't make me want to get an xbox one any more than I already do.

popup3835d ago

Well, I won't be playing it at all as the game is of no interest to me. I understand that lots of people want to play it though.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 3835d ago
ape0073836d ago ShowReplies(2)
-Foxtrot3836d ago

LOL...how arrogant

It doesn't make a difference anyway because the point those people are trying to make is that they won't buy an Xbox One for TitanFall, they'll get it for a platform they already have.

It means less sales for the Xbox One doesn't it...<sigh>....morons

GryestOfBluSkies3836d ago

my thoughts exactly. getting it for pc, to me at least, has nothing to do with microsoft, its only about not having to buy a x1 for a single game.
personally im not getting the game for any platform, but these comments from the devs are so ridiculous, i had to comment.

ShwankyShpanky3836d ago

And it's not like people will be running out to buy new copies of Win7/8 just to play TF. PC TF sales aren't really putting any additional cash in MS's pockets.

N4GDgAPc3836d ago

Also when u buy a game from pc microsoft doesn't get any royalty fees. Thats why pc games are always $10 cheaper. So $m loses out on titanfall sales to.

Hicken3836d ago

The MS fans always wanna say "PC is a Microsoft platform!" but they forget that whatever royalties MS got were from when your PC was made. They get NOTHING for any games you buy.

Waaay back when, when I played Maple Story, they didn't get any money from it. I never bought a thing in that game, but even if I had, they STILL wouldn't have seen any money. And you can play every game out there, from Candy Crush to Diablo, and Microsoft won't see a penny(unless it's a game they made or published, of course).

So I don't see why the fanboys keep trying to claim PC as being Microsoft territory.

Blackdeath_6633836d ago

its more funny when you haven't even bought their OS. you can play titanfall without having paid MS a penny

HugoDrax3836d ago

You still need MS OS to run the game right?

Does Origin require Windows? Or am I missing something? Seriously I'm asking

Isn't TitanFall an EA published game?

Doesn't EA have Origin service instead of steam?

Isn't TitanFall an online only game? Thus meaning every PC,xbox1, 360 that logs on to TitanFalls DEDICATED CLOUD your information will be collected. Statitistically allowing Microsoft/Respawn/ EA to accurately know the number of games sold.

N4GDgAPc3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

Yes u will need MS to run it.

Not sure about origin but wouldn't be suprised.

The cloud might only work with xbox1. 360 has a better chance to run off cloud but PC i dought it because they wouldn't get money in return for it.

rainslacker3836d ago


When someone plays a flash game in their browser, are they supporting Adobe software? Are they supporting MS if they use windows explorer, or are they supporting Google if they use Chrome? Not likely.

The reason people have Windows is because it's pretty much the standard you have to have to play most games on PC. It comes with practically every computer. PC gamers use it because that's where the devs develop their games because it's the most used OS in the world.

When people upgrade their computers to play the newest, biggest, most demanding games, they aren't discussing what version of Windows they want. They are discussing what GPU to buy. What MB is the best. Which CPU is the best for their budget, and what kind of memory to get. To my knowledge, MS has no stake in the sale of any of those products.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3836d ago
awi59513836d ago

So all the people bitching about this story arent pc guys we already knew it was coming its ps4 fanboys that he doesnt care gets mad or not.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3836d ago
3836d ago Replies(2)
KrisButtar3836d ago

That comment is true but comes off as trollish and they could have wrote it differently as I'm sure it will upset some and was the likely intent.

I guess the next question would be if no one bought it on Microsoft consoles and only PC would it still be considered a success?

MRMagoo1233836d ago

its not true tho , there are plenty of ppl with pirated windows, im not one of them tho because i have nothing against windows as such, but most ppl this day and age have a pc at home capable of running titanfall at least on low settings so MS wont make anything from anyone because the pcs are already bought and probably have been for a while.

I wont be getting titanfall on pc xbox 360 or xbone or even spectrum zx i just dont want the game but if i did buy it MS wont see any money from that.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub601d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad601d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g601d ago (Edited 601d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp1d 9h ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal882d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad881d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal880d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.