
Starlight Inception Coming to PS Vita in December

PSBlog - Welcome to Starlight Inception, a first-person / third-person space combat experience coming to PS Vita in December. It contains a single-player campaign, single-player Fly Patrol (tower defense), and several multiplayer options. The inspiration for Starlight Inception was the old space sim games that we loved as kids, but with a more sophisticated, modern sensibility.

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iceman063873d ago

"Operation: Render Hope, you’ll escort transports to the surface of Earth and into the city of Chicago so they can render medical aid to civilians. This is an escort mission that will involve repelling enemy fighters while tagging the civilian areas."
If this means that there will be space AND ground combat with a transition from space to ground...then I am IN!!!

porkChop3873d ago

Yeah the story says "Starlight Inception was designed to allow flight from space down to planetary/lunar environments with seamless transitions." So I'm assuming that includes combat.

iceman063873d ago

Well...count me down for one!!! I really miss space combat games. Colony Wars being one of my favorites. I also liked the idea combining the two...flight and ground combat. Battlefront was as close as they got on consoles, imo, and that was far from perfect.

MastaMold3873d ago

Beta is available to download for free on PS Vita store

Sent from my PS Vita

iceman063873d ago

Thanks...I'll try it!!!


Kickstarter and Vita - Has it Delivered?

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "As time went on it became clear that many of these projects were hobbyist titles and a large amount of the developers had never actually researched the practicalities of launching a game on Vita, leading to an ever-increasing number of cancellations over the years. And yet some delivered. It’s this I’m aiming to examine in this article – how many projects succeeded in reaching the Vita, how many failed, and how many are in limbo, as well as a conclusion on the overall state of Kickstarter (and other crowdfunding sources) on the handheld."

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Top 5 Worst Games of 2014

(CriticalIndieGamer) Well, here we are again, choosing the mould from the gold(is that a saying?), picking out the cream of the crap. Truth be told, it has been another so-so gaming year for me. With the exception of a few truly stellar titles, it has all been a bit forgettable. But these abominations deserve a special mention. For crimes against gaming they have been deemed my worst games of 2014 – play them at your peril.

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DragoonsScaleLegends3446d ago (Edited 3446d ago )

I would say as far as disappointing games go Watch Dogs is on the list but it's not a bad game just like Infamous Second Son which was disappointing compared to the first Infamous game.

TGR3446d ago

I'll be doing a dissapointing games tomorrow! These games on the other hand are just ones I found to be flat out bad.

madmonkey013446d ago

i preferred this new infamous to the first one, infamous 2 has been my favourite so far though.

DragoonsScaleLegends3446d ago

I think the length of the story is what made it disappointing to me. The most disappointing games to me are the ones that felt like they could be so much better with more time to focus on story.

XanderZane3446d ago

Are these all PC games? Suprised they didn't include that Air Flight Control game. What a mess that game was.

TGR3446d ago (Edited 3446d ago )

NAh these aren't all PC games. There's a few Playstation titles in there too.

I'm going on the games that I personally played this year :)

wynams3446d ago

DA:I tops this list for y/t


Starlight Inception (SteamFirst Review)- In Space No One Can Hear You Vomit

SteamFirst: I have had some stinkers land in my lap for review. Games that I truly didn’t like for what they were. When this happens, I always try to find some positive thing to mention. I also find it important to note the potential lessons that can be learned from a failed attempt or even tweaks I believe might raise the game to a whole new level. These developers work hard and I don’t think any of them set out to make a poor experience. I write this to temper the comments I am about to make about Starlight Inception.

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