
Next-gen consoles could be the last, says Pixeljunk dev

Flexibility and openness provided by PCs very exciting for development

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MajorJackHoff3878d ago

As long as consoles continue to sell and compete with PCs, they will continue to be developed. Do I think consoles will become more like PCs? Yes, and they already are.

I think PS5 and XboxTwo(??) will have an upgrade system, and at different points in the hardware's lifespan, they will release upgrade "kits" that improve graphics, etc. That's how they'll maximize profits. Or maybe they won't do that, but to me that seems the most logical.

darthv723878d ago

to a degree, we have had upgradeable/expandable consoles in the past. sega's 32x expanded the capabilities of the genesis while the N64 memory expansion upgraded the system with more internal memory for games that used it.

there was even memory expansion for the saturn for games that needed more ROM/RAM. What i believe will happen over the course of this generation will be a shift to more streaming of games.

Thus making the advent of a next gen more along the lines of client based units that get their content via direct services. All the labor being handled on the back end by a much higher powered network of systems and piped to your home over an updated (within the next 10 years) high speed infrastructure.

People can scoff at that idea now but 10 years ago the idea of using cloud assisted computing was in the works and it only got better and attainable over time.

pete0073878d ago

a console upgadable??? you serious?? how long will it last? then no more argument of closed HW, code to the metal thing and " im not buying a pc cause i dont want to upgrade every year..." stuff,
since consoles went pc route, they´re doomed, crunched, stomped, etc. i dont foresee an end to consoles, instead, i see a change in appearence.
no more complex hardware, just stream games and play. itll start later this gen and maybe yess, consoles as wee see them, physically maybe nintendo, the others will jump into the cloud.

Belking3878d ago

They will be. It will be all about digital and the cloud.

tagan8tr3878d ago

It will be all about a controller and a service live/psn/steam, hope we can mix and match "I'll take xbox controller with steam oh and can i get a coke with that?"

Saryk3878d ago

I said this two years ago. PC will be next. Hardware can only get so powerful, but it will get smaller.

Lunatic_Medic3878d ago

They say this every time a new generation of consoles rolls out. No they won't guys. Get your heads outta your asses

Salooh3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

So far sales says otherwise. Unless we saw a big failure for both Ps4 and X1. I would be glad if sony released their games on pc :P. However , I am staying with the ps4 till the end . I see better future in gaming then movies.

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A second chance for The Tomorrow Children

From GI.biz: "Towards the tail end of 2021, Q-Games accomplished something very rare in this industry: it had reclaimed its intellectual property, specifically for PS4 exclusive The Tomorrow Children.

In the announcement tweet, the Japan-based company described it as "a historical move by Sony Interactive Entertainment" and it's hard to argue with that. The game was originally published as a second-party title, funded by PlayStation, and it's typical for the platform holder to retain the IP rights in such a partnership."

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PixelJunk Eden 2 announced for Switch

Developer Q-Games has announced PixelJunk Eden 2 for Switch. It will launch via the Nintendo eShop in Q2 2020 as a timed exclusive and support English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, and Korean language options.

Spenok1546d ago

Dang! I loved the first, and it's interesting to see them leave the PS behind (at launch anyways) for Nintendo.

Venoxn4g1545d ago

Loved the first one, I am happy


Will a New Star Fox Game Come to the Nintendo Switch?

Developer of the original Star Fox would love a Switch game.

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FallenAngel19842622d ago

Would Nintendo even make a sequel to a franchise who's last mainline installment didn't even sell a million

rolando1232622d ago

If another developer handles the game and doesn't have shitt motion controls

_-EDMIX-_2622d ago (Edited 2622d ago )

That's the thing I don't want another developer touching this game, Nintendo needs to make it in house and they need to stop Outsourcing their damn games.

(If you mean another developer like Nintendo then I definitely agree)

All I want from Starfox is very simple fly straight, shoot stuff ,give me blue lasers and occasional all range mode

If they made a Star Fox game that was basically just Star Fox 64 with different levels and better-looking I would buy that game in a heartbeat, I'm not asking for any of the garbage that they've been releasing for the past two decades this is literally getting absolutely ridiculous on how badly this company has butchered this property.

_-EDMIX-_2622d ago

Better question is if it's going to be the quality of the previous do we even want any? I'm more worried about the quality of The Next Star Fox game as opposed to whether or not we get one or not because I'm kind of tired of getting crappie games.

MilkMan2622d ago

It better, Zero was such a pile of dungheap that the only enjoyment I got was from the semi-tower defense game they also created. That's crazy.

quent2622d ago

a re remake of starfox 64 would be nice to have on the switch