
ID@Xbox 'Might Just Be A Reaction To' Microsoft's PR disasters &'Not A Genuine Change of Stance':Dev

'In Microsoft I just can't see the passion for indies you get from guys like Sony's Shahid Ahmed (and even Shuhei Yoshida!).'

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xHeavYx3880d ago

It's pretty clear that the ID@Xbox is just a reaction to Sony's policies towards Indie developers, but hey, now everybody (who likes Indies) wins.

From the article:
“I think it’s the open attitude of the guys at Sony that really helped make that decision – they are just so much more approachable. Over the last year or so we’ve been able to build a great relationship with Sony, whereas Microsoft’s XBLA policy of requiring a publisher with release slots burned us in the past and in Microsoft I just can’t see the passion for indies you get from guys like Sony’s Shahid Ahmed (and even Shuhei Yoshida!)"

Thehyph3880d ago

ID@stevehyphen reads:
Step 1) Put your indie game on Vita
Step 2) Take my money

These guys are working on step 1, and I will deliver on step 2.

Note: I said Vita because it's my preferred way to play indies.

Infamous2983880d ago

I noticed that alot of the indies went to sony,I can't really blame them since they had bad experiences with microsoft.

nukeitall3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

You mean like how Sony had a program where anyone with a $100 could publish their game on a console, with free tools and developer support?

Oh wait, that was MS with XNA and Indie Channel.

Sony wanted to charge you thousands of dollars for a dev kit, and it had to be approved by Sony before you got your PS3 dev kit!

Fast forward, PS4, nothing has changed! Same old requirements.

Fast forward, Xbox One, nothing has changed it seems!

It means, as a real indie developer, I or anyone can publish on Xbox, but not on PS. Not everyone is Jonhatan Blow or Phil Fish.

@sincity below:

This is common knowledge, but this was discussed as way back as 2006, at the cusp of when PS3 was released:

"Anyone can freely download the toolset, available in beta form on August 30 and full form by the end of the year. The toolset comes in two flavors: the entry-level XNA Game Studio Express and the advanced XNA Game Studio Professional. Developing games using Express and releasing them on the PC will be free, but those who want their games available for download on the Xbox 360 must pay $99 a year as part of Microsoft's Creators Club."

source: http://www.gamespot.com/art...

You know what was even better, for students it was free!

Infamous2983880d ago

@nukeitall Microsoft are money grabbing whores who treat their customrs as well as developers like shit.

Tell me why recent indie games are PC/PS4/WII U only?

Loki863880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

@Infamous - That sounds like a totally unbiased and genuine statement /sarcasm.

EDIT: I'm sorry but this statement: "Microsoft are money grabbing whores who treat their customrs as well as developers like shit." Has absolutely no business on here and actually gets agreed with, Sony trolls at their finest.

xHeavYx3880d ago

Will you please tell me why most Indie devs favor Sony then?

Gamingcapacity3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

A simple Google search highlights a lot of problems as an indie developer on Xbox. http://www.gamasutra.com/bl...

Not checked anything on PlayStation but knew there was more to developing on xbox than "it's super cheap to develop for".

Quote from link - "For people that may not be familiar with the game industry, getting a “real” game on the Xbox is a horrendous and monumentally expensive undertaking; one that isn’t really feasibly for an Indie developer. There are publishers involved, a lot of money, middle men and approval processes. So right away you see a problem. If you could just put game up on the Xbox for the $100 a year subscription fee, why would anyone ever NOT use that method to getting there game up there?"

GodGinrai3880d ago

"Will you please tell me why most Indie devs favor Sony then?"

did they favour sony?...or did they just go with the rebound guy because the relationship went sour in their first choice. Jonathan blow..phil fish..both published their games first on the X360. Most indies usually sound like an Ex girlfreind after doing business with MS..but they CHOSE MS first for whatever reason over sony in the first place..what reason do you think that could have been?

iceman063880d ago

Realistically, not many devs complained about difficulty of getting on XBL. The real issue was promotion and reward. Many people on this site have said over and over how there was a sea of "crappy wannabe's" on the Indie Channel. How does an indie game, with promise, get discovered in that sea? What do they get in return? THIS was the issue that most of the devs that complained had. It's really about a different approach. Sony sought out certain indie devs or certain games that they thought would fit their game portfolio. Then, they promoted them...even showcased them at E3. MS has allowed indies, and promoted some. But, at least it seems, the old program in general was less than beneficial for them.
I won't speculate on the altruism of the new program. I guess the devs will speak for that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3880d ago
malokevi3880d ago

ZOMG Xbox indie program is reactive? gasp!

Wait a minute... why do I care again?

Never mind. Moving along.

stuna13880d ago

Why are you even here? Gasp!

Wait a minute.... Why do you care?

Never mind. Moving along.

malokevi3880d ago

I'm just here to make snarky comments at your expense... I thought it was obvious?

Mystogan3880d ago

No its not a reaction to Sony. They said they had this planned way before the PR disaster. Do you really think this thing just came up over night? There's lots of shit that needs to happen to get every Xbox One to work as a devkit. They clearly had this planned all along.

SkippyPaccino3880d ago

That feature won't see the light of day till probably next Christmas... Phil Harrison was king of empty promises when he worked at Sony... Those features are probably still on the drawing board as we speak.

xHeavYx3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

@ Mystogan
You are partially correct, MS still planned on not allowing Indies to self publish, then they did (yet another) 180

Brix903880d ago

I don't know bro they did a 180 over night so I wouldn't be surprised...

CynicalKelly3880d ago

ID@Xbox has been in the works for two years, Sony's policy has been known for 5 months..

Sony's policies are certainly encouraging Microsoft to put more of a focus on it but I think saying it's a direct reaction is like saying Trophies are directly because of 360.

xHeavYx3880d ago

Like I said before, MS wasn't even going to allow Self Publishing

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3880d ago
etownone3880d ago

I still don't see the big fuss with Indie games.

Xbox 360 has indie games.... I think I checked them out once... Downloaded a couple. And never tried them again.
Not into Indie games... Never will be.

sincitysir13880d ago

Oh man ur loss!! I think indies are the Mac and cheese to my baby back ribs. They aren't necessary but they Are god d**n delicous'nn I love me some indies.

WeAreLegion3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Freakin' hungry over here, man! We should do lunch.

LoveOfTheGame3880d ago

I don't really agree with your stance on indies, but....God Damn you know how to sell me on some Ribs and Mac and Cheese.

Blastoise3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

There are great indies out there, hotline Miami, Journey, Unfinished Swan, Minecraft, Amnesia

And with games like Rime, The Witness and SOMA they're only getting bigger and better.

You just got to know where to look, there's a game called hyper light drifter which looks pretty good too

3880d ago Replies(1)
-Foxtrot3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

The big fuss is because if an Indie dev create something amazing with an indie game then it gives hope that the Indie studio will develop over the years into a bigger games company and could make the next big AAA game.

Your paving the way to let more creativity into the industry so it's not all about guns and big explosions

I don't play much on them to be honest, if I had to choose between an indie game or a big game coming up like Killzone Shadow Fall I would got with the latter but still, I can appreciate what they do and how they do it

WeAreLegion3880d ago

I couldn't have said it any better.

MasterCornholio3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Your attitude is quite normal for an Xbox user because they usually reject indies. This is the reason why Sony invests in indies because they know that PlayStation users appreciate the games they create instead of shunning them like Xbox users do.

P.S Some Xbox fans love indies but they are a minority compared to the ones that hate them.

Nexus 7 2013

Legacy2123880d ago

Braid, super meat boy, dust, limbo, dishwasher etc are all on my xbox hard drive and I love em. Dont think you can say a majority of xbox users hate indies these games did sell well

MasterCornholio3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )


Well I just made my comment based on what many people are saying about indie games and usually its the PlayStation fans who praise them and the Xbox fans who despise them. But maybe only ones who hate them are being vocal about it which is why I could have made a mistake with my assumption. Indie games are fantastic in my opinion and everyone shouldn't shun them for not being AAA games.

If you like Braid your going to love the Witness which looks fantastic in my opinion. I always liked Blows games.

P.S etowone isn't doing your fan base any favors.

Nexus 7 2013

GodGinrai3880d ago

"Your attitude is quite normal for an Xbox user because they usually reject indies."

Come again?...I have 134 arcade games..most of them are indie...Stop pulling BS out your ass and making assumptions about what people play on Xbox based on your own perceptions. curios..how many do you own on your PS3?

"Well I just made my comment based on what many people are saying about indie games and usually its the PlayStation fans who praise them and the Xbox fans who despise them."

only on N4G do I hear shit like this..

*rolls eyes* guess I should stop playing mark of the ninja, deadlight and Trine 2 and get back to COD/madden, right?

The ignorance...

Mystogan3880d ago

I agree. Even with Microsoft's new indie policies, which are clearly better than Sony's. I really don't care much about Indies. 80% of indie games are total crap. Minecraft,splosion man ,journey and such are exceptions.

TristanPR773880d ago

The actual reality proves you wrong. Why then most of indies jumped to Sony if Microsoft policies are clearly better than Sony as you say?

Try to do some research before posting something emotionally because it makes you look very bad.

Brix903880d ago


If what your saying is true then why don't Indies feel different about it. All I'm saying I think there's more too it on the business side than with both companies then we see.

DigitalRaptor3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

So... what you are trying to push as a fact here is that "80% of indie games are total crap", to support you opinion that you "don't care much about indies".

Now, I'll cover this again cause you didn't quite learn the first time. If you can somehow show me where that "80% of indie games" statistic came from, I'll give you a cookie and a pat on the head. After all it's such a precise measure to offer up. I mean, you'd have to have played 80% of all indie games to know such a thing.

So prove to me Mystogan, prove to yourself, that you're not just calling indie games crap because you want them to be crap because it doesn't support the path you're heading along.

etownone3880d ago

How many Indie games are there on the 360?

And how many were actually any good? The most 5

There are a few, that get my attention once I start to hear about them.... And that's when I'll download it and try it out. But not wasting my precious time trying out all those half asss games when I could be playing Bioshock, Cod or Halo for example.

Btw... Walking Dead and Limbo were great.

GodGinrai3880d ago


I take it you dont try out many games on XBLA, then..

KwietStorm_BLM3880d ago

That's like saying you're not into so called AAA games, or you don't play multiplatform games, which some smug gamers actually stand by. A good game is a good game. You can't just throw a blanket over a whole category. Indie is not a genre. It just means a smaller studio without a big publisher looking over their shoulder, and there is a multitude of great indie games out there on both PC and on console. I bet you've played good indie games and didn't even know it.

iceman063880d ago

So...umm...Titanfall is not your kind of game?? You know that Respawn is an independent developer right? I'm not trying to be an a$$hole here. I am simply pointing out that not all indies are created with low budgets, mediocre graphics, and small teams. Every developer has to have a start. If you are into music. Think of it as discovering a great local band or artist before they hit the big time. Though, I must admit, most of the music (imo) gets worse when the industry gets their greedy little hands on artists. But, you kind of get the point.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
jackanderson19853880d ago

Doubt it. How could they have had the programme all set to go less than 2 months after E3. MS always took the stance that the indie programme they had planned for the Xbox one would be out at gamescom and that's what they did. Does it look like a reaction to Sony yeah no doubt. Is it a reaction to Sony I personally doubt it but hey that's just me and I may well be wrong

bessy673880d ago


"MS doesn't pay us indies like Sony does, so they obviously aren't as passionate. Did I say that right Adam Boyes? Can I get my Pub Fund money now?"

sincitysir13880d ago

Why does any thing good said about any company automatically mean they're being paid? Opinions are like assH*les everyone's got one and they stink

bessy673880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

The Pub Fund is a very real thing. Sony pays indies in exchange for timed exclusivity on their games.

Naga3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

This just in: An indie developer who is only developing for PS4 and Vita says that he likes Sony more.

Stop. The effing. Press.

sincitysir13880d ago

This just in!

A real smarta$$. Seems like no one can say anything about anyone these days.

Hey onagao u are handsome. Omfg I midst be getting money from u to say such a thing.

Naga3880d ago

I don't even understand what you just wrote, but I think you were trying to insult me. Let me go ahead and just help you out by explaining what you clearly didn't understand from the sarcastic implications of my comment:

This story isn't news. This story is merely the speculation of a single independent developer who has already hedged his bets on Sony. Nothing more.

Since this story presents nothing actually *new*, it is not actually newsworthy. Rather, the only purpose this piece serves is to perpetuate the ongoing negative attitudes toward Microsoft; it is just fanboy bait.

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10 PlayStation Vita Gems That Flew Under the Radar

VGCartz's Adam Cartwright: "Throughout the life of any console, certain games come to prominence and are recommended to new owners without reservation. For Vita, these are things like DanganRonpa, Digimon, Killzone, Persona and Tearaway – titles that are recognised for their outstanding quality and universal appeal that I’d say the majority of dedicated Vita gamers will have tried at one time or another.

For every console, there are also a tonne of games that fly under the radar and are only noticed by a tiny subset of fans. Everyone with a Wii knew about Mario Kart and Super Mario Galaxy, for example, but few knew of Battalion Wars 2 or Fragile Dreams. These ‘hidden gems’ can often provide some of the most diverse and exciting experiences in a console’s library, it just might take a little digging to find out about them.

Vita is no exception and this article will be a selection of 10 hidden gems that I’ve come across on Sony’s handheld."

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After10Ben1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

I read through the entire list and the game that I think I would like the most is Wanted Corp. Twin stick shooters are always fun on the go. I have to admit, that this game never hit my radar, so this article is great to bring games like this to our attention. I still play my Vita. Playing Final Fantasy X remaster and using the cross save feature with the ps4. Great system even to this day.

isarai1475d ago

Had to import it but UPPERS is a great game, it's so fun and corny, i love it


Final Horizon PlayStation 4 Review | RealGamerNewz

Josh from RealGamerNewz reviews Final Horizon on PS4:

"Final Horizon comes from Eiconic Games who were founded in 2006 in Oxford, England they primarily develop using their own proprietary software called Moai. Eiconic Games has also developed games for iOS, Android, PS Vita, PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbox Live Arcade. Some of these titles include: Arctic Adventures, Polar Panic, Squeeballs party, mercury, pulsAR, Brain Freeze, Total Recoil, and of course Final Horizon."

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Hitman07693437d ago

I'll probably try this now that I heard about it being good.

TheSuperior 3437d ago

Yeah I'm thinking about it too. I have been hoping for a good strategy game and it sounds like even if the enemies are a little easy to take out that the rest of the game is pretty decent. Might join you on that mate! :)

TheJacksonRGN3437d ago

I might join in as well. Still thinking about it.


Several Upcoming PS Vita Titles Revealed and Rated by PEGI

PEGI rated 5 brand new PS Vita games for release within a few weeks.

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AutoCad3479d ago

All those games sound like i could get them for free..

Just kill the platform already SONY.

Inception3479d ago

"Just kill the platform already SONY"

NO. Right now i'm having a blast with Freedom Wars and Tales of Hearts R. And for next year i'm waiting for Gravity Rush 2, Soul Sacrifice 2, Toukiden Kiwami, Ys 8, Tales of Innocence R, Oreshika, Danganronpa: Another Episode, Hotaru no Nikki, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 2nd chapter, and Hotline Miami 2.

Haters gonna hate.

URNightmare3479d ago

I just bought Borderlands 2. Never got to play it on PS3.

AutoCad3479d ago

why? i own a freaking ps vita,tired of seeing sh**y support for the handheld.Turning into a wiiu with no 3rd party support.

killacal133479d ago

@ AutoCad

I think that developers should really pay attention to the vita, smaller, still evolving studios, could get some guidance and start producing triple A titles on the handheld to get some practice on bigger titles, all the while creating new Ip content, or experimenting on proven formulas. I really wish there was a port of Demon souls on the vita, I think it would be great if ported correctly.

HentaiMasterRace3479d ago

I agree that these type of games are annoying after awhile, but I don't think they should kill it. I feel that they should put some GoW on Vita, that will sell.

GokuSolosAll3479d ago

Medieval Defenders and Doodle Kingdom. sound like half decent Android ports or something, and so does Panda Run (I love pandas so I'll get at least this one).

Mulletino3479d ago

Playing my ps4 on my handheld while the wife watches whatever it is she watches is the bees knees

eZJrg6ur3479d ago

Yeah I do that a lot too! I beat Diablo III, Black Flag, Infamous: SS, and I'm working my way through Dragon Age on the Vita right now.

I don't mind her marathoning Gilmour Girls when I can do that. :D

Killzoner993479d ago

Oh but I thought the Vita has no games *sigh* . It's funny , the buzz around the 3DS has been dead for some time now yet the Vita has all these games being announced and the media still hates on the Vita.

Xof3479d ago

You're kidding, right? 3DS "buzz" has been really strong lately, what with the new models, and all the big games lately--Pokemon, Smash, Fantasy Life, Persona, etc.

And the "no games" criticism of the Vita has never been "there are literally no games." It has always been "there are too few exclusive games to justify a purchase."

Which is perfectly valid. All the big Vita exclusives are pretty niche--the platform completely lacks the casual appeal its predecessor and competitors have.

And I seldom see anyone hating on the Vita... But I do see a lot of people with lots of valid complaints on how mindbogglingly poorly Sony has been handling the platform.

ninjahunter3479d ago

As much as i love my vita, this list is nothing to be using in defense of the vitas livelihood.

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