
Scare Your Neighbors in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

CCC Says: "You're a horrible mayor. You've been so distracted by games like Pokemon X/Y, Rune Factory 4, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies that your Animal Crossing: New Leaf town has been forgotten. You may think its the villagers who pay the price, what with flowers dying, weeds sprouting, and some jumping ship, but it's really you who will suffer. Yes, you, because Halloween is coming, and I bet you haven't even prepared."

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New Video Game Releases for the Week of 12/4/16

EB: So apparently I was in a Skyrim coma for the last few weeks and some genius decided it was time for December. Well it’s too late for me to argue with the laws of time and space (someone stole my Delorean) so let’s get to this weeks shiny new game releases.

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2744d ago

Population: Growing

Eric Writes: When people find out that I love video games and ask me what my favorite one is, the response I get when I say “Animal Crossing” is usually one of bemusement and/or bewilderment. Those unfamiliar with the franchise often inquire about what the series is actually about, and that’s a pretty tough question to answer.

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Want to Learn a Second Language? Play Video Games.

Bonjour. Ciao. こんにちは. Hall 29;. Learning a new language is a fun but oftentimes a frustrating experience. I’ve spoken Italian for 3 years, and learned the basis of the language at a language school in…

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kraenk122967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

When I was a kid I learned speaking English mostly via watching movies and playing games, so yeah...it's a great way and helps a lot. Reading books as well, you know.
I try to refresh my French and Italian skills by watching movies in their original language as well. At first I always don't understand a thing, because I don't practise those languages that often but after half an hour or so I start getting the groove again and it gets better. It's fun.