
Notch, Phil Fish, Team Meat part of 360 unique Magic cards for Indie Custom Cube

Indie superstars from hundreds of the games you love, or love to hate, are all part of a 360 Magic card set called The Indie Custom Cube. These cards came about after many Magic cube drafts at events such as GDC and TIGJam.

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3874d ago

Minecraft, Who Did it Better: Notch or Microsoft?

Who did it better: Notch or Microsoft? Microsoft can push Minecraft to a whole new level that Notch might not have been able to achieve. But does that mean the game is getting better or not?

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Jin_Sakai1936d ago (Edited 1936d ago )

Notch by a mile. The Super Duper Graphics Pack was a joke to promote the launch of Xbox One X.

The bedrock edition is a mess and the Switch version has issues. The game has gone nowhere. We should’ve had Minecraft 2 by now.

Mystogan1935d ago (Edited 1935d ago )

Bullshit. The game has made great strides thanks to Microsoft. Especially in the education segment. Sure there are some things that you can nitpick like the Graphics Pack being delayed. But besides that I can't see the game being better than it is now if they never sold to Microsoft.

Also Minecraft 2 is never gonna happen. There is no point.


Our Interview with Allistair Pinsof Part 2 – Relationships in Indie Gaming

A writer and editor turned game developer who has previously worked for websites such as Destructoid and the Escapist, TechRaptor was lucky enough to talk to Allistair Pinsof for a series of interviews about the current state of the gaming media.

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-Foxtrot3405d ago (Edited 3405d ago )

This is a great interview, pretty much reminds you why GamerGate was set up in the first place, to counter "fishy" stuff like this in the industry

I mean this is just Indie stuff can you imagine the situation with big developers and what sites do to get on their good side.

Relientk773405d ago

Not a big fan of Phil Fish

he's honestly just a d*ck

-Foxtrot3405d ago

It's funny how the more his facial hair grew the bigger his ego got.

It's like his ego pushed his hair out quicker and he couldn't be arsed to shave constantly.

elninels3405d ago

In response to that comment phil fish has cancelled yet another project.

003405d ago

those people really are a bunch of scumbags.

garos823405d ago

Totally disgusting that the industry has come to this.

Im not surprised to be honest but let this be a lesson to all those people smearing #gamergate as a hate group and a misogynistic movement. This is what we fight for and this is the sh*t that needs to stop.

Phil Fish is a thief and the reasons as to why Fez 2 will never come to fruition is because he is a talent less hack

The_Mad_Monarch3405d ago

Both of the interviews with Pinsof have been fantastic. Hope this gets all the exposure it can.

garos823405d ago

most publications seem to be ignoring it hoping it disappears

im looking at you giantbomb r/games r/gaming polygon gamasutra and all you corrupt fools

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Top 5 Indie Game Developer Meltdowns

(CriticalIndieGamer) Indie gaming is a serious business these days, but it is sometimes a little too serious for my liking. An industry that was started for fun has become the domain of a few sanctimonious, self-aggrandizing, and downright annoying developers. Admittedly, some small part of me secretly enjoys the controversy courted by these mavericks, so let’s take a look at five of my favourite game developer meltdowns.

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