
How the holographic gaming rig Valve didn't want aims to conquer the virtual world

When Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson parted ways with Valve last February, they took away the thingamajig they'd spent the previous year developing. And now it's got a Kickstarter.

CastAR is a 3D holograph-style game display that runs through a pair of glasses. In the shorthand blurb of the gadget's Kickstarter, it's basically like that "let the Wookie win" scene in which R2-D2 and Chewbacca play a chess-style game.


Lucid Kickstarter Demo Release Date Announced

Hotly anticipated Celestoidvania, Lucid announces Kickstarter Demo release date. Exciting news for anyone backing the game.

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OVERRIDER wants to bring your hoverboard dreams to life via new Kickstarter campaign

OVERRIDER is a new sci-fi roguelite about hoverboarding and smashing robots, and there's a Kickstarter campaign to help get it funded.

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Cozy and Crowdfunded: Baking Bunnies and Buzzing Bees - Comfy Cozy Gaming

Cinnabunny and Time is Honey are currently up to be crowdfunded on Kickstarter right now. They're both adorable.

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