
Did Dell just confirm that all Windows 8 apps can run on Xbox One?

Microsoft has already hinted strongly that apps made for Windows 8 will be able to run on its upcoming Xbox One game console. However, the company has done nothing more than just hint at this kind of feature and has never talked about how app developers could get their creations published on the Xbox One. Now a pre-order page for the console on Dell's online store seems to confirm that Windows 8 apps will be able to run on the next-gen game machine.

jwk943877d ago

They showed this feature off a few months ago. It's just Miracast.

donnieboy3877d ago

Are you able to provide a link?

3877d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3877d ago

@JW Bubble+ for helpful and great link.

jwk943877d ago

You're welcome Angelica. The whole conference is actually pretty interesting.

BattleAxe3876d ago

I'd rather buy a Dell XPS or Alienware from Dell's website.

UltimateMaster3876d ago

"Consider the game officially changed. With all your favorite Windows 8 apps able to be run on and synced to your Xbox One, now your phone, desktop, tablet and TV can all give you a unified web and entertainment experience."

Yeah, this is like Chrome-cast.
The Xbox One doesn't play Windows apps native, you need a windows phone in order to make it work.
AKA, you need to buy a windows phone for that to work.

Any one else here feel like they wouldn't want to use a console for Word?

Google's Chrome Cast is just 35$ and does just that, no need to buy an expensive phone just to be able to sync it with your Xbox One.

jwk943876d ago

Chromecast has its limitations, though. If you're already a Windows Phone user, this is a fantastic feature.

-SIXAXIS-3876d ago

@jwk94: That's a pretty big "if". Chromecast works for most people already (it works with Android or Chrome on computer).

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

A potential game changer here.

EDIT: MS already stated the X1 can be used for personal buissness. Not only did MS stated this but they showcased it at the build 2013 via JW link.

pedrof933877d ago

So according to you a business man will buy a xbox One instead of a normal laptop ?

Its those apps that eat 10% of Xbone gpu.

AngelicIceDiamond3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

@Pedro ummm did I say I was a buissness man?

No I didn't i simply said "the X1 can be used for personal buissness."

Or Sony fans can disagree with facts. Whatever calms the fanboy storm in your heads.

Btw Pedro you can deny it. You can "If's" "and's" and "buts" all you want but your a run of the mill Sony fanboy, in case you didn't know already.

Rainstorm813876d ago

People like you are the reason fanboy run rampant because you guys intentionally rile them up.

No one brought up Sony but because he doesn't see a business man buying a X1 for businedd he's a fanboy?

How about providing a better example like a student doing school/college work on the X1.

If someone disagrees with any part of MS they are a fanboy....by that logic someone that agrees with every part of the X1 is clone/drone/bot....... makes no sense right?

Army_of_Darkness3876d ago

I dont think anyone professional would ever use or ever say that they use a video game console for their business practices lol!

SilentNegotiator3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )


ummm where did pedro say that you said that you were a businessman?

"No I didn't i simply said "the X1 can be used for personal buissness.""

No you said "MS already stated the X1 can be used for personal buissness" and Microsoft made a big fuss about it being used for an actual business environment.

hazardman3876d ago

Yes they based on the fact that all xbox ones are servers due to the cloud. I remember reading about awhile back one this very site cant remember article tho. Hopefully someone else read aswell.

Ritsujun3876d ago

The clown of the day goes to AD.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
ATi_Elite3877d ago

I would hope so seeing how the XB1 OS is based off of Windows 8.

Would be really silly if it DID NOT run Win8 apps.

Eeeeww Dell, YUCK! I gotta go sanitize my hands.

I vomit every time I read the words Dell

CRAIG6673877d ago

It amazes me that people still buy Dell, overpriced rubbish, I challenge anybody to show me a Dell PC I cant build for two thirds of the price maximum...

I have family members who will only buy Dell and Apple products... wake up! It really annoys me, if you really dislike your hard earned money that much, give it to me instead, I will do something good with it.

nukeitall3876d ago

Dell for Enterprise is still among the best in terms of reliability and maintenance.

Open your eyes, not everyone has the time or care to build their computer. Some just want work done!

n4rc3876d ago

we used dell for all work stations at my last place.. had zero issues with them for the 2 years we had them (then i left).

they are well put together... and yeah we could buy the components and technically build them cheaper.. but whats your time worth?

building 100 workstations after sourcing the parts would have made them much more expensive..

MCTJim3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

As a couple of people commented below, there are 2 side of Dell. The homeowner side of dell and the business/enterprise. I cannot stand dealing with the homeowner side. As for the business or enterprise side...the customer service is fantastic and their products are top notch. Keep in mind that they are 2 different animals and workstations are not home computers for gaming and such.

SilentNegotiator3876d ago

I've never used Dell in an office environment, so I don't know about how reliable they are there, but I do know that their consumer-level computers are garbage.

PsylentKiller3876d ago

What happens when you type it? DELL. DELL. DELL. Lol. Jk.
How does Gateway make you feel?

Kleptic3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

My new office has nothing but Dell workstations, but with Asus monitors...my guess is that has something to do with Asus's new product replacement guarantee where they promise an identical monitor X years away...even if that product is no longer offered (so you don't have misc different monitors after a couple fail...which always happens)...

so at least from my perspective...Dell still has it alright with business environments...though i totally agree, their consumer stuff is a bad joke...

Lenovo is also pretty popular, my old business had just replaced my floor with lenovo equipment before i got the offer for my current job...make sense, as they sort of absorbed part of IBM, right?...when i got out of college 6 years ago, i went through 5 different internships/co-ops, etc in like 10 months...and never once stepped in an IT office that was anything but IBM workstations...and cisco networking equipment...

no idea how it really works...i don't really follow the business side of this...so it may be completely different...

H0RSE3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

They do make nice IPS monitors though, both for professional use and gaming.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
Gamer6663877d ago

I'm not sure this is the same thing... In the Dell page they are saying X1 can run and sync Win8 apps. Miracast is really just a projection technology (Projecting your PC thru an X1, onto the TV).

We will see.

Rockstar3876d ago

Yeah, I'm guessing it'll do more than Miracast because I can do that now on my TV without an XBone

Kryptonite42O3876d ago

thanks for the helpful info..
this would be the first time that Im glad my laptop runs windows 8

sickamore3876d ago

If this is true this is a big fail from MS since all there OS for PC where subject to vulnerability and hacks which means hackers will have a field day with the XONE.

General Pinky3876d ago

C'mon now... There is no vulnerability or hacks as you say on the Windows Store since Microsoft has full control on what apps go through.

And plz next time do some research on Windows 8 RT before you comment.


Shake_Zula3876d ago

@Pinky: Not necessarily... MS Store runs off of proxies that determine what region you are in. If you create a man in the middle, you'll still be obligated to download the prescribed apps, but it isn't hard to insert code to do whatever you want. MS's solution is likely to have everything run in a sandbox VM environment within the X1. Either way, it's using Hyper-V which is a big vulnerability. PS4 is also a hacker's delight being linux-based and all.

We'll see how it plays out.

Bigpappy3876d ago

Now Poor Dell is under attack.

The busies use M$ was referring to, was video conferencing, using Skype. It was not about running a business on Xbox.

The windows 8 app thing would be huge if true. They are touch friendly, so they should adapt to Kinect's gestures rather easily. I will wait and see what M$ does with this before going any further.

Ps4Console3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

I don't need apps I have them on my tablet device on my console I just want a games machine & maybe Netflix but that is it .

H0RSE3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

It isn't really about what you do or don't want, it's about the technology being available and the potential/capabilities that it brings. All too often I see things announced, and people chiming in trying to downplay them with responses like, "why would anyone want that?" or "I don't need that," or my favorite game related one, "real gamers don't want that." All these people are completely missing the point.

Two strong examples in the gaming community that fall under this scrutiny are Xbox One's TV integration and the Kinect.

Soldierone3876d ago

So its basically just a step up from what Google has been doing with Chrome?

Was hoping to get like Photoshop on my TV, that'd be sweet. I'd honestly buy a tablet and a Xbox just to draw on the tablet then look up at the TV to see it in a different window.

H0RSE3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

If you want PS on your TV, just run an HDMI cable from your video card to your TV. I just got done downloading Pacific Rim on my PC and watching it on my TV in this exact way.

3876d ago
xtremeimport3876d ago

I honestly think it would be neat if Sony did this kind of thing too. Partner with Google and have the Playstore accessible on Vita and Ps3/4.

I think it would help the Vita a lot in terms of apps and games and you wouldnt have to worry about making them compatible. Ps3/4 would be a bit more of a challenge im sure, but if it was popular i dont doubt devs adding controller features to their games.

It just seems like a quick way to expand your user base and make it more of an interest. Use Chrome as the ps4 browser too!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3876d ago
Eonjay3877d ago

This is very interesting if it turns out to be true. The Xbox One is, after all sporting a system specific version of Windows 8. Someone could, hypothetically, use the Xbox as their PC and console. I do question whether apps would still run better on a dedicated PC though. Most people are expecting that most of the systems resources will be dedicated to games.

3877d ago
nukeitall3876d ago

MS hinted towards keyboard and maybe mouse use in the future.

Who knows, this might just be their pretty living room PC, not just a media box.

no_more_trolling3876d ago

or you could use smartglass with your phone as both kb and mouse :P

WeAreLegion3877d ago

Why wouldn't they tout this as a feature? I'm sure they'll give it full support in the future, if they do enable it.

I'd like to see more stuff on the Windows 8 store, myself. So, maybe this will help developer support.

AngelicIceDiamond3877d ago


"Why wouldn't they tout this as a feature?"

Because MS would get ridiculed for not talking about the X1 as a games console.

Remember there disastrous reveal with all entertainment talk and barely any games.

Its safer for MS to talk strictly games at the moment and none gaming later.

Rainstorm813876d ago

This is a better feature than Kinect IMO

Hicken3876d ago

At this point, what does it matter?

3877d ago
imXify3877d ago

Apps like Word and Powerpoint could be cool. 12yo kids will work on their homeworks instead of playing CoD :P

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