
New League of Legends Infographic shows the contrast data between 2011 and 2013, S2 and S3

Twurdy shares a new League of Legends infographic to prove League of Legends is the most played online PC game in the world. It shows the contrast data between 2011 and 2013, season 2 World Championships and season 3 World Championships, and some important data.
League of Legends has 70 million registered users and 32.5 million daily active players now.
51% of the LoL users are betweenn the age of 19-25 years.
92% of LoL players are male.

ATi_Elite3858d ago

Dude Seriously LoL is out of CONTROL and DotA2 is heading in this Direction and I suck at both but A lot of HOT CHICKS play LOL/DotA2 I'm trying to tell you guys something.

5 million people tune in just to watch the Championships and YES PC Esports are on the verge of becoming an Official Olympic sport! Yippie!

This is a WONDERFUL article that I'm gonna save next time someone MISTAKENLY says something stupid about PC Gaming.

Codey473857d ago

That's the RPG market though... Second Life was extremely popular as are the RPG "big guns".
The other day you tried to use the subscription based revenue of a 9 year old game and it's add-ons when comparing the earning power of the subscription less, retail release GTA5 in a week on both consoles.... that's right, ONE week.
You quoted RPG specs/money earned/subscription revenue of a 9 year old game (World of Warcraft and others) in an attempt to alleviate the symptoms of "PC gaming is dying" or the debunking of the "consolisation" of PC games situation, as an instant epic rebuttal.

You also stated: ( http://n4g.com/news/1375881... )
" Oh by the way Smart Pants did Diablo III console sell 15 million copies? HELL NO (500K across two platforms)Diablo III PC sold 15 million copies so Exactly what was the purpose of your stupid POST? "

Well done, you have yet again made a truly unfair comparison
Microsoft Windows May 15 2012
PS3, 360 Sept 3 2013
PS4 2014
Possibly one of the reasons is..... people are holding off for the next-gen
versions of the game.

Now my first love is PC Gaming....although you wouldn't realise it in a million years. I've been in hibernation for a few years due to the fact I can't stand RPG's, MMORPG's, RTS' or yet another Flight/Train Simulator and PC always has a strong influx of those titles. I will build yet another "Enthusiast" PC whence Half Life 3 is uber close to release. I'm the last person that wants PC gaming to die! Quite the opposite in fact.... I want it to thrive and thrive with a passion.

Speaking of VALVe time to post some STEAM game stats

1)Dota2: Current 209,268 peak today 581,794
2)Team Fortress 2: Current 28,947 Peak today 80,264
3)Terraria: Current 24,218 Peak Today 68,811
4)Sid Meier's Civilization V: Current 22,419 Peak Today 60,006
5)CS:GO :Current 13,685 Peak Today 53,310

Obviously Dota2 is the game that the majority of steam users are playing, although lately has seen a jump from approximately 308,000 to 581,794
It has been approximately 309,000 for the past few months. I've also checked these game stats frequently and on weekends and surprising enough the stats are similar, give or take a couple of thousand.

Lets not forget the retail behemoth known as Call Of Duty (as the majority know was born on the PC)
15) Call Of Duty BLOPS2 Multiplayer:- Current 3,897 Peak Today 20,026

I remember being an addict of the original Call Of Duty(2003) Multiplayer and using The All Seeing Eye as a server browser.... and a year and a half after release, there was at least 150,000 servers (just to point out, that was after I put server filters IE: Best ping, not empty servers, and region set to UK)

I've also picked a couple of latest titles
16) Payday 2:- Current 3,153 Peak Today 10,446
and so close to the bottom of the list
95) F12013:- Current: 420 Peak Today: 2,378

The top 100 games played list can be found here:

Codey473857d ago

Hope you don't mind... I checked your "about" section and your system is good, don't get me wrong, but it's not enthusiast, by any means. Let me just point out...I have a pair of speakers worth more than the contents of your tower.
The components that you have chosen are not perfect for optimal PC Gaming. You haven't mentioned which monitors you have so I can only assume you've gone for a trio of HP 2311gt's

Your next system should be based on the below
Better Processor (top of the range or the next one down closest to the "X")
Better Motherboard
16gb should be bare minimum (32gb preferred)
Aquacomputer water cooling (Quality German engineering)
Top tier graphics cards(obviously the latest and greatest from any GFX card manufacturer)
4K monitor/TV

If you ever need help in what components to choose...don't hesitate, PM me.

I'm not here to score brownie points nor hold grudges


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