
Sony: “No Word” on Journey for PS4, Will “Do Everything in Our Power” to Bring PS3 Games to PS4

After the announcement that Flower, flOw, Escape Plan, and Sound Shapes would all be coming to the PlayStation 4 next month, people naturally had some further questions regarding these new ports, as well as the inevitable question of Journey coming to the PS4. - PSLS

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HolyDuck3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

I'm confused as to why this is even news.

Everyone knows that PS4 will eventually have Gaikai up and running within a year, so isn't this inevitable?

GribbleGrunger3881d ago

It's all the the context. I think they're talking about HD remakes.

NarooN3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

Or ports. They're already in HD, technically, lol.

Having the game natively running on the system > streaming it, at least to me.

ZodTheRipper3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

I'd rather have the resources being put into new projects. But it's certainly good to bring some of these PS3 classics to PS4 so that more people can experience them ...although I wouldn't pay for them a second time.

colonel1793881d ago

We need new games at least for the first 3 years. When PS2 HD collections came out it was fine because of how many new ips we have already gotten. If this generation is all about iphone indie games and bringing old games back, I don't care how powerful the PS4 is, or how great any console is, it will SUCK!

snp3881d ago

I don't disagree with you, but your ehm, pic is kinda of ironic.

FamilyGuy3880d ago

lol @ the zelda remake avatar.

I actual DO disagree with you. PS4 isn't backward compatible and many of the block buster games have never been experienced by the future PS4 owners (they might've gamed solely on 360 or wii for example) so I think some higher quality PS4 re-releases would be great just as long as these ports don't take up a ton of dev time to get done.

I want new games too, obviously, but if they can have PS4 ports made in 3 months or less then the more the merrier. So far its only psn titles though, I'd personally prefer the big games to get ported.

colonel1793880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Lol, didn't realize the irony!

I love HD remakes, it allows people to play games they have missed. I for one, was able to play ICO for the first time, and I am eagerly awaiting for KH 2.5 Remix, so I do like them.

The thing is that RIGHT NOW, the focus of the PS4 is indie games and PS3 ports. The PS Vita for example is flooded with indie games that might as well play them on iPhone or Android. We need games that take advantage of the system. So far the PS Vita is a total waste of potential sitting there, and I don't want that for PS4. When the PS3 was announced, there were a lot of AAA games announced; some got released, others went multi, others got cancelled, but I guess we were all excited about the potential of the PS3.

The PS4 is awesome, but they have only announced very few really impressing games. Everybody is talking about indie games and I feel frustrated that everyone gets excited about a game that could be very well done on a phone. So what about those 8GB of RAM, what about that powerful GPU? Are they going to "waste" it on very simple games? (not saying those games are bad). I want games that make the PS4 overheat, just like how Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Killzone 2, inFamous, GOW, etc made the PS3 really outstanding, even from the beginning.

AceBlazer133881d ago

Should make classics compatible with ps4.

Indo3881d ago

Yeah lets remake some PS3 games in 1080p HD.

Soldierone3881d ago

Am I the only one that honestly doesn't care? These games are alright for what they are, but why do I need to buy a new console just to play them? We want new IP's, games that utilize the hardware, otherwise why am I spending money on this?

I liked all the indie game announcements, but that was when Sony was also showcasing new AAA titles to go with them.

JackVagina3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

If you have already brought the PS3 version, then you get the PS4 version for free Source: http://blog.us.playstation.... (at the bottom)

If that means i can replay these masterpieces in 1080p/60fps for free then im all for it and if people still haven't got these yet, then this is there chance!

Soldierone3881d ago

I'm not talking about the game. i'm saying, why am I spending 400 dollars on a new console to play games I already have. HD isn't worth buying a new console for.

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Interview: Revisiting the Journey With Austin Wintory

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Aloymetal771d ago

My fav indie game ever, played this on ps4 and ps5. Too bad it does not have a plat trophy.


10 years later, there’s still nothing like Journey’s multiplayer

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GhostofHorizon850d ago

Concept artist has a very distinct style and if they can translate that into the game well this studio will be making some visually stunning games.