
Survival MMO Nether's Live Action Trailer Pictures A Ruthless World

Nether is an upcoming Unreal Engine 3 MMO from the Chicago-based studio Phosphor Games. The developer just made a live action trailer to kick off the community appreciation giveaway event.

ATi_Elite3884d ago

Ok so this Dev team is spending all this money and time making this game but they choose to spend money making a Live action Trailer instead of just SHOWING their Game.

Not a good sign.

Like DICE said "You're not making a movie or selling the Live action trailer so Show your GAME, it's what you're working on and trying to sell to the public"


5 Least Favorite Horror Games of 2014

BD: 2014 has been an excellent year for anyone who enjoys a night of spooky gaming, but it’ll almost definitely pale in comparison to the impressive line-up that 2015 has in store for us. It’s a little surprising how good this year has been, since the year that follows the launch of a new console generation usually isn’t very memorable.

As devs learn their way around the new-and-improved platforms, building new engines that take advantage of their ability to do and show more, this has historically been a time for experimentation. That tends to result in a mixed bag of games that lay the groundwork for even better sequels down the road, and while this year has been arguably better than most, that doesn’t mean we didn’t get our fair share of duds.

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Top Five Spooky MMOs

It's that time of year when creepy crawlies and malicious spirits prowl the countryside at night. October is the creepiest month of the year as Halloween takes center stage. It's the season for turning off the lights and watching some scary monster movies to get a good shiver down the spine. People can enjoy this ghoulish time of year in a variety of ways, ranging from trick-or-treating or visiting a haunted house attraction. Another option that players might enjoy is to fire up some mmo games to get them in the proper macabre mood. For that reason, MMO-Play present their list of the top five spooky mmos.

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Nether Review - Gaming Nexus

From the review: "Nether has a lot of potential to be a great game, but unfortunately it suffers from odd design choices that make the gameplay experience an exercise in repeat frustration. The addition of microtransactions and premium currency was an unfortunate decision to include in a game focused around the survival gameplay genere. Nether is difficult to recommend as a purchase as similar and better games are available to players."

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