
Digitilus Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Space Combat Sim SKYJACKER

Independent game developer Digitilus LLC today launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for its first-person space combat simulator, SKYJACKER.

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Funding Foiled Part One: Five Great Failed Kickstarters

Indie Game HQ has provided a list of their five best Kickstarter campaigns that failed but showed great potential. Luckily, it appears as though all of these Kickstarter projects will still see the light of day, albeit at a much later date than anticipated.

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Kickstarter Report Card, Part 2 (of 4)

Hardcore Gamer: We've got a long way to go before we can tell whether this is a fun little flash in the pan or if crowdfunding is around for a while, but while waiting for that to happen, here's a rundown of the Kickstarter projects of 2012 that caught our eye

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Slapshot824157d ago

I backed Carmageddon: Reincarnation and the fan-service I've gotten from the team ever since has been worth the price of admission alone. :)


Skyjacker Fails to Reach $200,000 Kickstarter Funding Goal

Attracting less than 65 percent of a crowdsourced funding goal may not seem like something to write home about, but the folks from Digitilus aren’t shedding any tears over what would normally be a crushing blow. Last time we talked about Skyjacker, there were three days remaining before the deadline for funding via Kickstarter, and Digitilus had barely cracked the $100,000 mark. Eight hours ago, that deadline passed, and at the end of it all, Skyjacker attracted 2,890 backers and $128,238 worth of funding.

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