
Blade & Soul – Will we ever get a Western release?

Do you remember NCSoft’s fantasy martial arts MMORPG Blade & Soul? Although many of you already forgot about this game, fans are still wondering if this title will ever see the light of day.

After the game was released in Korea, a Western localization was started and there were rumors that set the release date for 2014.

Chrono3898d ago

Maybe late 2014. NCSoft will release WildStar in early 2014, don't think they'll release this around the same time.

Apophiss20043898d ago

yeah WildStar and then probably focus on Lineage Eternal

Unlimax3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

This Epic MMO should have been released early this year ~
Too bad , Half of the translation team quit :(

ricochetmg3898d ago

I thought sony would bring this game to the ps3 but the ps4 is ready.

Are_The_MaDNess3897d ago

way too many Korean MMOs that looks great IMO.
just too bad that there is so little updated on the Translation and such.

Blade and Soul
Project Black Sheep
Black Desert
Monster Hunter Online
and more.
soo many great MMOs that will take a long time for us to see.
its sad really.
i dont think we need much,
never understood that we need a remake and redone quests and story and game art.
im fine with the Asia style of things. just make it Translated into English and get some servers up are running.


NCSoft shows new trailers for Project M and LLL

NCSoft unveiled new trailers for its upcoming games Project M and LLL at G-Star 2023 which show off new features.

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Mr_cheese192d ago

Not sure what to think, definitely looks interesting.

ravens52192d ago

Would like to see more. 🤔

Plague-Doctor27192d ago

LLL is targeting a 2024 release for PC and console. Hard to tell but looks sort of like The Division? Hope we can hear more on it soon. Interested to see how these first few AA/AAA games from Korean devs go

Vengeance1138192d ago

Easier just to say PC and PS5. Not coming to anything else.

Sonyslave3192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

Before the deal it was announce for pc and consoles lol and this is a old trailer from last month.

Einhander1972192d ago (Edited 192d ago )


If you watch the trailer you'll notice the on screen prompts are PlayStation button symbols. There is no indication this is coming to anything other than PlayStation at this point.

Vengeance1138192d ago

Key word being "before", that was then, this is now. With the deal in place, count out other consoles, Sony's not going to publish games for other consoles.

BeHunted191d ago (Edited 191d ago )


They always reveal their games by using PlayStation button symbols. Doesn't mean anything.

Any game that uses a rival platform controller is exclusive /s

Einhander1972191d ago


Did you read the title of the article?

Now you provide any evidence that these games are or ever were going to be on xbox.

Keep in mind while your searching that xbox barely even exists in Korea and that's just when compared to PlayStation and Nintendo consoles. If you think xbox underperforms in Europe take a look at Korea.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 191d ago
repsahj192d ago

Looking great! But I don't know, let's wait and see.


NCSOFT and Sony Interactive Entertainment Announce Strategic Partnership

NCSOFT, a global premier developer and publisher, today announced that it has signed a strategic global business partnership with Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE).

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Vengeance1138192d ago

Strategic Partnerships > Acquisitions
This is how it's done! First Shift Up, now NCSoft. Who's next?

192d ago Replies(19)
thesoftware730192d ago (Edited 192d ago )


I think you exposed yourself.

"They bought Bungie and didnt just do a partnership because they aligned with their long term goals of Live service, which at the time Bungie were experts at."

That is you giving an excuse for Sony because you are a Sony-only fan.

MS bought A/B to further its long-term goals as well, populating GP with consistent high-quality games to expand the user base/sub-service.

They both have an end goal, which consists of long-term strategies, but you approve one, and shade the other. I would say by your own logic you exposed yourself rather than lujugujuf.

BTW, why is partnerships better for a company, rather than a lucrative acquisition, as Sony has done with Bungie? Does Sony only want to get into mobile for the short term? is extending "infinitely" better than owning? that sounds like silly logic.

BehindTheRows192d ago

No one had to "expose" lujugujuf. He clearly did that on his own.

192d ago
Eonjay192d ago

Completely random but it should be noted that PlayStation owner SIE is an American company. Sony itself is a Japanese but around the time of the PS4, the business that owns PlayStation relocated to San Mateo, California. NCSoft is a Korean company. This is the second deal in two weeks with a Korean company. The companies themselves couldn't be any more different but it looks like they will both be operating in the as second party. NCSoft, which itself has 5000 employees, can manage doing projects as second party while maintaining their own projects (and even with other publishers including Amazon... and themselves.)

192d ago
Gamingsince1981192d ago

"MS bought A/B to further its long-term goals as well, populating GP with consistent high-quality games to expand the user base/sub-service" huh ? Consistent high quality games ? When have actiblizz made Consistent high quality games? They have been making terrible games for years , diablo 4 trash , the last few wow expansions trash, COD trash for a decade.....are you on crazy pills ?

fr0sty192d ago

Acquiring a developer and acquiring entire publishers cannot even be directly compared... That's like trying to say that buying New Line Cinema is equal to buying Warner Bros.

192d ago
192d ago
tay8701192d ago

Lol did you just use ABK and high quality in the same sentence?

192d ago
itsmebryan191d ago

You have to remember just because you don't like a game doesn't mean it's trash. According to the sales numbers over the last "decades" millions of people disagree with your COD is trash statement. But, that's fine.

Gamingsince1981190d ago


So millions like the game out of 100s of millions that don't...........so your point is a tiny part of gaming likes it so it must be good ? So I say to you 100s of millions don't like it so it must be trash via that logic too.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
Jin_Sakai192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

“Taekjin Kim of NCSOFT and Jim Ryan of SIE – have met and jointly signed the partnership.“

Can’t wait for Jim Ryan to leave. Nobody wants your live service/mobile garbage!

blackblades192d ago

"Nobody" you dont speak for the entire world. Also guess you and others haven't seen the trailer of project m and LLL doesn't seem like a live service and mobile garbage from what I seen.

glennhkboy192d ago

Clearly Sony's executives do like (some) live service/ mobile games revenue. Remember, mobile games (as a whole) earn far more than Sony+Nintendo+Xbox combined.

CrashMania192d ago

Don't keep responding to this sad troll and his daily accounts, it'll be gone shortly.

BehindTheRows192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

Ah, makes sense. Looked like one of "those" accounts. And yup, both troll accounts were just created today.

itsmebryan191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Please explain why a partnership is better then a acquisition. If true why did Sony acquire " Insomniac " and "Bungie "?

Reaper22_191d ago

Maybe they are doing what they can afford. Sony isn't gonna make enormous purchases like Mictosoft, Google or Apple which I think is smart. You can't compete that way when you aren't as cash rich.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
192d ago Replies(5)
Einhander1972192d ago

These are big budget games. This deal has huge implications.

NCSoft shows new trailers for Project M and LLL

"Project M is a narrative thriller which we first saw in June 2022 with a trailer filled with quicktime events reminiscent of Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human."

"LLL was announced a few months later in November 2022 and is a sci-fi MMO set in an alternate history which caused modern-day Seoul, the Byzantine Empire and the 23rd century to become entangled with one another."

After report of Horizon MMO, NCSoft and Sony announce strategic partnership

BehindTheRows192d ago

Crazy how some will handwave this type of stuff off. Sony has a strong (good) history of partnerships and a few of them became acquisitions (such as Bluepoint, Insomniac, and Nixxes).

I'm not saying that's where the pendulum is about to swing next, but to attempt to downplay this when history is on its side takes a special kind of ignorance.

jznrpg192d ago

I’m hoping for big budget anime games. Anime is bigger than ever but the games made for anime are generally not that great. There are some good games but there should be some top end games by now imo.

jznrpg192d ago

Project M looks good graphically seems similar to Heavy Rain type of games

Einhander1972192d ago


It's a UE5 game

There is a lot of running and shooting, the QTE's seem to be more like branching paths, could be pretty cool if it offers a lot of replayability through branching paths.

I expect these Korean games to be rather unique, I look forward to seeing more.

LLL is targeting a 2024 release so we should see more of that sooner rather than later.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 192d ago
Sephiroushin192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

at least one of them is Horizon Online, it was leaked sometime ago

glennhkboy192d ago

NCSoft doesn't have any big Anime game in its roster now. It currently has several GaaS games running.

CrashMania192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

Look at the usual sad idiot here and his alts upvoting his own comments lmao.

solideagle192d ago


on topic: didn't they have similar partnership during PS3 days where NCsoft was supposed to make 3 MMOs? something like that.

Obscure_Observer192d ago

Congratulations Sony!

Keep it up with those exclusive partnerships!

Eonjay192d ago

Smart money says that this is partnership to create a MMO out of one of Sony's IPs... most likely Horizon. Sony's true goal is to build its own original content. Its not really an exclusive partnership because NCSoft has its own games and other publishers it works with such as Amazon. This is about having NCSoft help them build games for IP they already own.

192d ago
192d ago
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Guild Wars 2 is not a ‘dead game,’ new End of Dragons stats prove it

While some may believe that Guild Wars 2 is a 'dead game' when compared to WoW or FFXIV, ArenaNet has shown PCGamesN new stats that prove otherwise.

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Abriael358d ago

It's a dead game. The stats mentioned don't prove a thing.

Tapani358d ago

Oh statistics do not mean a thing? So what is it, your feelings dictate if it is dead or not then? The company is making money and players are engaged and new content is coming. Maybe it's niche, but it's not "dead", because it is "alive" and kicking.

Zeref358d ago (Edited 358d ago )

Yeah I can't stand people who say every game they don't play is "dead". What does that even mean?

You even got people saying Warzone 2 is dead lol