
Psygnosis: In Requiem - Pixels for Breakfast

Pixels for Breakfast writes: In 1993 things were changing. A company, previously unknown for developing consoles, had made decisions to push ahead with something called PlayStation and, quite seriously, they re-wrote history.

Sony’s development of the PlayStation involved them acquiring experienced players in the development and publishing industry. Ensuring that quality products would be available at and close to launch and, for me, one of the most influential of these was Psygnosis.

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WipEout: The rise and fall of Sony Studio Liverpool

"Every Sunday, we bring you an article from our archive - and this week, to celebrate the original PlayStation's 20th birthday, we present the story of the studio behind one of the console's most iconic games.

In Hackers, the 1995 cult teen cyber thriller, a young Angelina Jolie and an American-accented Jonny Lee Miller play WipEout in a club. Established hacker Angelina is pretty good at the game, and has the top score. But then upstart hacker genius Jonny smashes it to bits. They hate each other. They love each other."

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radler3473d ago

One of the crown jewels of Sony's first party lineup before Shuhei foolishly shut the studio down.

Just think how great it would have been to have a Wipeout game from PlayStation's premier racing developer for the launch of the PS4. Instead the whole studio was shut down and priority was given to Evolution Studios, which brought us that mess called DriveClub over a year late.

RIP Studio Liverpool. Hands-down some of the best talent that Sony had, putting out a stunningly gorgeous high-speed racer at 1080p/60fps only a couple of years into the PS3 lifecycle.

Bennibop3473d ago

Do agree it seemed a ridiculous decision to shut studio Liverpool they never released a bad game however I disagree with you about evolution studio. Evolution have also a good pedigree, driveclub is solid and will be built upon it is trying to do something different, the net code was the problem. If we are not careful there will be no studio Liverpool or evolution.

IRetrouk3473d ago

Im pretty sure i read somewhere that some of the liverpool staff was taken on by evo... we may yet see another wipeout.

nX3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

We really need another Wipeout, it's one of the best IP's Sony has :(

skwidd3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

What about Psygnosis? I want another Colony Wars! Its the perfect timing too because space shooters and sci fi is so back in again and the graphics would be incredible!

EDIT: Oh wait, is Psygnosis and Studio Liverpool the same thing?? Just saw Psygnosis in the intro of the video. They made amazing games! I loved G-Police adn they had an F-1 racer at some point too

fr0sty3473d ago

They were foolish to shut them down, as now most of them have formed their own studio and are making a game very similar to Wipeout that will be multiplatform. Sony lost a jewel of an exclusive with that stunt.

3-4-53473d ago

Actually just bought Wipeout 2048 for Vita at Gamestop for like $7 the other day.

I like it a lot so far.

Just bought the HD+Fury 24 track Bundle DLC as well so I still need to experience all those tracks.

Only other Wipeout game I played was Pure for PSP which was amazing, so I'm hoping some of the HD+Fury tracks are close to those.

* They are making a new Wipeout type of game though so there is a spiritual successor on the way I think for 2015 on PC or maybe other platforms. Looks cool, but I forgot the name of the game.

Anyways, solid series, hope to see it continue via this other franchise.

lfc_4eva3473d ago

For me, I'll always remember them for their Amiga 500 days.

Shadow of the Beast!

hiredhelp3473d ago

Awww yeh now your talking and c64

lfc_4eva3473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

@hiredhelp and @Whyowhy

Here's a link I've just found about some of their old games. Some I didn't even realise were theirs. Maybe they were just the publisher for some of them.


Wish I had more bubbles to reminisce about the old gaming days :-)

Why o why3473d ago


Amiga and atari owner......fond memories

hiredhelp3473d ago

I have PM you a link you find very satisfying

4theplayers3473d ago

And the rebirth as a Firesprite.

Bennibop3473d ago

Who are apparently working on a ps exclusive.

InklingGirl3473d ago

Why no mention of the N64 title I wonder?

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Feature: An Ode to the Owl: The Inside Story of Psygnosis

Push Square: "Back in August 2012, Sony closed the doors of Studio Liverpool. Formerly known as Psygnosis, the studio was arguably most famous for its Wipeout series of futuristic racing titles, but it's easy to forget that it enjoyed a rich and vibrant history long before it was acquired by Sony to spearhead its first PlayStation console."

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Death3787d ago

Nice read. Some of my favorite PS games were by Psygnosis. I never understood why Sony changed their name and ultimately shut down the studio.

sprinterboy3787d ago

Agree, should kept original studio name, fond memories from amiga days. Blood money should make a hd psn remake


Is Sony Reviving Studio Liverpool?

Junkie Monkeys: As most of you know Sony shut the doors on SCE Studio Liverpool over a year ago. This move crushed many PlayStation gamers’ hearts, because this studio has had a long and rich history with PlayStation. A recent trademark filed by Sony has me curious about a few things concerning Studio Liverpool’s revival, except this time it seems they may be going back to the studio’s roots.

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BG115793899d ago

That would be awesome.
Let them bring Wipeout next-gen!!!

thereapersson3899d ago

I miss Psygnosis / Studio Liverpool! I would certainly love a next-gen sequel to G.Police and Colony Wars.

ZodTheRipper3899d ago

I'm still enjoying regularly Wipeout HD and Wipeout 2048, Wipeout is one of my favourite Sony franchise ...please let this be true.

Pintheshadows3899d ago

G_Police remake needs to happen, although with an understandable, not entirely insane control scheme this time.

nunley333899d ago

this could be like when take 2 boston changed its name back to irrational games,i hope its true.

doctorstrange3899d ago

Most likely they're just keeping the trademark theirs for any PS1 titles they plan on porting to current platforms.


RedDragan3899d ago

It was a chronically underfunded studio, come to think of it all the British studios are underfunded in comparison to the American and Japanese studios yet they still came out with some of the most iconic series to exist in the Playstation brand.

Not only should Sony bring back Liverpool, they should throw the money at it and see what crazy stuff they come up with.

DOMination-3899d ago

Didn't they just merge the staff and buildings with Evolution? They were pretty close geographically and both focused on racers. It made sense to combine their talents and tech.

torchic3899d ago



a small few found jobs at Evolution Studios, the rest had to find their own way.

BitbyDeath3899d ago

The old trademark remains, but now it looks like they have just created a new one.


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Gardenia3899d ago

I was thinking a few weeks ago how cool it would be to see a new Destruction Derby for the PS4. Simple and with no bs, just like the old games, but this time also multiplayer

3899d ago
badboy7763899d ago (Edited 3899d ago )

What's that Honey. Were having Liverpool for dinner. Mmmhh my Favorite.

DA_SHREDDER3899d ago

Didn't they join the Evo team?

OrangePowerz3899d ago

Part if the Liverpool people did.

abzdine3899d ago

would be the best thing for PlayStation fans.
WipEout HD is 1080p 60FPS with no lag, i can't even imagine the performance of WipEout PS4!
Please Sony make it happen

HeyImBen113899d ago (Edited 3899d ago )

Ps4 doesn't support 4K gaming i think.

xKugo3899d ago

No 4k support for PS4.

JoGam3899d ago

PS4 only support Videos and Photos in 4k. Not gaming.

loulou3899d ago

4k gaming is obviously supported..

look at the disagrees. they weren't idiotic sony fanboys taking offense to the possible slight against their plastic and silicon god. they were infact devs disagreeing with you.... oh wait

HeyImBen113899d ago (Edited 3899d ago )

Lol wooow, why all the disagrees. You are so pathetic.

Hicken3899d ago

No point complaining about the disagrees, but no, the PS4 does not support 4K gaming. Not unless it's on some Pong-level games.

Kleptic3899d ago

Sony confirmed this before, right? NO 4k rendered games...which is obvious when you look at the retail gpu the PS4's is based off of...Its very clearly a 1080 gpu...

4k takes multiple gpu's for even relatively simple modern games...Sorry, a single Radeon 7800 series isn't going to be pulling that off any time soon...sucks, i know, as Wipeout HD, to this day, is still one of the most impressive console games i've ever witnessed...

but it'll do 4k video...and may even support the quad layer BD disc stuff in the future...if its true that is all software related, that is...a lot of conflicting info on that...

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