
Katy Perry's "ROAR" will be a Free DLC Song / ROAR Preview Trailer Released

Today, Ubisoft announced that Katy Perry’s latest hit single “Roar” will be available to download for free on the release day of Just Dance 2014 – launching October 1 in EMEA, October 4 in the United Kingdom and October 8 in the U.S.

“Roar” will add to the already outstanding Just Dance 2014’s tracklist that includes more than 45 chart topping songs including “Applause” by Lady Gaga, “Blurred Lines” by Robin Thicke Ft. Pharrell, “Kiss You” by One Direction, “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk Ft. Pharrell Williams and “Starships” by Nicki Minaj.

Just Dance 2014 will be released worldwide for all current and next-generation platforms, including the Wii and Wii U systems from Nintendo, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment systems from Microsoft, and Sony PlayStation 4 and PlayStation® 3 computer entertainment systems. The game will be available on next-gen platforms at each console’s launch.

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Red_Devilz3902d ago

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Yuprules3901d ago

Considering she made more money in a day than most of us do in a year. It isn't a face palm for US, not her :)


Wii U Basic Bundle with Nintendo Land, an extra game, and extra controller for £159.99 at UK site

Dealspwn writes: Looking for a Wii U bundle for Christmas, or trying to snap up a bargain console bundle deal ahead of Black Friday? Well you can pick up a Wii U Basic bundle with Nintendo Land, either Wii Party U or Just Dance 2014, and an extra controller for under £160 at this UK retailer.

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Top 20 Just Dance Players To Compete Live At Paris Games Week

Ubisoft and the Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC) today announced the list of qualified Just Dance players for the World Finals at Paris Games Week (October 30 to November 1, 2014).

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Games that make you go ‘meh’: 11 average titles on Xbox One

These Xbox One games are pretty average, but will be well worth a purchase once they hit the bargain bins. Next to each game is its Metacritic score, for those who care about such things.

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98xpresent3545d ago (Edited 3545d ago )

he or she used a playstation video lol

UltimateMaster3544d ago (Edited 3544d ago )

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Sunset Overdrive is going to be this game that Xbox Gamers feels it's below average because they used to make exclusive games for PlayStation.

I'm not saying it's going to be below average, but all the Xbox fanboys kept saying that Resistance sucks and that it was mediocre and the same thing with the Ratchet and Clanks and the Spyros when it was owned by Sony.

They're not going to change their story because they'll look like complete hypocrites; because Sunset Overdrive is Resistance (Aliens and Boss battles with guns) mixed in with Ratchet and Clank Gameplay Mechanix and Bizarre Weaponry and Cartoony look with a pinch of rebel attitude.

gamerfan09093544d ago (Edited 3544d ago )

I don't see one bit of resemblance between Resistance and Sunset Overdrive. You're using this weird circumstantial evidence to prove a non point.

Trekster_Gamer3544d ago

You are the onev who sounds like a fanboy troll. Who the F are you to tell us if we like the game. You made one correct point, resistance sucked.

OpieWinston3544d ago

Sunset Overdrive fits the Xbox core demographic pretty well.

Dead Rising 3 sold well on X1 (1.4 Million units in first 6 months)
Titanfall sold well on X1 (Rumored to be 2 Million units in 4 months)
Jet Set Radio was an OG Xbox title

Sunset Overdrive takes parkour elements(Titanfall) and mixes them with wacky grinding in this wacky artsy world(Jet Set Radio) filled with multiple creatures that are trying to kill you and tons of cool weapons(Dead Rising)to slay them with.

I don't know how you think Resistence is like Sunset Overdrive. Only thing that bares any resemblance is the Mutant designs.

But like I said...Titanfall(Parkour/Fast paced) meets Dead Rising(Mass units/Wacky Weapons) meets Jet Set Radio(Grinding/City Design)...and you get Sunset Overdrive.

Bare in mind I'm not saying that Insomniac is ripping off these games, I'm saying that this game FITS the demographic and will sell well with MS marketing behind it and a console bundle.

GodGinrai3544d ago (Edited 3544d ago )

"I'm not saying it's going to be below average, but all the Xbox fanboys kept saying that Resistance sucks and that it was mediocre and the same thing with the Ratchet and Clanks and the Spyros when it was owned by Sony."

Well..resistance DID suck..and spryo is great if you were 8 years old at the time..Rachet and clank...well..I liked those games anyway.

SSO is different from those games, for all the right reasons. Its multiplayer centric nature for a start. And for some not so obvious reasons, like its colour pallette and art style. More of that is needed on XB1.

"They're not going to change their story because they'll look like complete hypocrites"

I dont think they are going to care what N4G thinks of them while they are having fun on SSO...Do you? honestly? Eating your own words never tasted so good if that be the case.

Charybdis3544d ago

so far the previews for sunset are better than expected.

BlackTar1873544d ago

Wow Ultimate

That was some of the most ridiculous stuff I've ever read.

DLConspiracy3544d ago

Way to generalize everyone into a category. Not everyone feels that way. Just a few loud (and mostly annoying) minority online.

Highlife3544d ago

I agree sunset overdrive looks average at best. Looks extremely repetitive.

christocolus3544d ago

Lmao...what are you talking about? SO is going to be great. Stop trying to downplay it dude.

user3672723544d ago (Edited 3544d ago )

Man..I think a special kind of repellent is needed for fanboy comment like that. Don't hate on a game because you can't play it.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3544d ago
ShowanW3544d ago

This is the dumbest article in in recent days.

About 70% of the games in the article are Multi-Plats...

smh...People will ride the Xbox hate train for they're 15minutes of fame...

gamerfan09093544d ago ShowReplies(4)
ArtificiallyYours3544d ago (Edited 3544d ago )

Okay we get it you want nothing to do with a platform you end up fucking advertising anyways, N4G.

Let the obvious truth sink in, War Whales, you are free advertisement drones for every platform you "rise against".

Revolt133544d ago

Rise Against is my favorite band

ArtificiallyYours3544d ago (Edited 3544d ago )

Kudos to you. :)

EDIT: Yeah I came off as an ass in my post, but really when you vocally dismiss a product at the end of the day you are a free advertisement.

jnemesh3544d ago

Mediocre platform + mediocre games. The only people who buy Xbox are those who are buying out of some misguided loyalty...and Halo fanbois. Everyone else buys a PS4 or games on PC.

christocolus3544d ago

And you are here once more trolling shamelessly. Smh.

bumnut3543d ago

Not me, I have an Xbox One and PC. I will pick up a PS4 eventually but just bought an Oculus Rift so I need to hold off for a while.

People buy what THEY like, not what you want them to like.

jackanderson19853544d ago

my god that is an awful article... their justifications are shocking

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