
ID.Konami.net undergoing "emergency maintenance work"

As most, if not all of you probably know, Konami's ID site has been crashing and refusing to load since the Metal Gear Online Beta was released worldwide. The site is now undergoing emergency maintenance work today to correct the problem.

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jones smokey5892d ago

its about time i hear from them, i have been trying to get the code since i woke up this morning, all i am seeing is page expired!!!! get it fixed quick so i can play mgs4 online, i know it is just a beta test but i still wanna play it =(

kingOVsticks5892d ago

i will be reeeeeealy pissed off if they don't fix this soon and what are they going to do when the game comes out on june 12th? I hope they fix it so you can just use your psn id and the konami id is optional.

belal5892d ago

be working on it !

or else they will be meeting my fists !!!!!!

im så darn angry!

firs they let me update a patch and that takes like 1 houre and 45 mins!

and now i cant even register

ar5892d ago

"im så darn angry!"
Calm ner a bit. ;)

Bladestar5892d ago (Edited 5892d ago )

I find it funny... the picture you are using... showing xbox 360 unreliability... what would you call this? it seems Konami is having a hard time keeping up... I wonder why they didn't use PSN... I think Sony's policy of letting developer use wherever means they want to make PS3 games is a double edge sword... if Sony would require the use of their already established and more robust network than any single developer can provide... this problem would be more manageable. I know Sony does not have a single unified network for Online play.. but if I am not mistaken they do have it for logins... so, why is Komami doing their own thing on this?

By the way, I don't think is Sony's fault when it comes to the technical stuff... I just think this is the result of a "do wherever the hell you want environment... some developers as proven by this situation arent ready for this kind of stuff... compare to other companies that already have stuff like this in place like EA, Epic and others...

NeonSkull5892d ago

this is why they run a beta, so they can iron out or fix issues such as theses.

poopsack5892d ago

Are you sad because an unfinished beta can be compared to a final release... of a console?

Fishy Fingers5892d ago (Edited 5892d ago )

Honestly I have no idea why they went this route. Surely even though Konami come up with the means, Sony must still approve it.

I can only assume this is something to do with the beta, I doubt that they will stick with this for the actual release. At least I hope not.

But realistically, its not that big of a deal, the problem has just been the amount of traffic trying to access the ID site. It actually walks you through each step in-game and even links you to the sign up site straight from the PS browser.

Still, I agree it would of been much easier to just let us use our PSN ID's.

Anyway, just go buy one bro ;)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5892d ago
Mc Fadge5892d ago

I've managed to get not 1, but 3 Konami IDs completed and confirmed. I guess they didn't see so much demand for the beta? Not a very good excuse, but at least they're fixing it. Wish they gave us something to do in the mean time, create characters etc. but oh well! ^____^

21st shall definitely be a wonderful birthday. New 40" TV, and a MGO beta, I can hardly wait :'D

meepmoopmeep5892d ago (Edited 5892d ago )

oooh, lucky you, those are great birthday gifts man! My birthday saw GT5:p NA release and supposed MGO Beta download date.

anyway, i'm lucky i registered for the Konami ID the day the PS Blog was up, so there wasn't as much traffic. whew!

now my only problem is that i forgot my Gamer ID password (the numbers only one). Too many gosh darn ID's to keep in my head! damn you Konami! gRRRRR!

Mc Fadge5892d ago

It isn't that important after all, 1234 would do :P

Bathyj5892d ago

1, 2, 3, 4.

Thats amazing, I have the same combination on my luggage.

DexTh055892d ago

I just went to the site and it seems to loading just the first two pages and then crashing, so i guess they are making some progress. I cant wait to start playing this game.

Fishy Fingers5892d ago

Well we've all got until the 21st so there is plenty of time for them to rectify the situation and allow us to get our ID's in time.

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Online services for MGSV:TPP (Xbox 360, PS3) and GZ (Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4) to be terminated

Konami has shared an announcement on the official Metal Gear portal site stating that the online services for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be terminated on May 31st of 2022. This only affects the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. Both MGSV itself and its multiplayer component Metal Gear Online will be shut down on that date. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will also lose its network service on the same date, but this time it also affects the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game.

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Nyxus1009d ago

MGS4 servers were closed after only 4 years, by the way https://www.metalgearinform...

Welshy1009d ago

Don't remind me, my favourite online game of all time :(

Giblet_Head1008d ago

It's been brought back with RPCS3, if you're curious to get back into it.

SegaSaturn6691009d ago

I played this game recently. This is a problem because infiltrating online bases is by FAR the best way to get money.

During the actual game i made a few mill doing story missions, and procuring equipment, but with the online wallet, I had 100m+ in a few hours.

Not to mention you'd need to create online FOBs to max your gear.

Was hoping there would be a next gen patch to make the idroid a little less laggy. Really, a masterpiece of a game.

SDuck1009d ago

And that's why online elements in single player games will never be welcomed by me

MasterChief36241008d ago

Remember that the services for Phantom Pain on Xbox One, PS4 and PC are still going to be online. But it is only a matter of time, I suppose.

GhostofHorizon1009d ago

Are there any trophies or achievements tied to online?

GhostofHorizon1009d ago

Well... that's unfortunate.

Dark_Overlord1008d ago

Actually 3, Intruder, Deterrence and Disarmament. You have to connect to the online to finish building the Nuke and get the trophy, meaning you can't disarm it either without online.

MetroidFREAK211009d ago

I still need to play these games. I have the PS3 versions

franwex1008d ago

The online component is really helpful with online connectivity. You get minerals and stuff while you sleep to build up your base.

MetroidFREAK211008d ago

I don't think I'll get to it before the online service is shut down

1009d ago Replies(2)
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Metal Gear Online is back, thanks to custom servers

We’ve seen custom servers bring loads of online PC games back from the dead, and emulation has provided a way for plenty of old console games to live on modern hardware. You probably see where this is going. Yes, a group of enterprising fans have put together custom servers to bring back the PlayStation 3’s take on Metal Gear Online, commonly known as Metal Gear Online 2.

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Dabigsiebowski1061d ago

I play MGO 1 still on my Original PS2 still... Online of course

franwex1061d ago

I had no idea we could still play this!

aaronaton1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )

I play this and I would just say the skill gap is as large as ever. Headshots are key, and most players seems to be able to quickscope anyone from anywhere. This was always a thing on PS3 but it's even more pronounced due to higher frames rates on the rpcs3.

It's the toughest online shooter I've played in a long long time.


Metal Gear Survive will be the 1st Place Prize During a MGO3 Tournament and no Gamer Wants it

Metal Gear Survive will be the 1st Place prize at a Metal Gear Online 3 tournament and fans are furious.

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2444d ago Replies(2)
PhoenixUp2444d ago (Edited 2444d ago )

What more can Kojima do with this franchise when the saga is pretty much over?

The plot is pretty much wrapped up and Kojima has expressed many times he'd like to put the IP to rest. Anymore titles in the Snake saga would just turn Metal Gear into a zombie franchise..........oh wait!

-Foxtrot2445d ago (Edited 2445d ago )

It's a pre order code aswell

I mean it's bad enough it's Survive but not even a Collectors Edition of it or something

Salt in wound. They're right aswell the other prizes are better


DivineAssault 2445d ago (Edited 2445d ago )

LOL that sucks! Only Konami... and capcom ;(

GamesMaster19822444d ago

Shame i would have it but the online in mgo3 is boring as fuck.

BlaqMagiq12444d ago

Wow Konami is punishing whoever wins first place? #FucKonami