
Earth Defense Force 2025 preview: co-op creature extermination | Shack News

Shack News: "Oversized monsters are ready to once again destroy our feeble human cities. Earth Defense Force 2025 takes the best qualities of its predecessors, shines them up, and expands with new weapons, characters, and multiplayer dynamics--all whilst keeping its B-movie charm."

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Earth Defense Force 2025 Review | XboxAddict

Do you remember the days when arcade games like Sega’s Virtua Fighter 3, Sega Bass Fishing, and Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram were the pinnacle of arcade game graphics?

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Earth Defense Force 2025 Review: The Video Game Equivalent of Sharknado | GamerTell

From the review, "For the uninitiated, it won’t take long to discover that Earth Defense Force 2025 is not a game that takes itself too seriously. The story won’t go far towards substantiating games as a powerful medium for storytelling, nor does it seek to. If the story does anything, at all, it establishes some context for the fun that unravels in the game’s fully destructible landscapes, and lends a history to the nigh endless horde.

Players take control of one of four elite classes in the employ of a world funded organization charged with protecting the Earth from extraterrestrial threats."

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Earth Defense Force 2025 Review - Gametactics

Once again we're battling an amalgamation of giant insects and alien robots, because yet again the EDF failed to purge every last bit of them from the solar system. The panic of the soldiers and news reporters gets drowned out by all the carnage so repetitiveness of this story line doesn't really get to you at least. Read on as Michael LeParc of Gametactics reviews Earth Defense Force 2025 for the Xbox 360.

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