
Namco Announces Space Shooter PowerUp Forever

Namco Bandai yesterday announced a new downloadable game titled PowerUp Forever at its press event in San Francisco. The space shooter is set for a fall release on Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network.

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C3 Exclusive Interview | Seeing Double: The Oliver Twins (Blitz Games Studios)

Cubed3's Mike Mason recently got the chance to speak to Andrew and Philip Oliver - the Oliver Twins. The pair, creators of Dizzy the egg and co-founders of Blitz Games Studios, were happy to speak about their company's plans and divisions.

borisfett5422d ago

Aaaah, Dizzy.

Those were the days. *laughs*

Cajun Chicken5422d ago (Edited 5422d ago )

Ironically, they both seem to look like Dizzy as they got older on the header image.

A Love Letter To PowerUp Forever

A look at PowerUp Forever, an under-selling arcade shooter on Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network from Blitz Games Studios.

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Cajun Chicken5422d ago

Hmm, I'm not sure if this is on the EU PSN Store.

c3mike5422d ago

A look around tells me it was added in March this year on EU PSN...but I don't have access to it to check on a PS3 itself, unfortunately.

Cajun Chicken5422d ago (Edited 5422d ago )

Hmm, I'll go check if so, must've been uploaded when I was busy and had no access to the internet. Sounds like an excellent concept!

EDIT: Yeah, it's there. Gonna go try a demo on my 360 though.

c3mike5422d ago

Excellent, glad I wasn't going mad! Hope you enjoy it.


GiantBomb: PowerUp Forever Review


"OK, I'll stop harping on the name. It's not that big of a deal. PowerUp Forever is a pretty good dual-joystick shooter that stands out, even though there are now around a billion of these games available on various digital download services. If you felt that Flow was too soft, or that you wanted more guns in the first stage of Spore, you'll certainly dig it."

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