
Wii Sports Club brings 5 Wii Sports games to the Wii U, and it's a ripoff

Nintendo is bringing Wii Sports to the Wii U in high definition, complete with online play and clubs, with Wii Sports Club. It brings five sports to the Wii U -- bowling, tennis, baseball, boxing and golf. That's fine, and I actually welcome the addition of these games, but Nintendo is charging $9.99 for each game individually for permanent access.

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LOL_WUT3892d ago

I don't know how anyone could truly defend this game being $10. I mean I could see the appeal in the much wanted online portion/functions but does that alone justify these mini games being that price?

And this whole "OMGZ IT'S IN HD" I thought YOU guys didn't care about graphics? Sending some mixed messages there, aren't we? ;)

With that said the Boxing and the tennis one look really cool.. ;)

Concertoine3892d ago

makes sense to me. i'd rather buy baseball and bowling for 20 bucks since thatll be the only one i play routinely. if friends come over i can rent everything else.
its like killer instinct, on paper it seems like a ripoff, but when you only play one or two fighters/sports competitively its a deal.

--Onilink--3892d ago

$20 for just 2 games IS a rip off... as much as i enjoyed wii sports, the pricing is way off. It should be $5 each.

The $1.99 rental thing is not so bad for someone who is just interested in casual play when some people are in the house

Neonridr3892d ago

I don't recall anyone going bananas over it being in HD. Just a nice touch I guess.

Jay70sgamer3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

I can justify it....its the replay value.... it's not like over the life of the game you are not gonna get your money's worth.....also if virtual games on wii u can cost 5 and 9 dollars why can't a "HD" game with online play for free cant cost 10 dollars ......

LOL_WUT3892d ago

Because they're mini games! As to why are you even comparing VC titles to this is beyond me ;)

Theyellowflash303891d ago

LOL, so its the fact its a mini game....replay value has nothing to do with the price?

Feocart3892d ago

The thing is, Wii Sports Club isn't $10.
Each individual game is $10 for "permanent access".
That means that if you want to play all 5 games (bowling, tennis, boxing, baseball, and golf) whenever you want, it will cost you $50.

This is insane.

Jay70sgamer3892d ago

Why is it insane when you are getting 5 mini games ....plus it's an option ..which works out to what works best for that person ....isn't it better to pay for what you want instead of what they force on you I always say choices are better than not....if I only like tennis this gives me the option to only buy tennis instead of the 50 dollars for all five mini games it makes alot of sense ...

RicardJulianti3891d ago

Would you rather be paying $60 for 5 games....2 or 3 of which you will never play?

truechainz3892d ago

(Man swivels around in chair only slightly visible behind shadow while stroking a cat on his lap. Laughs maniacally.)

Man (In dark evil voice): Wonderful Lol_Wut. You are doing us proud. Now tomorrow continue your work. There will be a number of negative Wii U articles as usual, so I want you list the same Wii U complaints over and over while occasionally throwing in a positive piece to make it seem like you are not just trolling. And of course end with the trademark douche symbol of our evil organizationtion, the winking smiley face. When you convince enough people to not get a Wii U, I will promote you to Online Illuminati intern.

Lol_Wut: Yes master.

(Both laugh maniacally as wii u is burning in the corner)

But seriously, I will only be getting bowling and tennis for $20 which is not bad considering online will provide me years of replay value.

Knushwood Butt3891d ago

It's great that Nintendo are spending their time bringing these new experiences to Wii U.

* facepalm *

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3891d ago
dreadhead3892d ago

u people dumb as hell and the author shut the hell up and dont buy it ya dnt complain bout ps3 or 360 charging and u dumb ass there system is hd so you sayin it just should of been wii graphics again ok right get wit the program now take dat nigga

AbortMission3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

Let's give dreadhead a hug, poor guy Lol

Starbucks_Fan3892d ago

I'm going to guess you listen to rap music?

truechainz3892d ago

What is that supposed to mean?

hduce3892d ago

Clean up the use of the N word son. Take that s*** to xbox live.

Yep3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

You know what you do when you don't think a game is worth the price? You don't buy it.

That being said, I can't wait to resurface the casual gamer in me and play online.

kwandar3892d ago

I'll be picking this up. Loved Tennis, and the ability to play against others is great!

I think Nintendo will pick up a lot of former Wii customers with this, too.

AJBACK2FRAG3892d ago

Miiverse is gonna' make this game big. Definitely a killer app!

AbortMission3892d ago

I could spend less than half that price on Steam games or even worthwhile indies on PSN Lol. Nintendo showing their greed once again.

Jay70sgamer3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

@abortmission how is this greed ....... if you like say (bowling,tennis,boxing etc )you can purchase them separately for 10 dollars is that a ripoff or during the holidays when family is over you can rent the game for 2.00$ for 24 hrs stop with your nonsense.... what really is a ripoff is to have to pay 50$(ps plus) and xbox live 60$ to play online.... I see you are not rating and raving about having to pay to play multiplayer online that's the real ripoff .....stop with your nintendo hate it is showing .......it's getting annoying the nintendo haters .....

AbortMission3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

$50 a year for free games, great deals and discounts, and trial privileges is a RIP-OFF? Lol I stopped taking you seriously there, drone.

I can't argue the same for the 360 but it's pretty obvious you don't own either console *cough* casual Lol

Jay70sgamer3892d ago

I own all three systems and the wii u and I've been gaming since the 70s read the name .....just to let you now I know you don't know what you are talking about so the free trial period with ps plus for 14 days isn't a ripoff to get people to get the ps plus after the 14 day which is 50 dollars a year selective amnesiac huh smh I see and I'm a true gamer I don't go online bashing other game systems ..true gamers like games no matter what system its on smh when will these so called "hardcore gamers"learn smh...also how is 50 dollars better than free explain that genius ? Let me break it down wii u online =free.....ps4 50 dollars a year ...xbox 60 $ smh

Gemmol3886d ago

@abortmission paying to pay online is a ripoff I can understand if ps plus is for those features you name and not for playing online then I would say its a good deal, but we have to pay 50 dollars a year to play online even if we do not want those other stuff

3892d ago
Klad3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

How is this greed? Online is FREE!!! no subscription!! you pay $10 for a sport that you prefer or like & you can play online forever FREE!!! Xbox Live isn't free!! but i guess Microsoft arent greedy

AJBACK2FRAG3891d ago

Lol! It's actually Nintendo showing savy and understanding what their customers want and selling it to them at what I consider a fair price. Online tennis!!! I'll be there!

N4g_null3891d ago

Lowest price consider.... $2 to rent this game for 24 hrs.... then never play it again.... or pay $60 and then search for deals and hope for free games you like while trying to play online games to justify your purchase or just get what you want for $2.

Now if you want Nintendo to make a service like steam and offer free indy games then just say that.... I just dont like the games sony is offering, so the price isnt right for me.

yet this is going to be pretty big and the choices are great with online play.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3886d ago
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Here's Why Wii Sports Needs To Come To the Nintendo Switch

Nintendo could be sitting on a gold mine with a past favorite.

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Relientk77854d ago

Because we all miss accidentally throwing our Wiimotes at the TV, so let's throw some Joy-Cons.

Neonridr854d ago

VR is the same way, wrist straps for a reason.

Neonridr854d ago

I loved the golf from Wii Sports Resort.

Cuzizkool853d ago

I was always confused by Nintendo’s decision to kill the franchise. “Super” stayed with Mario titles even after the Super Nintendo. They can still use the Wii name. Hell it’s been so long that releasing a new one, or even an HD remaster, will tap into that nostalgia market.

DazaMc853d ago

Super Mario launched on the NES not the Super NES.

septemberindecember853d ago

Super was never because of the Super Nintendo. Super Mario Bros launched on the NES. The Super is because it's an indirect sequel to Mario Bros.

They can just call it Nintendo Sports or something, but using the Wii name would be a bit confusing.

Bigman4k853d ago

Yeah i agree but i don't think Nintendo will be bringing wii sports to the Nintendo Switch samething goes for diddykong racing


Top 10 Wii U Games That Still Need To Be Ported To Nintendo Switch

Some of the best Wii U games have yet to be ported to Switch, so GCP have come up with their top 10 Wii U ports they want to see still come to Nintendo Switch.

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PhoenixUp2040d ago

It’d be awesome if HD remasters of GameCube & Wii titles also came to Switch

FalconSabre2040d ago

Agreed. There are so many good games I'd love to see, especially the Mario Galaxy games.

2040d ago Replies(5)
Geobros2040d ago

Super Mario Maker is must for Switch owners.

strayanalog2040d ago

Definitely. I'm still waiting on this one myself.

Sgt_Slaughter2040d ago

Xenoblade X, Star Fox Zero, and Super Mario 3D World/Maker are the best bets IMO.

Segata2040d ago

Tokyo Mirage Sessions,Xenoblade X and The Wonderful 101 are the only ones I want now.

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Multiplayer Madness 3: My Favorite Multiplayer Games Revisited

Phil writes, "Whether locally or online, multiplayer is a marvelous way to extend the life of a given video game. That said, not all games need multiplayer shoehorned in. The fact of the matter is that the games on this list, part three of my descent into Multiplayer Madness, has multiplayer that feels like a natural extension of the single player. From Grand Theft Auto V to Wii Sports Club, this list has a wide variety of titles in it that I can't help but enjoy and recommend to you, SuperPhillip Central's readers."

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PixelGateUk3001d ago

I never really got into GTA online, it always felt a little bit scattered

TeamLeaptrade3001d ago

Not a bad list. GTA is fine, but I feel like they missed adding something like Call of Duty 4 or something along those lines.

philm873001d ago

I could put off by GTA online's terrible matchmaking on the PS4, not sure if this has been improved or not yet.