
15 Facts You Have To Admit When Playing MMOs

Since the first Massive Multiplayer Online game Ultimate Online (someone thinks the first MMO is Meridian59) released in 1997, 16 years have passed. Time flies like the wind; MMO evolves like a banana. Some facts (or laws) of MMO are gradually formed.

zeal0us3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

For 5. I don't every MMO that gets low score is bad. Look at Warframe. I've seen that game get 5's and 6's but the actually is pretty good. Though it does have its problems.

I remember I spent close $300-$400 one summer on a F2P MMO(PWI, if you were wondering). I look back now and think boy I was stupid. No telling what some people are paying now in PWI especially since you can spend over $100 to get some high-end armor. P2P sub fee may be expensive to some but you will come out spending less compare F2P in some cases.

Far as 12 goes usually these MMOs are just generic Korean or Chinese grind fest. The developer in most cases take the cheapest route and throw in a crappy cash shop.

I don't about most girls are using laptops to play MMOs. I've met quite a few guys that were using a laptop to play MMOs.

3913d ago Replies(3)
NexGen3913d ago

Wtf is ultimate online? It was called Ultima.

ibrake4naps3913d ago

What's the skinny hot chick from?

Studio-YaMi3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

It's from the game "blade & soul".

For future needs,if you have a photo of someone or something that you want to know about,you can copy the photo url by right clicking the photo you want,copy the url,go to google images and then paste the url and click search.

the google search will suggest that you "search by image",click it and any related website that list this photo/image or any info on it will be available.

You're welcome. :D

Rayansaki3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

I like how the article is about MMOs yet the pictures on #2 are kids playing league of legends (I'm not 100% sure on the third, it might be the chinese league launcher tho). #14 is not even related to MMO's at all.

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