
Twinfinite: Earth Defense Force 2025 Interview with Michael Cervin

Matt from Twinfinite writes: "I hate bugs! Bugs are gross and icky and I watched a documentary one day that some of them go inside people and lay eggs in them. So when I played the amazing cathartic and simultaneously trauma inducing Earth Defense Force 2025 at PAX this year, I actually found myself having a great time. A combination of fun gameplay, silly premise, and good ol bug explosions make for some good times. I got a chance to interview Michael about the new title in the cult series."

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Earth Defense Force 4.1 for Nintendo Switch Review | The Gamebutler

Here's a port that won't "bug" players. Now it just needs a U.S. release.

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Samurai Maiden Review: Kiss Kiss Hack Hack | SVG

Despite some clunkiness in its controls and camera, along with a surface-level narrative, "Samurai Maiden" knows exactly what it is and what it's trying to do.


D3 Publisher's New Game Tease By Summon Night Devs Gets New Details & Teases Characters

Following yesterday's tease, D3 Publisher revealed new details about its upcoming new game by the team behind Summon Night 5.

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Fluttershy771374d ago

I'm so old that when I read D3, I get exited cause I'm thinking on D and D2 hahaha