
Is The Elder Scrolls Online set up to fail?

With Zenimax Online opting for both microtransactions and a monthly subscription, Sean Knight wonders if it will be too much for the MMO crowd.

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WickedLester3919d ago

"Is The Elder Scrolls Online set up to fail?"

On consoles, I believe so. I just don't think console gamers will ever embrace subscription based MMO's. Especially when we're already paying a yearly fee for a network service. 15.00 a month (180.00 a year) is way too steep for one game!

Pintheshadows3919d ago

I worry it will be shunned by PC gamers as well. B2P or F2P is the current way the genre seems to be going.

cleft53919d ago

The whole pay to play model is just outdated now. Either do what the Guild Wars developers did or figure out some way to handle a F2P system that doesn't ruin the game.

It would be one thing if people where hailing ESO as this amazing game, but every video that has been shown of it makes it look average. Why pay for ESO when you can just play WoW, the much more established diverse experience? That is the question they are going to have to answer and right now I don't think they have answered that question.

TopDudeMan3919d ago

Yeah. With WoW, LoL and GW2 hogging most of the players ESO is going to stuggle.

BlingBlaine3919d ago

$64 for the game + $180 sub for a year + $60 ps+ sub + mictotransactions =

$380 a year just to play eso. Who needs to be fired for that one?

ESO on consoles will fail pure and simple.

Mystogan3918d ago

Struggle? It will fail so hard. This is going to be catastrophic, trust me.

Not even the many Star wars fans could help SWTOR.

There are much less ElderScrolls fans than Star Wars fans. And even less fans who actually want a multiplayer Elder Scrolls.

Its a shame. Because this is a good game. Ruined by the Pricing Model. This should have been Buy2play like Guild Wars.

This one is going down in history boys.

sdozzo3919d ago

Never thought of that. Good call.

2cents3919d ago

I agree WickedLester,

I can't believe they decided to go this route, especially for console! This will be the first elder scrolls I will have to give a miss.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3918d ago
Regis3919d ago

Do we even need to say yes? Only when it becomes F2P or with only an online subscription of PS+ or XBLG is when we will see it take off.

urwifeminder3919d ago

Guild wars 2 is the best model and now the norm unless others follow they will fail.

sdozzo3919d ago

They will get some cash and eventually go free to play.

The_Kills3919d ago

Lol I remember when freemium games started releasing, everyone scolded them. Now people with take that nonsense over skipping one lunch a month. N4G MMO players are a JOKE.

Pintheshadows3919d ago

You must eat fancy lunch if you are spending $15 on one.

The_Kills3916d ago

Normal afternoon off work lunch?

Mystogan3918d ago

The problem I have witn subscriptions is that I will feel forced to play the game. Or I would pay $15 for nothing. 12*15= 180 dollars each year FOR ONE game.. That is a rip-off and Guild Wars 2 and many others proved that it is a ripoff. You CAN make a great MMO without a monthly subscription.

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