
The Crew, and how Ubisoft is turning its version of the American dream into reality

Edge:Ubisoft creative director Julian Gerighty on building 7,000 miles of road and 15 cities in the forthcoming open world racer.

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panbit863918d ago

Whenever i read about the "American Dream" all i remember is...

Mr_Danski3918d ago

Sony is the Cat, MS the Mice?


The Crew is Being Removed from Your Ubisoft Connect Account Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With the closure of The Crew's online servers, Ubisoft has started removing access to the game from anyone who owns it on Ubisoft Connect.

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shadowhaxor53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Wait. I don't get it. I reported on something that I recently noticed. I did mention in my article that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't gone to play The Division 2. That said, if this was nearly a week ago, I wouldn't know, as NO ONE REPORTED ON IT! Not IGN. Not Gamespot. Not Kotaku. No one.

You got people here complaining that there are any real gaming journalists and game journalism sucks, but when someone is acting, doing something to make something known to the public about what a company is doing. What do you do? You poke fun at it. What is it that people want? Do you want to complain for the sake of it? Or do you actually want people to do something to make those who aren't in the know aware of the shady stuff that's happening and to sound the alarm?

ravens5252d ago

It's the "oh well" setting in on digital users. They don't care they don't own their stuff for some odd reason. 🤷🏽.

FullmetalRoyale52d ago

Good for you! People sometimes just feel the need to show how little they actually have to say. Very respectful dressing down, btw, which is another thing we need more of.

fan_of_gaming52d ago

I appreciate your article,
- "If this isn’t considered both a “WTF” moment and setting a dangerous precedent, I don’t know what else it would be"
- "it could also signal other publishers that removing games from our accounts would be okay"
- "Maybe those firmly against this digital future have a point after all"
- "This. Is. Fucked. Up."

As someone against an only-digital/streaming future for entertainment content (movies/TV shows/games/books), it feels like talking into a void about the points above on this website, or on Twitter, or with my friends, etc. People don't get it. I'm strongly contemplating whether this will be my last generation of PlayStation & Xbox consoles (I'm confident enough that Nintendo's next system will still support physical media and that their 1st-party games won't have online-required installation or usage restrictions).

Chocoburger52d ago

He is one of the long running trolls of this site, he never says anything positive. Every single one of his posts are either incorrect or flat out stupid. Pay him no mind.

OtterX52d ago

Thank you @shadowhaxor, we appreciate you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 52d ago
KyRo52d ago

Yet people will sit here and still say that digital is better 🙃

TheSenorCheese52d ago

Welcome to the era where you no longer own your games.

gvrd001952d ago (Edited 52d ago )

I'm so done with Ubisoft, removing games one paid for is a new low...
Bye Ubisoft,
You've done f#c*ed it up !

Chocoburger52d ago

This was me 9 years ago, when I realized all they wanted to make were filler boring games that are packed with micro-trash-actions.

Snooze! Moving on from Ubi-junk!

vTuro2452d ago

I see they're trying their best to surpass Activision Blizzard for being the most hated gaming company. Keep at it, Ubisoft, I believe!

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The Crew Franchise Accumulates 40 Million Players In Total

The series' next iteration is coming this year.


The Division 2 Director Says Death Stranding Will Be ''Timeless'' And ''Mind-Blowing''

Hideo Kojima has been showing off his upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive, Death Stranding, to various folk across the industry. And the common thread across every showing is the party involved leaves the demo blown away, including most recently Julian Gerighty, a Creative Director over at Ubisoft.

SpaceRanger1911d ago

Honestly can’t wait for this game. Been reading a lot of the potential backstory based on the trailers and it seems to hit at Kojima’s sci-fi fantasy methods.

Omnisonne1911d ago

I'm hoping (or expecting) to see some weird cosmic horror/fantasy elements in that game. From what I've seen it definitely seems to be leaning towards the unseen and unexplained.

SpaceRanger1911d ago

I’m expecting some purgatory and real world bridging. Something like the two realms blending and being connected.

They’ve been focusing on death and time as two concepts. But a cosmic twist in the story would be amazing. Something like the zoo hypothesis.

SuperSonic911911d ago

Kojima said the game shares inter dimensional travel like Spooder-Man Into the Spooderverse.

bouzebbal1910d ago

My Pro and uhd TV are ready for this whenever it comes out.. Looks definitely intriguing

kneon1911d ago

I can wait, I still haven't seen anything that makes me want to play it.

xX-oldboy-Xx1911d ago

Aren't you intrigued by what you've seen? Impressed by the graphics and art style? Excited to find out more about it?

All of that applies to me, I certainly can't wait play it.

kneon1911d ago

I've not found it intriguing so far, weird some times, but I haven't found it at all interesting yet. Graphically the game looks good, but that's never been enough to make me like a game, let alone buy it.

Maybe I've missed some of the teasers, but so far I don't know what it's about nor what the game play might be like.

sprinterboy1910d ago

You literally have mo imagination, how sad. Your not human if you don't feel alittle intrigued surely

kneon1910d ago

I've never finished an MGS game, I generally find them boring and/or stupid. So I don't blindly get excited about a game just because Kojima is making it. I'll give it a chance, but I'm not buying it so far based on what I've seen, I need to see more.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1910d ago
SuperSonic911911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

Looks King Kojima is friends with alot of game developers. What a wise king with wise advisors.
This reminds me of how Mark Cerny also consulted many developers before doing the PS4.

Oh Decima Engine of KZ4, Until Dawn and Horizon Zero Dawn is freaken amazing!!!

Atticus_finch1911d ago

Yet another Ps4 Masterpiece in the making. I'm officially avoiding any more trailers for this game, I feel like I've seen way too much.

AspiringProGenji1911d ago

You’ve seen too much of nothing because kf how cryptic everything shown looks so far. I am liking the creepy presentation so far

PhantomS421911d ago

Yup, that E3 gameplay demo, and trailer were enough to sell me. Time to sit back and wait for the release date and/or PS5 launch announcement (wouldn't be surprised at this point).

DaDrunkenJester1911d ago

Wait, they have shown gameplay? When?

RangerWalk2671911d ago

I'm gonna Redbox the crap out of this game.

jznrpg1911d ago

Redbox is slowly dieing

Atticus_finch1911d ago

Redbox will have to buy thousands of copies, not even the haters will be able to skip this game.

RangerWalk2671911d ago

It's funny that I got so many dislikes for not wanting to purchase a game but instead rent it

pwnmaster30001911d ago

I disagreed with you because i think it’s dumb to use redbox.
I’m pretty this game is gonna be 30 plus hours.
You got charge every day when you don’t return it for Redbox. Might as well buy it.
Do you not like it when people disagree with your opinion?

Z5011911d ago

You got dislikes because of the obvious trolling.
Try harder.

Ricegum1911d ago

"I'm gonna Redbox the crap out of this game."

Or, you know, you could support the developer and their efforts by actually purchasing their game.

Nevermind, just checked out RangerWalk's comment history, wowzers that's some heavy trolling.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1911d ago
sprinterboy1910d ago

I know right, like 5 trialers already. I've seen enough Day1

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1910d ago
TheEnigma3131911d ago

I can't wait for this game. It's going to be refreshing seeing Kojima work on something other than MGS. Before you say anything, I know he's worked on other games before. I wonder if this will be finished in time to be on the ps4 or will it make it to the ps5.

AmUnRa1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

All i see is a lot of praise for Dead Stranding and Kojima from developers.
Not only from Sony First Party developers but also from independent third party developers.
This game must be something special.

Can't wait😎

LiViNgLeGaCY1911d ago

Yeah, I don't even know what kind of gameplay this is going to have, but boy am I excited for it! Lol.

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