
Forza dev: You can't talk power unless you're informed

Forza Motorsport creative director Dan Greenawalt has claimed that talking about console power is pointless unless you're "super informed".

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Ksar3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

So true.

Original Xbox was much more powerful than PS2 with its Nvidia GPU and Intel processor and yet most games looked the same and most people couldn't tell a difference.

PS3 was supposedly 2x more powerful than Xbox 360 and yet we didn't see even 00.1x the difference in power. Pretty much no difference at all. If any, Xbox 360 actually ran a lot of multiplatform games better.

Go ahead Sony fanboyz, press the negative button. N4G is filled with Sonyfanboyz. It'll only prove i am right. :)

360ICE3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

PS3 architecture was difficult to work with though, so yes, on multiplatform titles you didn't see much difference. Then again, PS3 exclusives have typically been the ones to push the boundaries in console graphics the last generation.

In other words, the frame rate in Uncharted 3 is so smooth I can't believe it's not butter, and with a polygon count that high one can easily be fooled into thinking it's edible. Especially with 3D glasses on. Halo 4 on the other hand, looks good but I can't eat it because I'm full.

black0o3917d ago

the xbone camp is on defense campaign xD

monkeyDzoro3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )


MS said : "Specs dont matter". Now they're talking specs all day long.

Sony isn't doing anything anymore. MS is doing all the job for them.

monkeyDzoro3917d ago

LoooL. MS said previously "specs dont matter". Now they are talking about specs all day long. While Sony is chilling on their side.

Enemy3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

What's funny is that they're talking about power as if:

1. They aren't using static backgrounds in Forza 5. Having a static background is like having a wallpaper. It's not modeled in 3D like a real environment, so 60fps is easily achievable.

2. They aren't using painted clouds. Like a static background, you have static clouds too, permanently formed in one shape.

3. They aren't using pre-baked lighting. The lighting in Forza is so fake and baked, that funnily enough, it makes Forza 5 look the opposite of real. Hey Turn 10, guess what; lighting in real life is completely random.

4. No night racing. What's the matter, your light bakes didn't work in night settings? Your game is so baked that it doesn't even work at night? Guess they didn't have time to bake the night. Positioning fake lights around a static track is harder at night, isn't it?

5. No weather effects. I think this goes to show what little risk Turn 10 are willing to take just to keep their 60fps.

I'm sorry Turn 10, but if the Xbone was as powerful as you're suggesting, then why does your game stink of last gen antics? Did you think no one would notice that you're so ashamed you never even talk about the technology you put into the game?

Power this, power that. Show it. Forza doesn't show it at all. It's a joke in comparison to real next gen games. As of now, it graphically looks like the COD of racing sims.

Enemy: Hey Turn 10, so how did you manage 60fps?
Turn 10: Well...
Enemy: Easy bake oven huh?
Turn 10: I...
Enemy: Fake and bake.

BallsEye3917d ago


Mark my words :P prepare for the storm on 30th

UltimateMaster3917d ago

I honestly don't see much of a difference between the 2 consoles.

Both have amazing graphics, they both look realistic in any case.

BallsEye3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )


The F?? Stop pulling your facts out of your butt. Forza has and always had fully modeled backgrounds, with trees, buildings, people and everything else.

Baked lighting ? where the f you get that from?

Painted clouds? Which racing game got 3d modelled clouds??

If forza looks like COD in racing sims then I wonder why everyone who played it say it's best looking racing game ever made. Also then you automaticly admit driveclub got SNES level of graphics, since it is not on par with Forza.

Stop posting wrong info around. You're just embarrasing yourself...but a hero in fanboys eyes.

jimsas3917d ago

Uncharted 3 ran at 30fps ....Hardly smooth as butter

mistertwoturbo3917d ago

So he talks about optimization on the hardware.

But don't these Microsoft people understand that if you optimize your software on better hardware, the better hardware will always be on top???

It's like they think it's the PS3 all over again, not realizing that the PS4 is just as easy to develop for (if not easier) than the Xbone, on top of having more powerful specs.

FamilyGuy3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

"You can't talk power unless you're informed"

He should be telling Penello that...

MS has been nothing but defensive this whole "console war". It's like watching a crappy boxing match where one guy does nothing but guard the whole time, rarely throwing out shots.

They're so concerned with all our comparisons and power discussions yet all they do is talk. SHOW US SOMETHING PHENOMENAL! Then talk.
I'm still waiting to be impressed by them.

^Impressive stuff

badz1493916d ago


Go tell THAT to your guy Panello. Being as uninformed as he is, he sure talks A LOT!

Evilsnuggle3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

I think xbone is underpowered . Looking at their games make me think xbone really is 50% powerful than PS4 . Forza is the xbone best game and it has flat backgrounds , Pre renderd lighting not real time lighting and no weather effects. Killer instinct is struggling for 720p 60fps. Dead rising 3 bad frame rate. Ryse bad frame rate pop ups and dropped animation . Xbone is looking weak PS4 is looking strong . Killzone SF is 1080p 60fps insane graphics . Infamous second son is CG quality 1080p 30fps open world game. DEEP DOWN looks incredible all the XBOTS said it was CG nope real game play nothing on xbone come close to the graphic of DEEP DOWN .

buffig3916d ago

@Ballseye... Enemy is referring to the fact that DriveClub has real time dynamic lighting. Every object casts its own shadow. I.E not a single shadow is baked. The clouds in DriveClub are dynamic, so yes, they are "real" they move across the sky and physically effect the lighting and shadows of the world below. And even the smallest tree in the distance has been modelled. Regardless of whether you like the game or not, it is a fact that none of the above is true of Forza 5. The shadows are pre-rendered and baked into the texture map. Distant objects are part of the environment map, along with the clouds and sky. I've no doubt that it will be a great game, it's just that, these are facts.

360ICE3916d ago

If you've played Uncharted 3, you know it's smooth a margarine. Sure it's 30, but it never drops a single frame. And with so many particles and explosions, it makes other games look tame.

A frame rate this slick, is enough to sedate a family of six.

black0o3916d ago

@ballseye common sense u need some

otherZinc3916d ago


PS3, had problems with co-op games. The split ram in the PS3 was the problem. That's why PS3 games were so linear.

More proof, play Raibow6 Vegas on the PS3 & try and play 4 player co-op, then play the same game co-op on the 360 so you can eat your butter.

DOOM3 remake isn't even co-op BUT, the XBOX version is co-op. Same with the old Splinter Cell series that made it to the PS3, it lacks co-op, but you can still play co-op on the 360.

Borderlands was co-op but they had to hide the problems in cell shaded graphics. SONY stacked the deck with graphics because that's all they could do & make the game as linear as possible.

thexmanone3916d ago

@ Enemy

Are you a developer?

Eonjay3916d ago

If he feels so strongly about than Microsoft has no one but themselves to blame for not "informing" the rest of us. As a Computer Scientist, I can say without a doubt the a comparison of the two specs will always favor the PS4. Programming is one thing, but architecture is a complete victory for the PS4.

360ICE3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

Rainbow Six Vegas from 2006/7? That game looked incredibly ugly on PS3. Why? Because it's a terrible port. I doubt that pushed PS3s limits in any way. 360 had the better version, and it was still ugly.

Anyway, PS3 exclusives aren't particularly linear next to Xbox exclusives. inFamous 2, for instance, runs great, looks great and isn't linear.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
GarrusVakarian3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

"yet we didn't see even 00.1x the difference in power. Pretty much no difference at all. If any, Xbox 360 actually ran a lot of multiplatform games better."

What?! You have got to be either blind or you have never played any PS3 exclusives. Multiplats, yeah i agree 99% of the time they do look better on 360 (which is the reason i have over 100k gamerscore).

We did see the difference in power, in the 1st party exclusives. That's undeniable. I wouldnt go so far as " 2x more powerful" but games like Uncharted, God Of War , The Last Of Us and Beyond Two Souls (to name a few) all prove their was a power difference that only the 1st party devs took adnvantage of.

You all have a right to disagree, but i would advise using Google search to see which exclusives look better. Better yet, Youtube them, and even better than that, play them for yourself as i have.

But i will be fair here and say that Forza 4 is a very good looking game and one of my favourite 360 exclusives. Looking forward to playing 5 too.

alb18993917d ago

It is true that Uncharted looks better but was that that make this game so good?
I mean the difference in power is not enough to make a better enjoyable game.....not in this generation, not in the next.

3917d ago
alb18993917d ago

Lukas, I like graphics too but wasn't you impress when you saw gears of war......I was like dammmm!! Is this gameplay?
Look at GTAV, isn't it impressive graphically more than anything in this generation considering that is freaking big open world and guess what, it will be the same in 360!

wiz71913916d ago

The only reason uncharted was possible on the ps3 and not the 360 wasnt because of power ... the main reason was that sony used blu-ray which had way more storage space then the dvd-9 which Microsoft used. Uncharted 3 took up 40 gigs. Plus the 360 had a better gpu and more ram anyway while the ps3 used a better cpu

otherZinc3916d ago

And other haters,

Where's your link that has Forza 5 made with "baked" lighting? I know, ther e are none, you're just running your mouth.

Forza 5 has "Dynamic Range Lighting"!
Forza 5 is 1080p "native" @ 60fps!
Turn 10 cuts ZERO corners!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
GarrusVakarian3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

People disagree with you doesn't prove you are right, it means people disagree with your opinion.

GarrusVakarian3917d ago

@ alb1899

Yeah i agree, power has little do with a game being fun, but im talking strictly from a graphical perspective here :)

chobit_A5HL3Y3917d ago

i love you morons who always say stupid stuff like, "disagree only proves that i'm right.", as if that actually means that you're right lolz or it could be, you know, that you're just wrong and you're talking out of your ass lolz

TheMadHatter3917d ago

You've obviously never played games such as The Last of Us and Uncharted 2 and 3 which have been critically acclaimed and have superior graphics which express the full power of the PlayStation 3. I'd go far as to say it looks like a PC game being played on a TV. Technically, the PS3 is the more powerful system. Unfortunately it came at a cost.

Eiffel3917d ago

"I'd go far as to say it looks like a PC game being played on a TV. "

Either you've never played a game on medium to ultra settings, or you've missed your date at LensCrafters months ago.

BallsEye3917d ago

While uncharted looks great, last of us got serious downgrade in graphics since first showing.
Nothing that amazing there.



gamer20133916d ago

All those games are graphically inconsistent throughout because of hardware limitations and they could all be done on the 360 just the same.

The 360 had unified ram which was better allocated and had a superior gpu. I wish you fanboys would stop spreading fud! Theoretical performance is meaningless. Devs have clearly stated that the differences between the two are just trade-offs and which are preferred most.

Developers should get credit not the hardware.

KillerPigeon3916d ago

'Theoretical performance is meaningless.'

If it's good enough for Microsoft this time around...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
die_fiend3917d ago

Brain dead. Play Uncharted or The Last of Us and tell me what Xbox game is '00.1x' as good. By the way, writing '00.1x' is a pretty good way of showing how educated you are.

jimsas3917d ago

I've played all the uncharted games and the last of us and can say categorically that gears of war 3 on the 360 looks way better.
that is all.

die_fiend3916d ago

Well I've played gears of war 3 too. So I know you're talking crap. Gears 3 looked similar to gears 1. Yes one of the best looking 360 games, nothing in those games though

CrossingEden3916d ago

Halo 4 hands down. It won best graphics of 2012 last year for a reason and the facial animation is much better than the keyframed crap we got in the last of us.

Ezz20133916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )


Halo 4 won in 2012 because it didn't have any strong ps3 exclusive to face in that year beside journey....(which also i think it look better too than any thing on xbox360)

on the other hand,uncharted 3 won in the 2011 when we had gears of war 3/crysis 2/killzone 3/infamous 2/batman arkham city/portal 2.etc

and please stop ,
the last of us facial animation was ahead of any thing we have seen this gen even DF among every single site called it a next gen game on current gen consoles :

*****DF: "Next-gen now?(in the title of the article)
"The Last of Us is also unrivalled in terms of its emotional portrayals: facial muscle simulations - using what looks like animated normal maps and an underlying bone structure - reveal a range of expressions that convey feelings with great subtlety. Even small changes such as eye movements are rendered with unrelenting accuracy. Emphasis on such minuscule details really make Ellie, Joel and the supporting cast feel alive and responsive, especially when they play off of each other as events occur around them."
it pretty much a fact that most sites and gamers think it's the best looking console game and GOTG contender too

if halo 4 was coming in this year aganist the last of us ,God of war ascension,beyond two souls
it would lose....badly

hehe, here come the disagrees

okmrman3916d ago

my penis is bigger than all of you in here anyway


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
pyramidshead3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Lol people pressing the disagree button has nothing to do with the validation of your statement but more to do with the realistic sign of people, who may have even joined up less than a week ago, have witnessed some(if not most/all) of your previous comments and realise that you are a Grade D Xbot troll, grade D because you make it so damn obvious people probably don't even need to read your comments any more.

At least ninja troll like the others do, it makes for a more interesting comment section. ;).

WarThunder3917d ago

Why do you make multiple accounts and spam the comment section with the same comment?

Damage control much...

Kayant3917d ago

Hmmm I guess you should tell major nelson that ---> http://majornelson.com/2005...

Because by his logic X360 has more bandwidth than the XB1 or PS4.

nypifisel3917d ago

You do realize this time around it's the biggest gap we've had (not counting sprite consoles). And there's no mystery with the x86 architecture, it's straightforward and we already know which machine will preform better, just by hardware fact sheets, there's no disputing this. It's like comparing two PCs this time around, no "secret architecture sauce" nothing.

Fact, the PS4 is more powerful and it will show in all games this time around, whether it'll be higher resolution or more fps, be sure of one thing - it's an indisputable fact that the PS4 will have better performing(!) games and probably better looking (talking Multiplat) so really no, there is no "We have to wait till the games get released for comparison", there are no reason why the PS4 wouldn't come out on top every time

mediate-this3916d ago

Its not the biggest gap, how can you say that? The systems are not out yet!! And the games have yet to be played. Wait till both systems are taken apart.

I agree the ps4 sounds like its the more powerful system of the two, but to say its 50% more powerful with out the systems out is crazy talk.

I remember the whole ps3 before it was out was suppose to be more powerful because of the cell, all the people on here were touting that cell was this technical marvel. But then people were talking about the cell being a super computer, and sounds to me they googled the info.

Anyways 360 had the unified ram, which made it on par. Just wait till both are out, some guy will give a technical breakdown of the two. Im buying both day one,

xDHAV0K24x3916d ago

This shit is like a sports franchise having a great off season just cuz they signed great free agents. Looks promising on paper but only time will tell if the potential is ever met.

nypifisel3915d ago

Did you read what I said? There is no secret sauce we know exactly how these machines will preform, for the first time it's plain and simple x86 architecture. There is no need to wait, ask any computer wiz

Wescyde3917d ago

I can give everyone keys to the same Ferrari, does not mean they will all know how to drive it as good as the next person.

All this stuff is great for both consoles if you know how to use the power given to you

GarrusVakarian3917d ago

Exactly, 3rd party devs were given the exact same PS3 that 1st party devs had, but because the 1st party devs took the time to learn the architecture, they produced the best looking exclusives.

GarrusVakarian3917d ago

Also, i find it extremely ironic that you say "so true" when agreeing with Dan Greenwalt about not speaking about power unless you are informed and then you go ahead and make up numbers like "2x" and "00.1x" and try to pass them off as fact. Haha.

Stsonic3917d ago

Everyone at Xbox seems like a giant ass hole at the moment. I don't think I have had more hate for a single company in my life.


Kingnichendrix3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

no way, the original xbox had better graphics. the 360 initialy ran multiplats better but we started seeing games like crysis and battlefield 3 look better and also mass effect 2 and 3 in fact look up the comparisons now.

humbleopinion3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

- Original Xbox games looked much better Than PS2. If you couldn't tell the difference then it's your own eyes you need to examine.

- The sad truth (people were reluctant to hear for so long) is that the PS3 wasn't even 1x as powerful as the Xbox 360. That is why again we saw multiplatform games on the 360 eclipsing the PS3 counterparts. Nothing to do with lazy dev, simply with a more limited and restrictive hardware: less ram, less solid architecture and weaker GPU.
This is why fanboys always stuck to talking about exclusives graphics: when a game is running on just one platform, you can never see how much better or worse it would run on the other platform, and comparing different games to discuss graphic tech is pointless when people don't understand what they're talking about (exactly what Dan says here). However, when two copies of the same game run in parallel... that's where the facts speak for themselves.

- And this is the first time things are just the other way round: The PS4 is stronger no matter how you look at things. Maybe it's not 50%, maybe it's not 40%, but the difference in performance can't be ignored and multiplat games this time will look better on the PS4.

Eyeco3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

"Original Xbox was much more powerful than PS2 with its Nvidia GPU and Intel processor and yet most games looked the same and most people couldn't tell a difference. "

Are you serious, Have you ever played an Original Xbox game, did you jump the boat this gen ? EVERYTHING looked better on the original Xbox EVERYTHING, not only that but everything, performed better, faster load times,sharper texures, SMARTER AI, just watch every single Gamespot video review on multiplats from 2001-05 almost always they stated the Original Xbox version was the best. I spent allot of time on all 3 consoles of the 6th gen especially the Xbox, most people I knew owned a PS2 yet they were still aware of the fact that they're favourite games like GTA looked marginally better on the Original Xbox.

I think the only exceptions were games like MGS2 I think that suffered from a dodgy framerate, besides that almost everything looked better on the original Xbox, the Splinter Cell games are a perfect example of this especially Chaos theory, games like FarCry, Ninja Gaiden, Doom 3 , Half-Life 2 were actually planned to appear on the PS2/GC were scrapped because those systems plain and simply couldn't handle them. And seeing as those games were the best looking on that system I can see why.

When you look at the gap between console's in terms of power, the Original Xbox (next to the Neo Geo) was easily the most powerful console in gaming history heck there are original Xbox games that visually smoke anything on the Wii, you and the 23 people that agreed with you are beyond misinformed

Cuzzo633916d ago

Ps3/xbox360. are you referring to multiplats?
Anyway. Anything Micro says has to be the truth huh.
Micro: We have the most exclusives...
Mbots: We have the most exclusives. If you think otherwise you are a dumb fanboy

Micro: We have the best looking games. Last of Us what!?
Mbot: Nothing looks better than 360 games. The cell is over rated. Last of us looks like trash. If u think otherwise you are a dumb fanboy

Micro: We have the best selling console for 30 years straight.
Mbot: Ps3rd is trash! Will never pass 360 in sales. Sony is doomed and will go out of business... Muah hahahahaha....

Pretty much the thinking of most hardcore xbox360 fans this gen


There were some multiplates that performed better on ps3. Not one xbox game looks better than Uncharted. Not gonna go thru the others. Would embarrass somebody

AyKKon3916d ago

I pressed the agree button Ksar because you say nothing but the truth. Wishfull thinking is indeed "en vogue" these days if people think they can distinguish a pixel less or more from one another. Games will virtually look the same. I do agree exclusive may make the difference but muilti plats will looks identical and almost to impossible to tell apart for the naked eye.

SoulSercher6203916d ago

And yet PS3 exclusives were graphically better than the 360

NextGen24Gamer3916d ago

• 18 CU's vs. 12 CU's =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CU's, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU.
• Adding to that, each of our CU's is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall.
• We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted.
• We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles.
• We understand GPGPU and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010 - it's called Kinect.
• Speaking of GPGPU - we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU.

ShwankyShpanky3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

If you're going to copy/paste Penello's NeoGAF BS, it's only fair to direct people to the place they can see it torn apart: http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

I'll summarize:
1) Graphical processes are inherently parallel. Scaling inefficiencies are not nearly as apparent with highly parallel computations. Regardless, is "only," say, a 30% performance disadvantage for the Xbone anything to brag about?
2) What's the difference? How do you get greater than 6% overall increase with just 6% increase per core?
2b) So 50% more CUs results in less than a 50% performance gain, but a 6% CU clock increase results in *more* than a 6% performance gain? Wha?
3) Magic Micro-Math! Magic Micro-Math says the 360 has higher bandwidth than the Xbone! Fact is that the *vast, vast, vast* majority of memory (32MB eSRAM is *0.4%*... LESS THAN HALF OF 1 PERCENT... of the 8GB DDR3) is stuck at 68GB/s.
4) Apparently MS and their friends at the NSA are doing a little industrial espionage. How else could Penello claim a 10% advantage when Sony hasn't released their final CPU clock or their audio chip details? Not saying it's necessarily going to happen, but I'm gonna laugh my balls off if Sony comes in at 1.8GHz+
5) No one cares what you "understand," MS. Your software engineers aren't God's gift to programming. This bullet is nothing more than saying "but we're so awesome!" as if it's some kind of technical argument.
6) See point 4.

Tell me, E24G... do you also know a wizard? I mean "Technical Fellow?"

Just like so many said on GAF... MS needs to give up the spec war. It is already lost, and Micro-Math won't save it. Focus on your games and other features. Trying to argue that the Xbone has more horsepower, or even horsepower parity, is a farce and does you no favors.


ShwankyShpanky3916d ago


Xbox One GPU:

768 GCN shader cores with 853MHz
48 TMUs
16 ROPs
40.9 GTex/s
13.6 GPix/s
8GB DDR3 with 68GB/s + eSRAM voodoo (min. 109 GB/s, max. 204 GB/s)
2 compute command processors
something between 2 and 16 parallel compute queues
GPU cache bypass: no


1152 GCN shader cores with 800MHz
72 TMUs
32 ROPs
57.6 GTex/s
25.6 GPix/s
8GB GDDR5 with 176GB/s
8 compute command processors
64 parallel compute queues
GPU cache bypass: yes

ShwankyShpanky3916d ago


Microsoft exec defends Xbox One from accusations it’s “underpowered”

Penello: "18 CUs [compute units] vs. 12 CUs =/= 50% more performance. Multi-core processors have inherent inefficiency with more CUs, so it's simply incorrect to say 50% more GPU."

Ars: "The entire point of GPU workloads is that they scale basically perfectly, so 50% more cores is in fact 50% faster."

Penello: "Adding to that, each of our CUs is running 6% faster. It's not simply a 6% clock speed increase overall."

Ars: "What the hell does that even mean?"

Penello: "We have more memory bandwidth. 176gb/sec is peak on paper for GDDR5. Our peak on paper is 272gb/sec. (68gb/sec DDR3 + 204gb/sec on ESRAM). ESRAM can do read/write cycles simultaneously so I see this number mis-quoted."

Ars: "Just adding up bandwidth numbers is idiotic and meaningless. While the Xbox One's ESRAM is a little faster, we don't know how it's used, and the PS4's GDDR5 is obviously a lot bigger."

Penello: "We have at least 10% more CPU. Not only a faster processor, but a better audio chip also offloading CPU cycles."

Ars: "Maybe true."

Penello: "We understand GPGPU [general processing on GPU] and its importance very well. Microsoft invented Direct Compute, and have been using GPGPU in a shipping product since 2010—it's called Kinect."

Ars: "Who cares about the API? It really doesn't make much difference."

Penello: "Speaking of GPGPU—we have 3X the coherent bandwidth for GPGPU at 30gb/sec which significantly improves our ability for the CPU to efficiently read data generated by the GPU."

Ars: "I don't know if that's even true."

mediate-this3916d ago

You could definitely tell the dofference, ghost recon comes to mind when comparing ps2 and xbox original titles

AngelicIceDiamond3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

The only ones that are insecure around here imo are Sony fans at the moment. Xbox can't do this, its fake. Xbox can't do that, its fake. Albert Panello is a liar and everything is fake.

Greenawalt says: "So when you're building the game and you make a bespoke engine that was built for the platform, and the platform is optimised for the type of work you're doing, it's very important where the power is and where the optimisations are.

"So we have 1080p resolution, we have 60 frames per second and more than that we have the Cloud. And the Cloud allows us to deliver things that I've wanted to deliver for ten years now."

Also fake don't listen to any devs of MS, because they don't know what they're talking about its a PR circle. That's the impression of Sony fans right now. Super Duper insecure.

Whatever, I'm done arguing I know what I'm buying I don't need to push my justifications in peoples faces. I play great games not specs and insecurity, that's yalls thing not mine.

ShwankyShpanky3916d ago

I know... right? MS's less powerful box and trainwreck PR sure does leave me feeling insecure.

AngelicIceDiamond3916d ago

@Shwanky If you don't like it, then don't worry about it and buy PS4 like you were planning to do. Your not buying it so concentrate on the console that your buying and don't have night sweats over the X1.

Take your "insecurities" else where.

Btw thank you for proving my point lol.

ShwankyShpanky3916d ago

I don't like the Xbone, I certainly don't "worry" about the Xbone, and I "concentrate" on the PS4 by reading the articles that are posted about it.

But console wars/fanboy wars are damn entertaining. And who doesn't stop and gawk at a train wreck?

AngelicIceDiamond3916d ago

@Shwanky Hey at least you admit you don't like it that's ok. Everyone has a preference.

My goal is to have both. I wanna enjoy all the offerings.

Cuzzo633915d ago

Seems like ur the one insecure lol. Look at ur posts. Wow!

AngelicIceDiamond3915d ago

Explaining how fanboys feelings makes me insecure?

Lol nice try I'll be enjoying Ryse, BF4, Watch Dogs. Features like snap, Smart Match, Skype call/party chats.

And very soon I'll be on the front lines on Killzone, Tearing crap up in Infamous and loads of exclusives that Sony will announce next year. all the while Sharing my experiences and getting an instant game collection.

Yep, I'm VERY insecure.

edgeofsins3914d ago

I'm glad you chose that exact quote, because the "cloud" has been around for more then ten years. But them overusing that term makes you think they have something new, doesn't it?

That is a perfect example of PR. The cloud is whatever is hosted over the internet on another computer. Nothing is special about the Azure cloud. When Titanfall devs made matchmaking sound special and Turn 10 tried to make you believe the cloud was doing all the user-ai work, when most will be done on the console and just hosted onto the cloud, you were fooled.

Funny you reuse "insecure" a lot. You're only trying to justify and pretend Microsoft doesn't try to fool people; I just talked about the cloud thing, and it is Microsoft who changed everything because they themselves were insecure, they are trying to find excuses to make it sound equal to PS4 in performance and when that doesn't go smoothly they talk of the "experience", which is one of the main reasons people don't want it because they highly emphasize them over the core product and so far haven't shown promise to anyone; I am talking of Kinect and TV integration.

So far I only know one, maybe two people getting/wanting a xbox one over a PS4 and they don't exactly research or keep up with the news about things. They just follow the brand, which is a huge risk for $500.

As for you being insecure, well if you are going to bring up the most brought up X1 exclusive, Ryse, mention a minor feature like snap, brag about paywall features like Skype, and pretend "smart match" is anything new then yes, we are going to call you insecure for arguing with little information on the matter. That's like saying Live has some edge over PSN when it comes to online games. It depends on the developers online set up, not the service, both systems have the same online potential, yet oddly the f2p one has far more games with dedicated servers like Resistance, Warhawk, Starhawk, Killzone, and MAG. Which company merely bought online infrastructure? Microsoft. Which actually has the full experience of working with it? Sony.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3914d ago
johndoe112113916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

Happy to oblige: Disagree pressed.

3-4-53916d ago

Gamecube was even more powerful than the Xbox, and yet it was less than half the size.

Nintendo at that time, knew how to get more power in a smaller box than anyone.

So much so they kept the exact same design internally almost for the Wii.

die_fiend3916d ago

Where did u find that GameCube was more powerful than the Xbox? Are u sure it wasn't just that nintendo's games looked much better?

mediate-this3916d ago

Game cube was not more powerful then the xbox. What are you on?? It was xbox gamecube then ps2 in ters of power.

The game cube was powerful.

DoesUs3916d ago

LMAO! Alberts numbers are terrible. The fact you are posting them here is absolutely priceless! Wait till this, wait till that! But but the DGPU'S!! You sir fail at everything you post! XB1 is inferior ....end of. I'll see you in November!

redcar1213916d ago

good point but the sony reaper is coming 4 you now lol x1 all day

NeloAnjelo3916d ago

MS is just on a reassuring campaign, from the back pedalling, to the so called upgrades... Just so people get fooled to buy their big ugly square brick... again! Show me one exclusive on 360 that looked better than The Last of Us!

MS fanboys go on about the cost of the PS3 and multiplatforms games looking better...How much did it cost you to do what the PS3 did at launch? HDMI, Bluray, and built in Wifi? Instead you got a rushed red ring mess and had to wait until the revised version to even come close to par. The PS3 was genuinely new tech, powerful and REALIABLE. It still outsold MS worldwide although a year late.

Keep buying into MS BS! And keep paying to get your subscriptions from behind that XBLA pay wall! They couldn't even answer simple questions about the console. You know why? Because pple would see the BS, and the wool being pulled over their eyes.

assdan3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

The negative or positive button doesn't prove if you're right. But the two are running more similarly than previous consoles, and the ps4 simply has stronger hardware. Also, it shows how much you know about power when nvidia immediately means stronger. And also, if you compare ps3 exclusives to 360 exclusives, it looks a lot better. I just don't get why they can't admit the XBONE is weaker and advertise in other ways. Many 3rd parties have gone out and said that the ps4 is stronger. Also, everyone agrees that the original xbox was a lot stronger than the ps2.

SilentNegotiator3916d ago

So...what? EVERY developer is uninformed?

TheLog3916d ago

"Because it's kind of like the difference honestly between, 'Which is faster, a 500 horsepower Mustang or a 400 horsepower BMW M3?' It's not an easy question."

People can be blind, silly or maby this place is run by Sony employees or peope with share lol. Which is faster 500 horsepower Mustang or a 400 horsepower BMW M3?

Easy! It depends on the driver!

Which is better, kickboxing or muay thai?

Easy! It depends on the fighter!

Which is better Ps4 or X1?

Magicite3916d ago

you are blinded by own dellusion. PS3 isnt 2x more powerful than x360 yet its excslusives look way better than anything on x360.
Have fun loosing your last bubble.

Tapioca Cold3916d ago

Before I read this, does this guy "inform" us?

rangel3916d ago

No you're wrong!Before multiplatform games were a little clearer for 360.But now 8 of 10 multiplatform games look better on ps3.for example crysis 3 assassins 3 far cry 3 bioshock 3 bf3.And each exclusive for ps3 looks phenomenal.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 3914d ago
TheTwelve3917d ago

...so says a dev from a console that is considered less powerful. Predictable. Non-biased sources are more trustworthy.

RiPPn3917d ago

I like your sarcasm, sad that you're getting so many disagrees, funny bubble from me. :)

SuperLupe3917d ago

Non biased like Sony first party devs ? Or non biased like Kojima or Carmack saying both consoles are the same ?

Or maybe non biased like random people on internet forums ? You know those people that were screaming at the top of their lungs that MS was in trouble because it hadnt passed FCC yet when it already had 5 freaking months ago ?

Or maybe non biased like people who say "my dev friands told me ..." ?

I_am_Batman3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Of course 1st parties will always try to make their console look good. However 3rd party devs will try to stay neutral for the most time to not ruin their relationship with MS or Sony.

If it really is that important to you to know which console is more powerful I suggest you pick up some tech magazines and try to learn as much as you can about hardware to make your own judgement.

nypifisel3917d ago

You don't really understand what criticism of sources means do you? No, Sony first party devs are not reliable sources, and neither are MS. But third party sources doesn't have to be neither - they got interest in being on MS good side, so of course they would never publicly say anything that would make the X1 look worse. However, behind closed doors many third party devs have spoken their mind and every single one have said that the PS4 is preforming better. But AGAIN we don't need them to tell us this, it's x86, we already know which one will preform better - there are no secret sauce

Evilsnuggle3916d ago

XBOTs favorite quotes John carmack they pick the part the like . Carmack said PS4 and xbone are very much alike they are. Both 86x and both AMD CPU and GPU he said he has not benchmarked so he can't say that one is more powerful. PS4 GPU has 50% cu graphic cores and 100% rops Render output unit . Please stop kojima never said PS4 and xbone where the same he said he likes KINECT . XBOTS have to lie to make the xbone look better. Lol lol lol :D

mediate-this3916d ago

And i find that funny, alot of the articles that says ps4 is more powerful are people saying: well my my friend who is a dev said that ps4 is this much stronger and faster.

Journalism at its best, or should i say video game journalism at its best

SilentNegotiator3916d ago

The reason we know that PS4 is more powerful is from third party developer's **********QUOTES**********. The guy from People Can Fly, Avalanche studios, Gaijin Entertainment, Just Add Water, etc, etc, etc.

This isn't a "he said, she said" rumor. Quit being delusional.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
B-radical3917d ago

All i want is side by side comparisons of 3rd party titles


unfortunately that will not give you the answer you are looking for. third parties typically will just make the game for the lowest common spec.

some may go out of their way to push both systems, but not many.

also if it's true that MS had a policy basically making sure 3rd parties didn't make anything that showed up the 360's as being weaker, I have a feeling they will prob have the same policy in place.

B-radical3917d ago

Well that policy may not be true cause not every 3rd party game looked better on xbox 360

nick3093917d ago

Who cares what people online think? Imma enjoy all exclusives from All consoles, even wii u and 3ds.. More consoles = more exclusives :D

Magicite3916d ago

i wish all games would be on one console, like in ps2 times. or at least all worthy games

dazzrazz3917d ago

Its okay guys they have ze power of the cloud and can make game look like 10 xbox ones taped together and improve AI 600 times !

BallsEye3917d ago


www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiWdJ xshWMM

Nvidia cloudlight demo. Shows cloud lighting computing on a cloud server even at 500ms. But sure retards on n4g will call it witchcraft and say it still doesn't work.

Hicken3916d ago

Now try integrating that into processes running real-time across a network. Then try making it something more important than that, such as AI or particle effects, things that would really be a drain on a console.

Nobody says cloud computing isn't possible. We're all saying that Microsoft was full of it when they said it could make the XB1 3, 4, 10X more powerful. The cloud CAN be counted upon for minor, unimportant functions to free up a little power for your local hardware, but not enough to be significant.

When Nvidia or anybody else can show their cloud-generated processes being integrated real-time with local-hardware processes in a dynamically changing world- like a video game, where the player is always altering something through interaction- without being affected by latency or bandwidth issues at even the slowest of internet speeds, THEN the cloud can be something to brag about.

Until then, stop using what's essentially a tech demo to prove Microsoft is doing something that can't yet be done.

SkullBlade1693916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

Yeah, a demo where there are very few clients using the cloud service at once, it won't be as smooth when you have millions of Xbox One's sending requests for these servers to render graphics for them all at once.

Plus, this is Nvidia technology, the Xbox One uses AMD technology which will obviously not support this, they'll have to try and use some kind of functional equivalent.

Offloading processing to cloud servers is the stupidest idea I've ever heard, any kind of service interruption or lag spike could make the entire program go to hell. Plus whenever they decide to stop running the service, you won't be able to play your game at all anymore.

Magicite3916d ago

You forgot to add that cloud computing is still in the progress and will be available only after years

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Looking back to 2014 and Forza Motorsport 5 Racing GOTY Edition

Carlos writes - "When it was time for Forza 5 to rock on up to the track, we were just entering the third generation of Xbox consoles, and to show off all that extra horsepower that would come inside the Xbox One, they wanted a flagship title that could truly showcase just what miracles the next generation could perform. And what better title than Microsoft’s beloved racer!"

Read Full Story >>
mijayire1775d ago (Edited 1775d ago )

Such s supreme racing title. Hands down racing franchise of recent decades. Nothing has come close in quality or ratings.

bluefox7551775d ago

Not to mention the worst rated game in the series.

mijayire1775d ago

Apart from Forza 5. Talking about generally the Forza series has always been rated high. Perhaps Forza 5 was rushed for launch. Although made up again by Forza 6 and 7.

IRetrouk1775d ago

I liked the game well enough, it was a good starting point for the new gen and helped them build up to what motorsport 7 is now, the controversies wasnt with the numbers of cars or tracks though, it was more to do with the pc footage being passed off as xbox one, the downgrade from what they originally had shown caused more upset than the numbers.


Put pedal to the metal in Forza Motorsport 5 now free via the Games With Gold scheme

Carlos writes - "It’s time to tweak that tuning setup, perfect those visuals and strap in to that harness before heading down to the track, as Forza Motorsport 5 is calling for all players with a free download now available thanks to Games With Gold!"

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for September 2017 any good?

James writes - "So here we are with a new month about to begin, and we all know by now that means a number of new games are about to be gifted to all Xbox One and Xbox 360 players via the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for September2017. The free games of last month were passable if truth be told, but can September’s offerings make it a month to remember, or one to skip over?"

Read Full Story >>
timotim2466d ago

Well...lets see. So FM5 is 2013's Racer of the Year, while Oxenfree was nominated and won all types of awards as an indie game in 2016. On the BC side, both games are classics.

lxeasy2466d ago

The Games for Gold this month are pretty good

DaNineTwo2466d ago

I have no idea why you got disagrees.

shinrock2466d ago (Edited 2466d ago )

Because ur in Sonyland.

DaGreatOne2466d ago

I got disagrees for pointing the same thing out the psn games coming. I doubt some people actually enjoy games that visit this site.

TheSaint2466d ago

I swear some people just go into topics and hit disagree on every post for no reason.

EazyC2466d ago

Of course they are. The competition between PS Plus and GwG is getting good now, expect more great months on both sides

2466d ago Replies(5)
Razzer2466d ago

Damn good month. No doubt

senorfartcushion2466d ago

Ps propagandist article and post.

Keep it neutral, fanboy.

senorfartcushion2465d ago

Profile picture, son. I'm an adult, I don't do that fanboy nonsense.

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