
Vita TV is More Like a Cheap PS3 Than a Cheap Vita

GenGAME writes: "Sony dropped a bombshell on us earlier today when they unveiled Vita TV. This nifty little device has the hardware of a Vita, but without the screen, touch pad, or button and analog stick layout. Instead, Vita TV links up with your TV and a DualShock 3 controller.

"This setup sacrifices the “play on the go” formula for a very cheap price tag of around $100, providing the cheapest possible way to play Vita games. However, upon closer inspection, Vita TV’s place in the market may not be what it seems at first glance."

Nitrowolf23910d ago (Edited 3910d ago )

I am wondering though if we can sync our Vita to it so we can play said Vita touch titles on the TV. Wondering if the DS4 will work on it to.

Also why can't we remote play the other way around? I understand that we can stream the PS3 to the Vita, why can't we do that vice-versa on the PS4?

NewMonday3910d ago

you can just plug your memory card to the VitaTV

Nitrowolf23910d ago (Edited 3910d ago )

That's not what I was saying. This device can't play Vita games that utilize the touch controls. SO I am wondering if we can par the Vita as a controller to it so we can use the touch functions. Some might ask why would we even bother, but TBH I like capturing my handheld footage, and Vita doesn't allow that unless mods or with a camcorder.


Yea, I mean we know the DS4 works on it, what we don't know if it works on Vita games. I hope it does TBH

darthv723910d ago (Edited 3910d ago )

@nitro, it has been rumored that the ds4 will work with the vita tv. Depending on the controller interface you could use either the L3/R3 (DS3) or the touchpad (DS4).

This unit would actually replace my PSP GO for playing PSP games on tv. So I am really excited for it. And, already having a Vita, it will be like the old days of when I would play on the turboexpress or the nomad and take the same games and pop them into the base unit hooked to a tv.

NewMonday3910d ago

they could patch most of the games that need touch controls, this is the most asked question about it so I'm sure they will address the issue soon.

I notice in the most recent Vita games touch controls are optional, they were making ready.

porkChop3910d ago

Considering it plays Vita games, and not PS3 games, I'd say this headline is incorrect.

fenome3910d ago

it can remote play. I've never had a vita so I'm not sure how that works, but seeing as how it's capable of remote playing your ps4 games I'm sure it can do it with supported ps3 games as well..

Lord_Frieza3910d ago

can i use my ps vita as a controller for it??
it'll come one day probably a couple of months down the lane

legendoflex3910d ago

In which scenario would you use PS Vita as a controller for a device that plays PS Vita games where you couldn't just use the Vita by itself?


6 Games That Make You Feel Overpowered As Hell

While some video games overwhelm you with sheer scale, titles like Asura's Wrath and Doom Eternal make you the boss player right upfront.

solideagle1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?


Wolfenstein: The New Order Is The Last Of Its Kind

Wolfenstein: The New Order turns ten years old today, so we decided to play it again and discovered just how much of an extinct kind of game it is.

Read Full Story >>
SovereignSnaKe2d ago

It's an outstanding game and so was The Old Blood. Also a lost era of gaming. Interesting, I received a physical copy of The Old Blood 9 years ago today from Poland. It was digital only in North America initially upon release so I had to import.


Wolfenstein: The New Order - A Highly Rated FPS That Hasn't Stood the Test of Time

Wolfenstein: The New Order launched 10 years ago today, but can it stand up to the modern FPS titles it inspired?

Seth_hun2d ago

I disagree. Its still a fantastic game, with very good gunplay and a surprisingly loveable cast of characters and a good story trough many different and interesting setpieces

hiawa232d ago (Edited 2d ago )

All The New Order needs for my tastes is a this gen enhancement patch.

ChasterMies2d ago

I played New Order a couple of years after launch and I give it an 8/10. The shooter holds up because it is focused on being a good shooter. There is no crafting, no RPG elements, no open world find the question mark Weapons are fun. Enemies are fun. Levels offer a nice mix of stealth and shooting. You get to be the predator; this isn’t a game about fending off waves of enemies while a robot companion unlocks a door. Most importantly, New Order is the last of a dying breed of single player shooters.

Skuletor2d ago

Singleplayer shooters are still getting released every year, just look up "boomer shooters" and you'll find an an abundance of them. AAA fps campaigns, not so much.

Last year had Trepang2, RoboCop: Rogue City, Turbo Overkill, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, Dread Templar, Sprawl and more

DustMan2d ago

The games you mentioned are not from AAA developers. Wolfenstein likely had a budget that was probably as big as all those games you mentioned combined. I'm not knocking the new wave of retro shooters. I absolutely love them (I think some get much higher review scores than they deserve though). I just really wouldn't describe Wolfenstein as purely a boomer shooter based on the relatively cohesive story, with cut scenes and is fully voice acted. Full set piece moments.

AA development seems to be focused keeping the single player solo experience alive. But the big developers are only concerned about the MTX and milking players who enjoy multiplayer.

ChasterMies1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

The age of AA shooters. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I like less expense, shorter games.

Abear212d ago

Weird all the Wolfenstein articles.

Can you guess what will be announced at Xbox showcase?

DefenderOfDoom22d ago

What Machine Games did with Wolfenstein franchise is awesome. The game play definitely to me , is still very fun to play !!!

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