
FIFA 14 Career Mode Hands On (Current Gen) Preview | High Score Reviews

September has rolled around, the kids are back in school, most European Leagues are well and truly back in their stride and FIFA Fever has started to set in.

Well at least for [Rob] perhaps.

A week before EA unroll the official demo version of their latest big money Football franchise FIFA, [Rob] was lucky enough to be selected to test the Official Beta of FIFA 14‘s Career Mode and so [Rob] gives to you a few thoughts on what you can expect in the latest edition.

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3929d ago

Not all outdated football games are worthless

Games Asylum: "Outdated football games are a common sight when scouring jumble sales, car boots and charity shops for bargain price video games. Entire shelves filled with decade-old FIFA and PES games spread across a dozen formats. Often they end up in bargain bins, sitting alongside unwanted celebrity fitness DVDs and seemingly random TV show box sets. But here’s the thing. Not all football games gathering dust in the likes of Oxfam are in fact worthless."

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lptmg2215d ago

International Superstar Soccer 98 is still my fav


What was the best FIFA game ever? Have your say

Vote now for your favourite installment in EA Sports’ decade-spanning football sim series.

PoSTedUP3408d ago

i liked 99' for N64 the most and 07'-08' for Xbox were great.


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