
Sony says CoD DLC going to Xbox first is ‘not the end of the world’

And I would argue that that stuff has been platform enhancing to the extent that a thirty day window on some DLC that’s quickly caught up by the competitor platform can’t be.

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NateCole3932d ago

lol!. I have not bought a COD since COD MWF1 so not been an issue for me.

badboy7763932d ago

I'm curious how much does Microsoft actually spend on the 1 month timed DLC?

slimeybrainboy3932d ago


It's probably a cross marketing thing + cash kinda deal.

I hate these deals. They're bad for the gamer. Look at COD:BO2 vs BF3, If you wanted to play both DLC's when they came out you had to be on Xbox for COD and PS for BF, and for what? So these companies could have a little exclusive bulletpoint on the box? If you like both games you have to wait longer just because these two companies are trying to win you over when most people have already made a choice.


bjmartynhak3932d ago


You sounded like it is a big deal waiting one or two months for a DLC. I really don't mind waiting, and it would never influence my console choice.

finbars753932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

I agree would love to know as well.MS spends to much money on timed dlcs in my opinion.They should really focus it some weres else.I mean they have timed dlc with BF4,COD Ghost and I think the Division.Its called desperate marketing.When you have nothing else to play on your console except 2-3 games and thats all then it tells me they are trying hard as hell to sway gamers to them over dlc which in my opinion is just silly.Sony has ever done this with BF3 I think but thats because BF3 is mostly played on the PS3 which makes sense but MS is just a try hard.Focus on what your nconsole needs most and dlcs arent one of them.

ZodTheRipper3932d ago

Those timed exclusive DLC's were a big deal with MW2 and Black Ops but since then the hype for them dropped significantly as people realized that there are way better things to spend 15 bucks on than for a handful of maps and weapons.

NateCole3932d ago

I am sure a shitload of money. Sad to think that they could use it to fund new ip's or help buy new studios lol!.

iamnsuperman3932d ago



I totally agree. It is a pain in the arse for us users. The thing is I don't think the success of it could be looked at the last generation because Microsoft took a big foothold in western regions (USA/UK and a few parts of Europe where COD is most popular). It will be the next generation to see if these tactics really work for the console manufacturers because they are releasing at the same time. It will be interesting to see (I suspect it doesn't make a huge impact and just a waste of money)


while i have bought the last few cod games, it's always been in the hope that in magical way they would actually be "good" after playing and finding that each one has got worse, i have sold them all back within a few months if that.

DLC I have not bought since mw2. my hope of cod ever being at the same level of fun I had playing cod4 has long gone now.

it really is not the end of the world.

jackanderson19853932d ago

300M was the rumored deal last time around dunno if they changed it though but it also included any COD related events to prompt the xbox first and foremost

kayoss3932d ago

I totally agree. $15 for a DlC is too expensive. I could buy a Burger with Bacon and Chees, A drink, Fries, and a milk shake and probably have money left over to donate to the homeless. There are like 3-5 DLC pack for a cod game, each one about $15 bucks. When all said and done, you will be spending $60 for the game and approximately $75 for 5 DLC (DLC varies from game to game). You are spending about $135 on a freaking game.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3932d ago
ZHZ903932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

Xbox One's Timed Exclusive whther in Games and Extra Contents doesn't matter at all.

I am surprised that MS paid 50 million dollars on GTA IV DLC timed exclusive for just a week because with that huge money they could've made a great game instead.

neoMAXMLC3932d ago

Eh? GTAIV Episodes didnt come to PS3 and PC for like a whole year.

Death3932d ago

Yeah, it was 14 months. If you are a Sony fan though, that is easily remembered as a week to make it sound better.

For the record, that 50 million did go towards making a great game. It helped pay for GTA's development.

ZHZ903932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

"For the record, that 50 million did go towards making a great game. It helped pay for GTA's development."

You are right and I agree on that, but that wasn't what I meant. I meant if MS wants to win and defeat Sony and make people like myself in PS Brand to move to Xbox brand, they shouldn't waste money like I mentioned on time exclusivity and put that kind of money on their 1st party studios and help them developed and make better games from MS's 1st party studios.

I am happy for Rockstar(I am a fan of Rockstar) not to mention GTA V, which is better than GTA IV, its PS4 version is getting exclusive content(timed) before Xbox One will.

Death3932d ago

The thing is, Microsoft doesn't want to defeat Sony. They want to have a return on their investments like anyone else. The fans are the ones that want to see their team "win". Sony is a fascinating company. With all of their success in the gaming areana, they haven't really made a profit doing it. Sony and Microsoft each have sold an impressive amount of consoles this gen, but only one has managed to make money doing it. Sony is "winning" the console war, but losing money doing it.

For any true Sony fans here, buy as many games at launch as you can. If Sony manages to sell as many systems as preordered, they are going to have a very bad quarter if they are losing anything on the hardware with their $100 lower price. Games will offset the losses. So will the new bundle that has a higher profit margin. The inclusion of the accessories and game reduce retailer profits.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3932d ago
DA_SHREDDER3932d ago

Agreed Nate. Don't forget the gamesharing aspects of all the games. Its basically 50% cheaper on the psn cause you get two copies of everything. Now day one except dlc. There's like so many games out now it don't even make sense to buy COD day one. Like who cares if someone can play dlc sooner than me when theres better games out?

thekhurg3932d ago

I have never once spent any amount of money on any type of DLC.

I don't believe in micro-transactions, I don't believe in paying for content already on the disc, and I sure as hell don't believe in paying for multiplayer maps that are usually just sections of the single player that have been walled off while being packaged as "new" and asked a premium rate for.

I_LOVE_MYSELF3932d ago

Not all DLC is bad and I honestly think it's a great idea. It's a shame I can barely support it since most DLC is garbage, but the Dark Souls DLC was money well spent and I think a lot of people can agree it was done right.

3932d ago Replies(3)
NateCole3932d ago

But seriously guys. This is what some gamers are reduced to this gen. Hoping for exclusive or time exclusive DLC's. God Dam DLC's!!!.

Very disappointing.

Xsilver3932d ago

Im never buying a COD game again i stopped at black ops.

kenshiro1003932d ago

That's what pisses me off about Microsoft. They just spend their money on DLC instead of using it towards refreshing IPs.

alejandroelputo3932d ago

I really dislike Microsoft and everything they always do :/ they should know how to handle the gaming market and make gamers happy with their choice.

RyuCloudStrife3932d ago

haha me too I don't even play CoD anymore.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3932d ago
Majin-vegeta3932d ago

Mehh COD is dead and has been dead since MW1.But ill admit WAW was awesome with its weapons.

mario193932d ago

What are you talking about? Look at how many people play call of duty. Did it ever cross your small mind that CoD is not dead. Go play Resistance and then you see dead. Logon Socom for the PS2 to see what dead is like. You people should be ashamed to say things that simply are not the truth.

Salooh3932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

I think what he means that cod is not dead in sales but great vision is dead after world at war . Every time they release a sequel it's worst then the before it . I already convinced all my brothers that call of duty won't get better , except for the little one and guess how old is he , he's 16 years old lol . I'm shocked of how people continue playing it . They will wake up eventually .

N2NOther3932d ago

Maybe someone who is older than you can explain why I still play it. Brace yourself...

Because it's fun. I love the controls, the pacing, the game modes, the map sizes, the movement more than any other competitive game on the market.

I play it every single year and enjoy the hell out of it.

Hope that helps.

Skips3932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

Agreed about WAW! That was an awesome COD... As for it being dead, it's far from it according to sales. But as for exclusive DLC, would rather have The Last Of Us DLC... :D


"Go play Resistance and then you see dead."

Or Halo 4? http://www.cinemablend.com/... : /

DA_SHREDDER3932d ago

I don't know, my son showed me some stuff on bo2, its really good compared to all the last games since COD4.

laijka3932d ago

Your definition of "dead" is weird.

Snookies123932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

It's far from dead, but good on Sony for not buying timed exclusive crap for CoD (which I'm sure cost a fortune). I hate that more than anything. They can put that money to better use funding actual games.

3932d ago
Spoons3932d ago

Just because you don't think COD is good doesn't mean it's dead. It really isn't, it has a massive player base.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3932d ago
THC CELL3932d ago

Do people still play cod, spec after seeing parcel bf4 trailer, cod died for me. That double shotgun stunt made me throw the game in the bin not trade it bin it

ZodTheRipper3932d ago

Battlefield has became the same cash-grabbing machine as CoD in recent years ...but at least they are still trying to improve their games.

QuantumWake3932d ago

"Do people still play cod"

Yes, millions still buy and play COD. It's a big game with a very big community. It also helps that COD is also in the MLG circuit (being the primary FPS for MLG) and attracts even Halo players to switch over because that's where all the money is.

If you also take a look at some twitch channels (e.g. Optic Nadeshot) he pulls almost 10,000+ viewers playing league play. Yes I know most of them are probably kids but my point still stands.

COD is never going to die. As long as it remains competitive and teams are allowed to compete for big money it's only going to keep growing bigger.

finbars753932d ago

Hes a pro thats the different.He brings in alot of people ,Plus look at that type of people who watch him and the immature comments that comes with it.Im sorry I do follow him and he doesnt bring in no 10,000 people your way off bud.usually its a few thousand yes but not 10,000.COD wont die agreed but the COD is taking the hits in how many people actually play the game compared to 5 years ago.Its decreasing alot.I play occasionally but theres not millions online either.Plus theres a difference between watching and playing.COD will never die because the parents now a days allow there 6 yeaold kids to play stuff there not suppose to because im sure they would have sissy fits like I see on a daily basis at Gamestop.Just silly as hell.

QuantumWake3932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

I'm usually on twitch most of the time and when he's scrimming it's definitely at 10000. It was a little bit of an exaggeration but he still pulls in thousands of viewers nonetheless.

Sure COD does pull in so many young kids but I still believe that as long as it stays competitive it will stay big. One of the biggest reasons why Halo 4's population has had a big decrease is because no more pros want to play a game that isn't supported by a major esports organization like MLG. Now we have to rely on AGL events which doesn't have as big as a payout as MLG does. That and also various other reasons I don't feel like getting into.

3932d ago
ZodTheRipper3932d ago

I don't think you'll find many people who care about timed CoD DLC these days, so yeah ...we deal with it without dealing with it.

Lone_Man3929d ago

i wrote it in a sarcastic way....

animegamingnerd3932d ago

if the sony cod fans can survive it this gen they can survive it the next gen

DigitalRaptor3932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

I've dealt with not having priority on timed exclusivity for years, and it doesn't bother me one bit, because:

1) I can enjoy a game as it stands immensely without DLC.

2) I sit safely in the knowledge that the DLC will arrive at some point in the future anyway.

3) I have immeasurably more games to fill the void on PlayStation as that company consistently provides games of their own and has better relationships with second and third party developers/publishers on a grander scale.

4) Sony has exclusive DLC of their own and it is VASTLY outweighing what MS can muster, with all those billions of dollars. 21 major publishers in deals with Sony to provide exclusive content. http://www.vg247.com/2013/0...

Microsoft's major advantages have been rescinded across the board.

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The Western-inspired base builder/survival game “Above Snakes” is coming to consoles in 2024

"The Szczecin-based indie games publisher/developer RedDeer.Games and Groningen -based (The Netherlands) indie games developer Square Glade Games, are today very happy and proud to announce that their Western-inspired base builder/survival game “Above Snakes”, is coming to consoles (PS4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch) sometime this year (2024)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


Review: MultiVersus | Hardcore Gamer

MultiVersus is the best platform fighter not called Super Smash Bros. That's all folks!

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Octopath Traveler now available for PS5, PS4

Publisher Square Enix and developer ACQUIRE have released Octopath Traveler for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 for $59.99. A bundle containing both games.

thesoftware7307h ago

They ae both on GP as well, SE really showing love all around.

wesnytsfs6h ago

Yep downloaded it last night. Was worried it was mistake.

InUrFoxHole6h ago

Yeah saw this on GP and downloaded immediately

truthBombs6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Would anyone recommed this game to someone who has 0 patience for lengthy dialogues and slow combat?

VincentCastle6h ago

Combat is quick for a turn based game. But there will be some grinding here abd there. Check some gameplay videos.

VersusDMC6h ago

There's a demo for octopath 2 to see if you're into it.

remixx1165h ago

Its worth it, just dont play them both back to back, you may burn out

VincentVanBro5h ago

The dialog is great but it is long at times. You can skip it though.

SegaSaturn66925m ago

No. These games are overrated. Play romancing saga 2/3 if you want a phenomenal rpg without endless dialogue.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 25m ago
fan_of_gaming5h ago

I hope we get a North American PS5 physical, but unfortunately I don't think it's likely

shinoff21835h ago

Do you know if it can be imported I've no issue with imports. Long as it's got English on it. My latest import is the man who erased his name

Walalon5h ago

Octopath traveler is a beautiful journey and game, glad that more people can play it now.

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