
What Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer did for Xbox — and what his retirement means for its future

Dean Takahashi, author of two books on the Xbox business, analyzes Ballmer's impact on the game business.

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JeffGrubb3923d ago

Because of Ballmer, every Xbox 360 shipped bald.

Sadie21003923d ago

I guess we should thank him for not killing off the Xbox, then?

iamnsuperman3923d ago (Edited 3923d ago )

He needs to be there for the launch (launching a system with a new or no head is a bad decision) but I think Microsoft now has the opportunity to grow an improve in much needed areas (specifically non Xbox areas) which could improve the Xbox brand with connectivity between devices and systems. In my opinion it is good for Microsoft as a whole this has happened

Belking3923d ago

Goodbye Stevie B. Time to move on and relax with your billions. This is a good thing.

deantak3923d ago

What would the Ballmer movie be about?

B1663r3923d ago

About a company that was on a rocketing growth trajectory for 20 years then he took over and everything stagnated for a decade.

A may not be his fault though, Microsoft was under anti-trust supervision for much of that time. But he certainly was not a tech visionary like Gates or Jobbs.

CalamityCB3923d ago

Him running on a stage screaming.

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Former Microsoft CEO talks company's hardware and how Xbox One fits in

With the breadth of hardware Microsoft is now seeing in their portfolio, what's a part of the future and what isn't is becoming more and more clear.

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FallenAngel19843123d ago

It's been forever since Microsoft revealed the hardware numbers of Xbox One. You'd think Microsoft would be more than proud to tout their fastest selling console's sales numbers.

Skate-AK3123d ago

We all know why they aren't posting numbers. Because they are losing, not that that's a reason to not post numbers. Last gen we heard monthly about sales for 5+ years. Now they won't even post numbers. Only one thing has changed since then and that is their placement in the console race.

UserNameIsNotTaken3123d ago

Yup. It's pretty low if they aren't revealing numbers against the ps4.

Lennoxb633123d ago

Even though the X1 is doing better than 360, it looks bad compared to the PS4's success.

It's like McDonalds versus Burger King. Burger King is in no way doing bad. But McDonalds is dwarfing it in sales and profit.

kotaku773123d ago

You are right! Never though of it like that... they should be proud, but they're not.

BG115793123d ago

A console is there to play games. This is the best strategy for a console. I never understand when CEOs or Ex-CEOs come in public to explain why someone should buy their console...

FallenAngel19843123d ago

@ Skate

There has never been a generation where Microsoft had the #1 selling console for a generation, this situation is no different. In past generations they always touted their hardware numbers despite not being in the lead, and it should be no different here.

@ phatak

The Xbox division of Microsoft already tried their hand in the mobile market with the Zune, and it ultimately failed horribly. It should be no wonder why they didn't go further and make a dedicated handheld platform.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3123d ago
phatak3123d ago

I wonder if microsoft ever thought about entering the portable gaming market with the surface pro as it is such a powerful device. They could at least test the waters with it as opposed to a full blown gaming handheld

Christopher3123d ago

If it had a battery suited towards that, I'd go with it.

I plan to get one eventually just for classic gaming. Most of the games will be turn-based stuff, so no need for a mouse. And... touch screen with a great pen... can't wait.

ScorpiusX3123d ago

This Man may of had some crazy antics at expos show or what have you , but the one thing that I will always admire him for is how he saved Xbox From RROD and did so without hesitation . Will miss he antic at shows .

3123d ago Replies(1)
003123d ago Show

Microsoft narrows CEO search to four candidates

Microsoft has narrowed down its search for a new CEO to four known candidates, according to a report from Reuters.

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MultiConsoleGamer3848d ago

Gates and Ballmer will retain their positions on the board. Mullaly is too old and Elop wont happen.


Ballmer’s Exit Could Bring More Changes to Xbox One

Game Front: "What does Ballmer’s exit mean for Xbox? Between July’s 'One Microsoft' restructuring and a new CEO, it means that the Xbox One you know now is probably going to look pretty different from the version you’ll know in a year. Three months of backpedalling on destructive policies is likely just the tip of the iceberg of change for the already-floundering new console."

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obelix013916d ago

Yet another doom & gloom end of days article on the end of Xbox. Please. Its getting old.

Elvfam5113915d ago

Welcome to the dark side lol

NeutralXP3915d ago

Only the lame post this and I guarantee it was MariaLfutura involved again the super wanna be Troll

P0werVR3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Microsoft needs a Harbaugh like CEO to turn things around...well not implying that they're doing bad.

Just need a new outlook to be more dynamic.

Mystogan3915d ago

Ok this is getting old. We need to report these articles.

Deadpoolio3915d ago

Grow up and get over it quit acting like a baby the damn thing is floundering and it's not even out yet boo hoo

True_Samurai3915d ago

You're sounding quite like a child yourself

Nykamari3915d ago

Why? It was ok the whole gen for PS3, but the shoe is on the other foot and now it's bad! PLEASE! But I will say this, all the trolls against the Xbox are former Xbox loyalists. Don't believe me go thru my history and read the stuff they said about ps3, but apply it to what's being said about Xbox 1 now. Same trolls but on a different side.

4logpc3915d ago

This site just keeps posting crap lately.

WeAreLegion3915d ago

I really don't want the Xbox brand to end. I can't imagine any gamer does. I may be more of a PlayStation guy, but there are incredible franchises owned by Microsoft that may end up in the wrong hands if the Xbox division is shut down. On top of that, Sony and Nintendo need Microsoft. Sure, someone else might take their place, but the current battling between MS and Sony is absolutely fantastic for gamers! I can't remember two systems with launch lineups as strong as the XBO's and PS4's. This is great for the industry! We need this! Games are flying left and right...and we LOVE it!

theWB273915d ago

I try to spread that same sentiment around. Then get replies from people saying it would be best if Sony were dominant again and it'd be better if developers focused on one console.

I don't think people fully understand how much they're pushing each other to make better consoles and services for us. Who else would spend this money on this great hobby of ours.

I ride with Microsoft...but hope to get a playstation this next gen again. Here's to hoping they both stick around.

WeAreLegion3915d ago

Awesome! I'm glad there are some people out there who still love this industry. ;)

P0werVR3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Just calm down, it's not going anywhere. It is about the most illogical thing that people can assume Microsoft is "selling" their Xbox division.

Get a grip of yourselves, we haven't come across anything of any relevancy that Microsoft is doing bad. If anything, we should hope that PS4 turns out great 10 fold because if not that is the end of Playstation.

The logic in these posts are amazingly ridiculous.

GreenRanger3915d ago

I feel for you, Ballmer. Constipation is no joke.

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