
EA: FIFA 14 is a Great Game to Really Push Xbox One Out There

IGN - At Gamescom, Microsoft announced that everyone who pre-orders an Xbox One in Europe will receive a free copy of FIFA 14. It's an incentive that goes some way to justify the notable price difference between the two next-generation consoles. It's also another landmark in the "strategic relationship" that has grown between the two companies.

allformats3936d ago

EA has been Microsoft's whore lately.

golding893936d ago

Ook...How are they being their "Whore"? by having a partnership with them?

Not sure why you said what you said. or you are just trolling...

HammadTheBeast3936d ago

I disagree, just a week ago they called MS out for failing to bring XBo to more than 13 countries.

Studio-YaMi3936d ago

شكلك توك قاعد من النوم و علطول على موقع N4G

يلا صباح خير :)

Studio-YaMi3936d ago

Kuwaiti :3

Your typical neighbors lol

ABeastNamedTariq3936d ago

EA and MS are getting realllly comfortable together. Not saying it's a good or bad thing. I'm just saying.

allformats3936d ago

I think it's a bad business move on their part, especially this generation, when PS4 is already ahead and away of Xbox One.

Ashlen3936d ago

They're both of the same mindset when it comes to the customer.

EXVirtual3936d ago (Edited 3936d ago )

Yes, for people with more money than sense. If I was to get a PS4 with Fifa 14 (I´m not getting it) it would still be 40 bucks less than the XB1. If I got this Fifa bundle with the XB1 and another game it would cost me 560 bucks, whereas if I were to get any two games on the PS4 it would cost $520. Still 40 dollars less.
EA and MS really seem to love this money grub relationship they have.

jonboi243936d ago (Edited 3936d ago )

This a good deal for those countries in Europe getting XB1 in part of 13 countries launch. The other countries won't get Fifa but another game to be announced. Still Sucks it's only available to those who pre-ordered though I doubt there are many open pre-orders left. This will get those left order pre-orders sold but beyond that if you buy in stores you get nothing. So I really don't see this really pushing that many XB1s in Europe beyond the initial reserved pre-ordered stock.

TKCMuzzer3936d ago

I'm not sure any third party company who publishes games for multiple consoles should help push one console more then another. They should be about the games not the hardware, they should be about just getting great games out equally to all customers. The problem with EA is they want to be about the games and gamers but as soon as someone waves some money in front of them they can't resist. We can only guess how much Microsoft had to lay out to them for fifa to be given away free.

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lptmg2207d ago

International Superstar Soccer 98 is still my fav


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PoSTedUP3401d ago

i liked 99' for N64 the most and 07'-08' for Xbox were great.


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