
Why too many MOBA games are a big waste of time

Opinion piece on why the influx of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games are bad for the industry.

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ATi_Elite3905d ago

after watching League of legends grab 85 million gamers world wide Publishers/Devs can careless what you think.

That's a lot of MONEY and they are going after it just like every DEV/Pub pumping out FPS after Call of Duty or pumping out MMORPG's after World of Warcraft.


Smite Dota2 are my favorites and I SUCK at them but still spent money.

Need a Warhammer 40,000 MOBA ( I would Spend so much money on that just cause it's WarHammer)

cyguration3905d ago

Your bubbles are like a fight between the PC Master Race trying to keep their champion on top and the console fanboys trying to bring a good man down.

It's a fascinating event watching you go from one bubble to five and back to one. The console war is a truly volatile battlefield.

OT: I've never played a MOBA because of how toxic the communities can be and I just haven't mustered up any interest in the current offerings.

ATi_Elite3905d ago

Yeh Mobas are for a specific crowd but that crowd is HUGE.

I really do not like them except that the competition factor is HUGE. MOBAS offer a huge PVP competition factor unseen since Street Fighter 2.

Yes Starcraft 2 is very competitive but MoBAS bring about All kinds of gamers.

EL Lanf3905d ago

It's getting rather silly how many mobas are in development. I only play Dota 2 and refuse to switch. Why trade in a solid one and have to relearn everything to play a fundamentally highly similar game?

Money has no impact on gameplay in Dota 2 as well, the thought of having to pay access anything more than a limited hero pool is a complete offput.

STK0263905d ago

There are only 2 MOBAs that are currently thriving, everything else is barely worth talking about. This could change in the future, but just like WoW's dominance over the MMO market, League of Legends and DOTA2 are likely to remain kings of the MOBA world for the next several years. League of Legends has by far the biggest online community and DOTA2 is the most popular game on Steam, bar none. HoN's community is almost irrelevant by now, SMITE has plenty of issues and I doubt it will ever challenge LoL or DOTA2 and most of the other games lack the depth needed to create a long lasting community.

MunkyFlames3905d ago

Im really looking forward to Blizzard's All Stars... Do hope it gets a name change, here's hoping for more info at Blizzcon!


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