
Xbox One FIFA bundle was not a reaction to E3 criticism

Microsoft's big Gamescom announcement this year was the news that people who pre-order Xbox One in Europe get FIFA 14 free, but the game's executive producer David Rutter has denied that the bundle was thought up by the platform holder to help ease price concerns after E3.

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black0o3937d ago

no it was reaction to the perorders

My_Outer_Heaven3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

Everything they've done so far with regards to all the reversal campaigns and stuff are all to get more pre-orders because MS fucked up period. The gaming community all know that they fucked up with they're reveal especially when they didn't put the gamers first.

TV is not what the enthusiastic early adopters will care about. Gaming is the important thing, gaming is the system selling feature we care about.

Most of us are happy and already content with what we get for TV and film.. plus many people are already switched to smart TV's so who the hell cares about TV features on a console.. Seriously though cable connectivity is stupid. The so called all in one console doesnt seem like the all in one console it supposed to be when you concider what you need to plug into it. Extra hard drive because of large mandatory game installs, cable subscription box for TV features.

I'd rather cut the cord from a cable subscription Plus I can get all the stuff I actually care about on Netflix and other streaming services for a lot cheaper.

MS fucked up big time and now we are left with an less powerful Xbox gaming machine. They should have focused on games first. Games almost feel like a tacked on feature for Xbox one.

Sony have been doing the right thing so far... they've listened to consumers and developers. They have figured out what we all actually want.
If Sony keep it up.. and continue to deliver great games and exclusives still then MS are not going to be the most popular machine this time around.


Sony have been in the console buisness for a long time... they have a huge following and Playstation dominance is back, Xbox certainly had a good run though.

PS4 will have a much bigger install base from the get go which will increase Sony's dominance in the console gaming industry.

It's time for Sony to take over again and I'm so happy it's come to this!

Xbox don't have any advantages this time around with things like a head start or cheaper hardware this time around which I think is going to make a considerable difference!

Kinect vs PS4 Eye.. both seem gimmicky but PS4 eye with move tracking is more accurate and I prefer augmented games compared to waving my limbs about like an idiot. I'm sure there will be similar body tracking games on PS4 Eye but at least with move built into the DS4 its going to give more potential to future games.

Sony's new system has more going for it right now, more potential and its cheaper.

I'm glad both systems are coming out practically at the same time.

negative3937d ago


Wow I skimmed through all that cr@p and boy you just SCREAM fanboy.

It seems you took a lot of time to write that and boy I feel so sorry for you.

Fangrim3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

QUOTE: "I'm glad both systems are coming out practically at the same time."

...unless you live in one of the countries Microsoft shafted.

JBSleek3937d ago

It would be huge to release in America on the 5th will Call of Duty included.

Supermax3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

Or maden or bf4 or forza.peeps in America might cancel preorders if they don't get a free game.im expecting ms to have a game included we will find out next week.

n4rc3937d ago

They said more bundles were planned.

Age restrictions may kill cod from being bundled.. I would love to see forza.. But madden seems likely

n4rc3937d ago

Since nobody actually reads articles..

but the game's executive producer David Rutter has denied that the bundle was thought up by the platform holder to help ease price concerns after E3.

"It's been going for a long time," Rutter told Outside Xbox. "In the same way I remember most console launches - I've been around for all of them - bundles happen, and this is something that Microsoft and EA have agreed to do and it was going on a long time ago.

mcstorm3937d ago

TBH I think this is a good move for both MS and EA. Lest face it no one is buying a xbox one or PS4 for Fifa. They are buying it for Forza, Ryse, KZ ect and this will now help the sales of Fifa for the next gen consoles as it will be sold with every Xbox one at release. But It will also help Microsoft in trying to get a grip on the Fifa market. Fifa sells well on the 360 but the PS3 version always sells more so by MS looking at bringing it as a Launch bundle and having the extra modes it could sway some people to pick the xbox one over the PS4 when they look to move to the next gen consoles.

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Not all outdated football games are worthless

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lptmg2207d ago

International Superstar Soccer 98 is still my fav


What was the best FIFA game ever? Have your say

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PoSTedUP3401d ago

i liked 99' for N64 the most and 07'-08' for Xbox were great.


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