
Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse First Trailer

Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse is the upcoming fifth instalment in the Broken Sword series of adventure video games, developed and published by Revolution Software, due for release in the fourth quarter of 2013 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android and PS Vita.

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Endless_X3943d ago (Edited 3943d ago )

I've just read that the game has been anounced for Vita today.

Edit: An image of the game running on Vita: http://sadpanda.us/images/1...

aCasualGamer3943d ago

That could just be the trailer running on a PS Vita?

Cool if it's really coming to PS Vita though!

Genuine-User3943d ago

It was confirmed on the official playstation blog.

FriedGoat3942d ago

God, I love broken sword, WHY DIDN'T THEY ANIMATE THE GAME IN 2D???? This looks like total crap, poor 3d rendering and animation, can't believe this.

Pancit_Canton3943d ago

Broken Swords on Vita? Day Juan!!

TongkatAli3943d ago

Looks awesome. Ipad and Iphone gets good things haters, games are games to be enjoyed not to nitpick the shit out of them.

listenkids3943d ago

Personally would have preferred a cleaner version of their original style of 1 and 2. Looking forward to this greatly though, hope to see a PSN release too.

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Broken Sword and 25 years of Revolution


"In 1989 Charles Cecil's computer could often be found in a white Ford Fiesta XR2, speeding along the 200-mile stretch of English motorway that separates Hull and Reading. The PC, a custom-built 386, was so valuable that Cecil would insist it be wrapped in blankets and secured in the back of a car with a carefully arranged seat belt. Cecil, who was 27 at the time and working as head of development at Activison, had blown his savings on the machine, which he intended to use as a dedicated flight simulator. But when the US side of the company collapsed and took his office down with it, Cecil decided to set up his own game studio with a programmer friend, Tony Warriner, who lived in Hull. The pair began working on a demo together, which they intended to pitch to publishers, shuttling themselves and their newly employed PC between the two cities each week."

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Is Broken Sword 5 gearing up for a September console release?

Revolution Software has yet to announce a release date for the console versions of Broken Sword 5, however three separate Amazon sites have listings up for the game, and all three indicate a September release. The exact date in September, however, seems to be in question.

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Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse Episode Two Review (PS Vita) - punkandlizard

Blonlizard from P&L writes:"Cute humour and friendly banter between the small cast keeps you engaged and the story rarely loses its way. It’s soon into the story that you realise the game delivers a double edge sword."

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