
RPG Treasure Chest: Threads of Fate

"Billed as being part of Square’s “Summer of Adventure” lineup back in 2000, Threads of Fate (known as Dewprism in Japan) is a PSOne title frequently cited as one of those games that should have gotten a sequel.

Well-received and fun to play, ToF is a challenging platformer/RPG that holds up to modern gaming standards…minus a hefty dose of replayability and exploration."

- Maxwell Coviello

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Relientk773938d ago

This is another great PS1 RPG,

thanx Squaresoft

Minimox163938d ago

Indeed :'( soo good times.. I never manage to beat this game :/

3938d ago
BlaqMagiq243938d ago

My first JRPG and my favorite game of all time. And that will never change.


Let’s Call It A Comeback – Reviving Dormant Series

Twinfinite writes: "Each one of us has felt the loss that comes with a loved game series dying out on us. A lack of sales, favorable reviews, or even just interest can all play a roll in getting a series put out to pasture, rarely, if ever, heard from again. While some series are better off going back to the abyss which spawned them, most deserve at least one more chance in the sun. I rounded up the staff and asked them what game they would resuscitate if they had unlimited resources. Think of this as a tiny peek into our collective insanity."

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Pintheshadows3879d ago

Why is Left for Dead on this list. I'd hardly call it dormant considering it is Valve.

mydyingparadiselost3879d ago

I would bring back Shadow Hearts. Or maybe Okami. OH, how about the Mana games. Final Fight or Streets of Rage. No, screw it, ACTRAISER. And not the bs sequel either but a continuation of the first games concept.


The Bitereon Collecion: Threads of Fate

It seems like games today are obsessed with experimenting with story in an assortment of ways. Changes in perspective, pacing, and characterization have given us both great and not so great games, but for just about every mechanic, astute gamers will always be able to point out when something was done before, and probably better too. Of all the interesting mechanics we’ve yet to see a true return to, a dual set of parallel adventures in a single game isn’t something we’ve really seen since Squaresoft’s Threads of Fate, a Kurosawa-esque game that had one uniquely awesome mechanic going for it.

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lizard812884564d ago

My god! I remember this game. It was so awesome! The story was funny, and it went away from the cliche RPG crap. Mint wanted to take over the world and stuff. She was pretty funny. The cast was rather enjoyable too. I wish they would give this an HD remake, but square just wants to pump out more Final Fantasies


Threads of Fate available on PSN? Sure. | Geared for Gamers

How will publishers decide to roll games and DLC out when PlayStation Netowrk service is restored? They sure wouldn’t want to saturate the market, but then again a lot of people have been dying for some new content.

What are your thoughts? Do you want the entire backlog available on day one or should publishers re-evaluate the timing of releases that were impacted due to the outage?

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Baccra4768d ago

Good game. Rather have a sequel though.

SoundGamer4767d ago (Edited 4767d ago )

Well, when the store part of the PSN is restored, I'm hoping that everything that was supposed to have been released during the time the network was down will be on it. There are quite a few PSOne classics, DLC, and PSN games that I wanted to get.

In addition, all of the devs and publishers who were supposed to have their respective items released would likely want them available as soon as possible. So I don't really see any reason why they can't just have it updated, up-to-date when the store goes back up.

Hopefully, that will be the way things are when it goes back up. I guess only time will tell.

Baka-akaB4767d ago (Edited 4767d ago )

While it would be ideal for us ... realistically , as publisher or even small indie dev , would you want your stuff potentially drowned in a sea of dozens of titles released at the same time ?

I dunno about that

SoundGamer4767d ago

That would be understandable in a retail situation where the game is competing for shelf space among other things. However for digital releases, I would assume its much different.

You already have a large catalog of games to choose from on the store. I don't see why a publisher would want to postpone an already delayed release for fear it will be overshadowed by other games on the network.

I doubt it would be any more drowned out than if it was released at its regular time. Its not as if 200 games and digital downloads would be released at once. The PSN hasnt been down a year. Just a few weeks. So not THAT much stuff will be updated to the store.

Thats only what I assume though.