
Leaked Video Shows Ubisoft's Fighter Within On Kinect

Sixthaxis: There appears to be some lag between player input and the actions on the screen. Whether this is down to the Kinect, or if it is to do with the game’s coding is hard to tell. This does seem to confirm the game will be an Xbox One exclusive though.

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Iltapalanyymi3921d ago

stop posting this already. i nearly died in laughter when i saw this on /v/

scofios3921d ago Show
LostDjinn3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Fist time I've seen it and it's all win (just for the wrong reasons).
GOTY! I'm callin' it.

creatchee3921d ago

Ughgh. Looks terrible. Certainly not a good showcase for Kinect.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3921d ago
Christopher3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

The future of gaming...

If these games are aimed at kids, they should try to get some to demo the games or something of the like.

Otherwise, I have no clue how these women are controlling the characters to make it look like they are deciding on a cross, jab, uppercut, or kick (their feet aren't even moving....). So, looks like it's just pre-canned actions based on how much you move your arms around.

I_am_Batman3921d ago

I don't know who came up with the idea that a motion controlled fighting game could be any good. Even if it would work 100% right and took your movements without lag and be super precise it would still be a bad idea.

rainslacker3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Where was this 1 to 1 gaming the guy mentioned. All I saw was lag, and on screen movements that didn't match what the player was doing 90% of the time. Jesus, the current Kinect is better than this.

Also, if this isn't flailing in from of the TV then I don't know what is.

They've been working on this game for 2 years?

Future of gaming my a**

Gazondaily3921d ago

Yeah this looks terrible. The so-called 1 to 1 gaming seems like a farce, we as far as Ubisoft's efforts are concerned anyway.

n4rc3921d ago

devils advocate here..

they are flailing their arms.. and its doesnt look like its working very well... maybe its supposed to be played like a normal human fighting..

just saying.. im not going to base my opinion off a couple girls on meth trying to play a fighting game in the dark.. lol

rainslacker3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

These were people provided by ubisoft to demonstrate the game. The fact they knew how to pull off those moves is indication of that. They were too good at playing the game...which is really scary considering how bad this game would be to a beginner. And I thought the light available in the room didn't matter with this Kinect.

I agree that if they played it like a normal person fighting it wouldn't have been quite so embarrassing, but that doesn't really explain away the lack of 1 to 1 motion or the extremely laggy input. 1 to 1, at least by my definition, is when a person performs a task in front of the camera, that motion is replicated on screen. No lag to me means that when I do something in front of the camera, it doesn't register a couple seconds later.

This isn't a motion based fighting sim. It's a glorified QTE fest with motion controls. Just because there's no on screen indicator doesn't change that fact. The players were practically motionless except while flailing their hands around, yet they were kicking, performing complex counters, and jumping off poles.

This game is a joke of an example of the future of motion gaming. There is shovelware now that is already better than this.

This is what I've been telling Kinect supporters for the last couple months. Before you go and start saying how the new Kinect is so awesome, maybe ask for a little proof. Even the Kinect Sports video showed apparent lag...and that's a problem as it was a PR video and highly polished/controlled.

GarrusVakarian3921d ago

This again?

Oh ok, i could do with another laugh.

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10 Launch Video Games That Were Terrible

Buying a new video game console should be an exciting experience. Relive the launch video games that managed to suck the fun out of those purchases.

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McMahonme72035d ago

Fifa Road To World Cup 2006 might of been crap, but it had some bangin easy achievements

RealOldGamer2035d ago

Night Trap was awesome, cheesy, and terrible all in one. It's a game everyone has to play.

I also loved Street Fighter The Movie, and Street Fighter: The Movie - the game.
Kylie Minogue, Ming-Na Wen and The Muscles From Brussels all in one movie/game? Yeah its already awesome.


Top 10 Worst Kinect Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "A few days ago, Microsoft announced that they were officially discontinuing their Kinect motion-sensing accessory. What was once considered a chief-rival to Nintendo’s Wii revolution and an integral part of the Xbox One’s launch has come to an end, and we here at Link-Cable… couldn’t be happier. The Kinect, while sporting impressive technology never managed to live up to its full potential and most of the games released for the device either had shoe-horned in support or barely functioned as intentioned, in part because of the device’s very specific ideal conditions. So as the Kinect sails off into sunset, we’ve decided to remember the worst of times and look back at the Top 10 Worst Kinect games."

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RyanDJ2375d ago

Kinect, for me, is easily worth owning for two things: Dance Central for me acting like an idiot and having fun, and Kinect Party for my kids when they want to have easy-access stupid fun at like a kid's party. Those were the only games I have enjoyed on it, and they couldn't be done any other way (well, I guess that KP is EyeToy-level work). But my hope is that when motion control falls away, we'll get a proper DDR again.

andrewsquall2374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )

Yet for 150 quid it is and was most certainly not worth owning for solely those 2 games, that you have to pay money for also.

Now far be it from me to tell you what is worth it or not worth it to you. But if that is what is worth it to you, I don't want to know what ISN'T worth it lol.

RyanDJ2373d ago

It was worth it to buy one used for half price and get one of those two games for free. ;)

datriax2374d ago

All of them are tied for 1st place.

darthv722374d ago

Star wars wouldnt be so bad if it didnt have.... the dancing. Ughhh that dancing.

They should do a list of 10 best kinect games as well. I'm sure fruit ninja and gun stringer would be on there. Those are actually fun to play.


Top 10 Worst Launch Games For Showing Off Your New Console

When buying a new video game console - these were the titles that didn't do them justice.

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