
Dust An Elysian Tail Review - GamesReviews

From GamesReviews:
"The creation of any video game requires a great amount of time, work, and skill to pull off, even with a vast team of developers with various skills. Due to the complexity of the medium, it is unheard of for a single person to create and develop a high quality game all alone, until now. Dean Dodrill, the creator of “Dust”, programmed and designed every aspect of the game outside of the voice acting, music, and part of the script. While this is extremely impressive by all means, Dodrill makes some rookie design choices that slightly mar the overall experience."

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The 12 Best Indie Games From The Eighth Generation Of Gaming

It's right that we recognize the 12 best indie games of the eight generation of gaming. It would be remiss to ignore the impact they've had.

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NecrumOddBoy1335d ago

Hollow Knight was a masterpiece. I cared less for the arena combat (Gods, not in the in-game arena) but everything was tight and the exploration was extremely enjoyable. Absolute masters of their craft in level design. I hope Silk Song gives the bees a second chance since their area was only a short subsection.

1334d ago

5 indie games you need to play right now

Mick Doherty has put together a list of indie games that, in his humble opinion, you need to play at least once in your life.

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NecrumOddBoy1809d ago

I highly recommend my favorite Switch indie... Golf Story

abovetheclouds1808d ago

Eh, its a decent low budget game. Not bad if you're broke and need something to play.

1809d ago

15 Amazing Video Games Made by a Single Developer

These are games made by a single developer. Serving as proof that you don't need millions of dollars and a team of people to make a amazing game.

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1934d ago