
Nintendo, get some new ideas

OpinionDebug writes:

Mario has been in over 200 different games. Now, I quite like Mario - he's a cool guy, but it's the Mario spin off series that really get me. You know the ones I mean: Mario Kart, Golf, Baseball, Tennis. This is the norm for most of us, the next Mario sports games, buy it if you like it, and forget it if you don't. That's not good enough for me, though.

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sonarus5877d ago

sigh. Maybe if people stopped buying the crap maybe nintendo would stop making it. As far as nintendo is concerned, they operate where there is money to be made. They will milk mario for all he is worth

PS360WII5877d ago

better yet Nintendo haters get some new ideas ^^ (oh see what I did there ^.-)

ianp6225877d ago

Why not Mario Cricket? How about Mario Shuffleboard? Mario Badminton? Do we really need another one?

What they should do is go the Super Smash Bros route and put in some characters we really don't expect.

KeiZka5877d ago

Why? They have a solid working idea, why change it too drastically? If they were to change the makeup of the game, they'd have to do it gradually.

Kaz Hirai5877d ago

First we have "Mario Brothers", then "Mario Kart", then "Mario Party", then "Mario Golf", then "Mario Tennis", then "Mario Galaxy", then "Mario Goes To The Shop", then "Mario Gets Tonsillitis", then "Mario Eats A Pizza", then "Mario Fights An Alligator", then "Mario Buys A Dog"!

Nintendouche- enough Mario!


KeiZka5877d ago

Oh the foaming! Heh. I am mildly amused everytime I hear the common cries of "MIIILKIIING!" sound in the distance...

I still do not understand how it is wrong to market games of different types with same characters, especially since those characters are rather iconic to gaming? It's only good marketing at that point. And cry as much as you want, they are still differing games, or can you say at face value that Mario Strikers and Galaxy are exactly the same kind of games? They may have the cast in common, but that's quite minimal. Or how do you call those 3 Jak & Daxters on PS2 alone? Or god knows how many God of Wars by now already, seeing how young IP it is?

See what I did there when comparing Mario and other marioverse characters to those two gameverses?

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Why Hardcore Baseball Fans Have Unexpectedly Embraced the Wii's Mario Sluggers

The regular season of Major League Baseballis over. Washington took the cup, and the boys of summer are off to hibernate until spring. For the baseball superfan, this means many long months without their sport of choice, so they've turned to the virtual world. And rather than the super-sims or manager games, a Mario spin-off baseball series seems to have captured people's attention.

Mario Superstar Baseball hit the GameCube in 2005, and its sequel Mario Super Sluggers landed on the Wii in 2008. There hasn't been a new baseball spinoff since developer Now Production's closure, unless you count Super Mario Party's baseball toybox, but the decline in Mario sports games hasn't deterred the dejected baseball fans of the r/baseball subreddit from picking the game apart.


Nintendo Trademarks Wrecking Crew, Rhythm Heaven, Mario Super Sluggers, Golden Sun

Nintendo trademarks four new titles. The names of the titles are Wrecking Crew, Rhythm Heaven, Mario Super Sluggers, and Golden Sun. Let us hope something new will come from these trademarks, either a remake or a new title.

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Geobros2069d ago

Wow!! I would like to play a new Golden Sun or a remake. Those games were amazing!

princejb1342068d ago

full remake of the original 2 goldensuns on gba would be awesome
i didnt enjoy the third one on 3ds as much though

Relientk772069d ago

Finally it's about time Golden Sun comes back. Bring Golden Sun to Switch.

2069d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood2068d ago

Wrecking Crew and Rhythm Heaven sound like they could be cool new IPs.

MrSec842068d ago (Edited 2068d ago )

I believe Rhythm Heaven has had previous games, not sure about Wrecking Crew, it could be a new version of the demolition game that released at N64's launch.

Edit: Wrecking Crew: https://www.google.co.uk/se...

Rhythm Heaven:

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My History with Baseball Games - A non-sports fan steps up to the plate

A.J. says: "I don't like sports but for some reason I love playing baseball video games. Here, I'll cover all the bases as to why this sport appeals to non-fans like me so let's get this ball game going."

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