
Urban Survival-Horror MMO, ‘Nether’ Details Announced For PC

Phosphor Games have released the first details about their upcoming online survival-horror game, Nether. A persistent-world, massively multiplayer online game based in an urban setting, Nether places survivors in this world and challenges them to survive day-to-day, while trying to uncover the truth behind the apocalyptic event which has shattered mankind.

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Outriders Developer People Can Fly Acquires Phosphor Games

Outriders developer People Can Fly announced the acquisition of Phosphor Games, which will be renamed to People Can Fly Chicago.

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waverider1142d ago

what they should buy are more servers and fix the terrible online connection of the game. Terrible.....

Silver_Faux1141d ago

It ain't that bad mate and you know it. The game is developed by a non AAA developer. Theremk1 is going to be issues but the actual gameplay is fantastic. PCF are being very transparent on their mistakes and how they are fixing them.

Zeref1141d ago

Thats that gamepass money

1140d ago

Phosphor Games’ The Brookhaven Experiment Ups the Difficulty with Major Update

Can you survive The Brookhaven Experiment on Apocalyptic?


The Brookhaven Experiment Dev Releases Reactions Video

See how some players have reacted to The Brookhaven Experiment.