
How The Xbox One Controller Has Changed

The good folks at Kotaku take us inside the guts of Microsofts Next Gen controller.

golding893949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

"Go Ahead And Throw It" lol gamers' rage.

Nice to see they tested that too i guess lol

ABeastNamedTariq3949d ago

I almost broke my 360 controller playing Dark Souls...I chucked that thing like a baseball player lol, I'm glad it's durable (referring to both the 360's and XB1's controller).

Tony-A3949d ago

It's gonna be pretty tough for me to let go of the 360 design for this one since I thought that it was such a comfortable, durable controller. I'm sure I'll get used to it after some time, though.

Still, I'm glad they decided to change some things, specifically that god-awful d-pad.

4Sh0w3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

Well its basicly the same with minor ergonomic differences to improve comfort and improved D pad with rumble triggers. I read from plenty of sources that it feels very much exactly like the 360 controller, so there should be no real adjusting.

PSVita3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

Dark souls was WAYYYYY too easy, try Demon Souls. You'll go through plenty of controllers then lol

dedicatedtogamers3949d ago

As long as the sticks are still springy, the form-factor is still good, all they need to do is improve the d-pad (which they apparently did) and improve the face buttons (which they apparently did as well) and they're good to go.

mewhy323949d ago

The old controller was good. If this one is better then it should be pretty awesome.

Zeref3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

"Rechargeable batteries have—this is physics—X number of cycles. After those cycles, the controller has to be replaced. So we decided that we wanted to give our customers an option"


" after one year of daily recharging, it seems to be losing its charge in a significantly faster timeframe than when it first did coming out of the box."

And This^

cee7733949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

That's bs Microsoft just wants to Nickle and dime you they could've easily intergrated A removable rechargeable battery on the x1 as well as the 360 Sony did it why can't Microsoft its all about the dollars at the end of the day.

no_more_heroes3949d ago

The ps3 controller doesn't have a removable rechargeable battery.

Rechargeable - Yes

Removable Rechargeable - No

darthv723949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

"That's bs Microsoft just wants to Nickle and dime you...."

You do know they only make $$ off the P&C kit right?

They dont get a nickle or a dime from the likes of Duracell or Rayovac let alone any other company that makes AA batteries.

"they could've easily intergrated A removable rechargeable battery on the x1" uhh....they did. It may not be "integrated" but the batteries are certainly removable and rechargeable.

edit...what nuke said.

nukeitall3949d ago

"That's bs Microsoft just wants to Nickle and dime you they could've easily intergrated A removable rechargeable battery on the x1 as well as the 360 Sony did it why can't Microsoft its all about the dollars at the end of the day."

MS did integrate a "removable" integrated rechargeable battery. It is called a play and charge kit.

What Sony did is called a "non-removable" integrated rechargeable battery. It is not intended for you to remove it, and when your controller barely charges or when the battery dies, you will have to buy a new controller or scour third party questionable and potentially exploding batteries, unscrew the controller (and hope that you can) and replace battery yourself.

Or like on Xbox One, you just take out the batteries like it was intended too.

non-removable internal batteries is a step backwards imo.

cee7733949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )


Really ps3 has been out 7 years and you gonna tell me and 80+ million that you can't change the dualshock 3 batteries when its as clear as day in the manual and many you tube videos that you can indeed change the ds3 battery for less than 5 bucks it takes less than 10 min to change the ds3 battery once every 5+ years. Remove 5 screws that's it you can find OEM ds3 batteries on eBay for less than 5$ lmao.

Clearly you either don't own a ps3 or your simply ignorant to the fact that you could indeed change the battery on the ds3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3949d ago
No_Limit3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

LOL, I knew the rechargeable battery thingy will show up once again on another XB1 controller thread. YAWN

Thegamer413949d ago

Is that why they sell the rechargeable kit separate. There is no reason for not including it with all the controllers.

"after one year of daily recharging, it seems to be losing its charge in a significantly faster timeframe than when it first did coming out of the box." If this is true then why are they selling the rechargeable kit?
My launch PS3 controllers batteries have not even slowed down to this day, the batteries for all 4 controllers are just as good as when I bought them at launch.

ainsleyharriott3949d ago

I don't see why Zeref got so many disagrees, I thought knowing that rechargeable batteries are eventually depleted was common knowledge.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3949d ago
Maddens Raiders3949d ago

I'm awaiting a 180 from MS on the controllers that require AA batteries in 2013. It certainly wouldn't shock me, but then again they would lose the money on all those charging stations.

kratos_TheGoat3949d ago

x1 controller is going be awesome

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