
Disabled Marine Zach Clark Is Designing The Best Steam Box You've Never Heard Of

Forbes - Xi3 is expected to launch their Piston Steam Box later this year, and it’s been confirmed that Valve is designing hardware, likely Linux based. Now, a little known company called RoundsDownRange, led by Disabled Marine Corps vet and CEO Zachary Clark may beat both to the punch.

TripC503954d ago

If you take away the endearing, dissabled marine, phrase out of the title I would be like, "whateva" but instead its got me saying "AMERICA!"

TripC503953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Hiding tears of joy with hand eh? America can do that.

TripC503953d ago

Ha. Don't hide your pride brother!

Rivitur3953d ago

^why did I read that as if you were in the arian brotherhood?

3953d ago
ElementX3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

I'm an American and really, this country isn't all that great. You have basically the same freedoms in Canada and Europe as you do here and they have better healthcare, have shorter work weeks, and don't try to police the world.

MiasmaDodo3953d ago

then move to Canada and Europe

with all the other Americans who think they're better then the country they were born in.

what a joke

TripC503953d ago

hey come on man, I'm just messing around. Canada has it's perks and beautiful environments and stuff but man I sure do Love that America. She can be a handfull of facepalm but I think she is alright.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3953d ago
Smoovekid3954d ago

If you want to get console players over to PC the you have to make it affordable. If you already have a PC why switch to this.

DarkBlood3954d ago

because my pc isnt really a gaming pc persay and a machine dedicated to playing is a must for me

i could learn how to build one instead but the way i learn takes way too long lol

ElementX3953d ago

It's really not that hard, it takes at most a few hours. The hardest part is plugging in the USB and power switch wires for the case because they're so small, lol. Most of the cables only fit into one place so it's almost foolproof.

5eriously3953d ago

Price will be the factor (wink) Custom 690's?

Bolts3953d ago

The highest end unit will cost you $1700. Lol. No thanks. That's a lot of money to sink into a custom PC. I could do better for less building my own.


Building Your Own Steam Box – 2016 Edition

It wasn’t hard or expensive to build the Steam Box, more of a case of know-exactly-what-you-are-doin g. Purchasing wrong parts for the build can be costly or even dangerous, but it’s something that can be solved with decent research.

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2947d ago Replies(2)

Is PlayStation Neo Sony's Response to the Steam Machines?

Is PlayStation Neo Sony's answer to the onslaught of console like devices ushered in by Valve?

Aloy-Boyfriend2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

No. Steam Machines are dead

Next Neo article!

Voletic2962d ago (Edited 2962d ago )

That doesn't matter - Sony can get the business model right. It's about the concept and premise behind the Steam Machines, rather than the units themselves.

uth112961d ago (Edited 2961d ago )

The premise behind the Steam machines is to give a console-like device that uses the Steam store.

The Neo is more like Sony salivating over Apples upgrade revenues and trying to cash in on that

Aloy-Boyfriend2960d ago (Edited 2960d ago )

PS4 Neo is nothing like Iphone upgrades. That smartphone business is yearly. It's something like Xbox 360 arcade

rainslacker2960d ago

Steam machines were licensed products with a baseline spec to run games. Not really the same thing. This is just an upgraded console more akin to a new console generation than a closed off limited PC.

Ark_2960d ago

Steam Machines are a special take (open source OS) on Living room PCs. And although SteamOS may not get off the ground, the latter are far from dead. I exspect Microsoft to move heavily into that direction - providing an Xbox-like experience for all Win10 PCs. Maybe dual boot into Gaming/Livingroom UI as alternative to standard Win10. (... similar to SteamOS)

jwillj2k42960d ago

That's an interesting idea. theoretically they could then get out of the hardware business and say all pcs are Xbox compatible.

dirkdady2959d ago

This is more of a response to microsofts next Xbox and Nintendo NX.

Herbalistic2962d ago

Why would it be?Steam machines haven't sold anything worthwhile.

Voletic2962d ago

Please read the article - its about the business model and the concept behind it rather than as a direct competitor.

Angeljuice2960d ago

Well the business model and concept are unsuccessful failures, as demonstrated by the sales figures.

rainslacker2960d ago

Business model is different though, and the concept isn't really the same at all.

Business model is Valve licenses a baseline spec to hardware manufactuerers to produce a closed off PC environment(which is open source) so they can compete against one another on their own hardware, and leave the OS up to Valve(similar to Droid). Sony's business model is they will control both the hardware, the OS, and the licensing.

The concept of Steam Machines is to provide a simple model to access the steam store with the possibility to be able to do other things through the open source initiative,although it may not be officially supported, at various specs depending on hardware manufacturer. Sony's model with Neo is to have a closed off system, where they will control all content, and nothing is open.

The only similarity between the two is that the specs can vary between devices.

hardcorehenry2960d ago

Thats how I have perceived the direction for Xbox since Spencer discussed it at Build earlier this year. Backward/forward compatibility and more frequent hardware releases spells it out plainly.

ninsigma2960d ago

It's a good direction. I hope playstation and Nintendo become like that.

rainslacker2960d ago

I actually thought MS may partner with Valve to provide steam machines as Xbox, but MS would provide the OS itself. But that was assuming they wanted to get out of the console manufacturing business, and go back into the OS provider business with consoles, since that's their main interest.

I think that premise is off base now in light of their recent Windows Store push, since I can't see how the two would mesh that well, and I can't imagine Valve would want Windows store games to run on Steam OS....or why MS would allow that.

Ricegum2960d ago

Nope. Neo (if it is happening) is just a way for people to watch 4k movies with their PS4, and play VR with a little extra power.

I thought this was well established?

gangsta_red2960d ago

How can it be well established when it isn't even official?

2960d ago Replies(2)
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Steam Sections coming to major videogame retailers this November

Major videogame brick-and-mortar retailers GAME UK, GameStop, EB Games, and Valve have announced that the stores will be including special "Steam Sections" dedicated to selling Valve's upcoming hardware coming 10th November 2015. The hardware will include the Steam Controller, Steam Link, and Steam Machines. The sections will of course also include a variety of Steam prepaid cards, which most stores already sell.

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SteamPowered3163d ago

I imagine the Vive will eventually be on the shelf? Its already into October and still no release date, preorders, or price. Valve/HTC better have a good strategy in place.

starchild3163d ago

Yeah, I wonder about the Vive too. In any case, this will definitely give Valve's pc hardware more exposure, which is a good thing.

SteamPowered3163d ago

Good lord yes. I can't wait for the Steam controller release.

AizenSosuke3163d ago

That's cool Vive products at gamestop.

The_KELRaTH3163d ago

Game retail store prices are just ridiculously overpriced and uncompetitive.

SaveFerris3163d ago

How do they keep getting 'Only at GAME' exclusive deals like the MGSV LE console? It grinds my gears that consumers lose out over retailer exclusives.

kingjosh18763163d ago

Whenever I go into my local GAME the prices are a lot higher for any game than on Amazon or other sites. How do they get sales?

ocelot073163d ago

Mums who don't know any better to get little billy the new FIFA or COD.

Anyhow I take it they will just half the Nintendo again. My local GAME stores have a tiny section for Wii U and a bigger section for Wii and 3DS. Then a big section for preowned games. Then the other half of the shops is for PlayStation and Xbox.

The_KELRaTH3163d ago

Not forgetting the overpriced 2nd hand phones and tablets window section!!!

The_KELRaTH3163d ago

Im finding even Amazon is often more expensive than other online retailers these days.