
Grand Theft Auto V will not run 1080p natively on consoles

Gadget Mill: Having done some sneaking around on the official Grand Theft Auto V website – we have found some indications that GTA V will be running at 720p resolution natively and not 1080p. Of course this probably won’t be a shock to most of us even at this late stage of the current generation as GTA V is looking to push its boundaries in terms of size and expectations and heck if GTA IV couldn’t run at 1080P natively it was always going to be very unlikely that GTA V could push its resolution out further with what it is looking to achieve.

Initially we were in search for the GTA V map to be hidden somewhere in the website’s directory and after about half an hour of trying to find it we eventually gave up (it isn’t there – trust us!). However we did find that the screenshots posted on the website were posted at 720p max resolution, we tried various ways to get the website to produce a bigger image of the screenshot but we returned empty handed.

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AbortMission3946d ago

Not surprising at all. I wish they can announce GTA V for next gen consoles/PC already.

deadlydragon1213946d ago

Yeah to be honest I didn't expect it to myself. Well as long as we do not see the scenario where the Xbox 360 is running at 720p and the PS3 less than 720p (which happened for GTA4) then I'm completely cool with it!

Kryptix3946d ago


I really doubt the PS3 will be running the game lower than 720p since it was developed on it as the lead platform. I think Rockstar saw the benefits of developing it on the PS3 then porting it to the 360 like how it was with Battlefield 3. It means less bugs to address and make it as similar to each other as possible. Can't wait for GTA V.

slimeybrainboy3946d ago

I didnt notice. After I play a game for 120 seconds all the little settings make no difference to me. No matter how small a TV is my brains gets sucked in to what i'm watching an I dont notice.

Hydrolex3946d ago

aooo man, it's gonna suck for me to start playing an awesome game on a 7 years old outdated hardware.... My computer is MONEY, the grahics are SO MONEY that it's just gonna be hard looking at PS3 graphics with those shicy textures and shooty aliasing

PeEsFour3946d ago


Cool, meanwhile i will enjoy the game because i want to have fun.

minimur123946d ago

I didn't know current gen consoles could go up to 1080p???

Crazyeightzz3946d ago

@Kryptic. Where the hellin that article did you get that Rockstar was developing for PS3 and then porting it over to XBox?



Of course they can! As long as you have a Full HD output (HDMI or other) and the screen itself is capable, almost any piece of hardware can output 1080p, the problem is achieving that with everything else going on. Even you you are able to run PONG in 1080p with any practically mobile or old hardware, the same is not easily done in GTA (or any games more in lines with today's complexity).

YodaCracker3945d ago

Stop spreading misinformation. There is no lead platform, as Rockstar themselves have stated. Both versions were developed simultaneously, no ports:


Q11: "“Hello Rockstar, I have a question: how much difference will there be between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game?” – received via Mouthoff

Players can expect the same great gameplay experience on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms as they have both been developed in tandem. Like all of our games, trust that we’re committed to making sure Grand Theft Auto V looks and runs as great as possible regardless of whether you pick it up for PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, and we are excited for fans on both platforms to experience Grand Theft Auto V this September. We expect any visual differences to be completely negligible."

Gaming1013945d ago

Even the Ballad of Gay Tony spinoff game was 720p on PS3, they fixed the issues even on the same engine for the DLC episodes.

dj3boud3945d ago


funny you say that.. i just finished TBoGT episode yesterday and i could see how much graphically it was much better than GTA IV.

finished IV and the 2 episodes.. getting ready for V.

fr0sty3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

I can't believe there was ever any doubt about it. Even Gran Turismo 5, the most technically demanding game of this generation to attempt to hit the 1080p native resolution, still had to settle for 1280x1080 instead of 1920x1080 (I may be a bit off on exact pixel count, my memory isn't the best.). Wipeout HD even had to use dynamic resolution, dropping down to lower native resolutions when the action got too intense for 1080p. Who in their right mind thinks these current gen consoles running 7 year old tech and 512mb's of RAM (especially 360, with it's framebuffer only being the 10mb available in it's EDRAM) are going to be able to handle an open world game of the quality of GTA5 at 1080p? Hell, even the next gen systems seem to treat 1080p60 as some sort of hard to reach milestone, with only some of the games on both new consoles supporting that res and framerate together.

Someone who has no idea about the tech in these consoles is trying to make educated guesses about the tech in these consoles... and educated guesses without education are just guesses.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3945d ago
NihonjinChick3946d ago

Yeah, they're probably not announcing it for next gen.

bumnut3946d ago

They will wait until they have sold it to you on 360/ps4, then announce for next gen/pc

Gamer19823946d ago

Hahaha I read the title of this article and immediatly said to myself NOOOOOO!! REALLY??!?!! DUH!!!!
Who in there right mind thought it would be in 1080p native?? no 3rd party AAA game has ever been 1080p native.

--Onilink--3946d ago

i dont think any game at all has run at native 1080p at all this gen. Wipeout HD and GT5 were 1280x1080, not 1920x1080

NarooN3945d ago

The only game I know of that did true 1080p60fps was Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection on PS3. Not mind-blowing since it was based on the arcade version, which in turn was an updated version of the original PS2/Arcade release. Still, it was a full 1080p framebuffer and ran at 60fps at all times.

There were probably a few indie games and PSN exclusive games that did 1080p, the kind of games that aren't too GPU-bound and don't require much beef, but I don't directly know of any off the top of my head.

HammadTheBeast3946d ago

I dog really want that though. I'd hope they put in effort and time for GTA VI and make it natively on next-gen.

After all, GTA isn't mainly about graphics (this is Rockstar, not Crytek here) it's about the gameplay. San Andreas anyone?

-Superman-3946d ago

To be fair, Grand theft auto 4 alone needs very high PC to run this game with good graphic while Call of Duty dont.

Yeah, if we look details then Call of Duty looks better than Grand theft auto, but again, Grand theft auto is massive while Call of Duty is linear.
When 95% games run 720p, then its impossible to make 1080p native on consoles.

LAWSON723945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

That is a load of crap about gtaiv. My previous rig could run it maxed out except view distance/detail and highest aa at 60fps/1080p and it had a lower end sandy bridge dual core CPU, Intel G850 and HD 6850 that together only costed me around $160

NarooN3945d ago

GTA IV PC version isn't a decent comparison. That port is one of the ones that is well-known for being very poorly-optimized, a poor console port. People with beast rigs even today get random frame drops for no reason in that game.

Thankfully, there's very little chance that the PC version of GTA V (we know it's coming, it's just a matter of when) will suffer from that.

r1sh123946d ago


It will come out for PC, most likely a few months later (as history would suggest).

The next gen consoles again will most likely get a release too probably around the same time as the PC (Its easier to port between PC and next gen consoles).

Take2 will always get rockstar to do that, because its about money too.
Not long after that, we will see the PS vita/ iphone android games too.

dcj05243946d ago

I'd cum if they made 3 GTA games for VITA like there was for PSP.

3946d ago
Cam9773946d ago

Holy crap, it's next month. The journey that began late 2009 ends next month and in it's place, a new one is born: the journey through GRAND THEFT AUTO: V itself.

I just want to say thankyou to my mom, my family, Jesus, God, my friends and everybody who endured the wait with me. IT's ALMOST OVER.

LakerGamerEnthusiast3945d ago


I shall flourish the moment when the loading screens of ALIMIGHTY GTA Flash before my eyes in dazzling bright colors and when the royal music of waiting plays shortly after they start.

Then, I shall properly scream like a little girl when I get to set foot on Southern California, AKA Los Santos for the very first time. :)

(Nah, Jk I won't scream like a little girl) lol

caperjim3946d ago

This will be the first GTA that im not buying at launch. Im waiting for either next gen console version or a PC version.

3-4-53945d ago

Nobody should be surprised by this.

90% of games on Current gen only run 720p max.

Rodney253945d ago

Oh no! You mean like the other 99% of current gen games!?

Valenka3945d ago

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but didn't Rockstar already announce that GTA V was not going to next-gen consoles? I know they haven't confirmed or denied a PC release, but I'm pretty sure they denied a next-gen release.

It would make sense too, since they're working on an original, open-world IP for the Xbox One and PS4.

3945d ago
3945d ago
showtimefolks3945d ago


if they do that than it will hurt sales on current systems, don't hold out for GTA5 on next gen consoles since RS aren't really known for porting their games to next gen consoles

we still waiting for GTA HD collection

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3945d ago
Snookies123946d ago

'Tis fine, I shall buy it on console... Then buy it on PC when that is available. (For mods and all that good stuff...)

TrevorPhillips3946d ago

Game will be amazing, I mean it's a huge ass game.

N7Lukas3946d ago

Wow, i would never have guessed that a game as big and as ambitious as GTA5 wouldn't run at native 1080p on 7 year old consoles.


deadlydragon1213946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

No need for the sarcasm, no one is slaying the game whatsover. Just confirming that it is most likely not going to support anything above 720p natively.

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Wolfenstein: The New Order Is The Last Of Its Kind

Wolfenstein: The New Order turns ten years old today, so we decided to play it again and discovered just how much of an extinct kind of game it is.

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SovereignSnaKe19h ago

It's an outstanding game and so was The Old Blood. Also a lost era of gaming. Interesting, I received a physical copy of The Old Blood 9 years ago today from Poland. It was digital only in North America initially upon release so I had to import.


Wolfenstein: The New Order - A Highly Rated FPS That Hasn't Stood the Test of Time

Wolfenstein: The New Order launched 10 years ago today, but can it stand up to the modern FPS titles it inspired?

Seth_hun1d 1h ago

I disagree. Its still a fantastic game, with very good gunplay and a surprisingly loveable cast of characters and a good story trough many different and interesting setpieces

hiawa2321h ago(Edited 21h ago)

All The New Order needs for my tastes is a this gen enhancement patch.

ChasterMies21h ago

I played New Order a couple of years after launch and I give it an 8/10. The shooter holds up because it is focused on being a good shooter. There is no crafting, no RPG elements, no open world find the question mark Weapons are fun. Enemies are fun. Levels offer a nice mix of stealth and shooting. You get to be the predator; this isn’t a game about fending off waves of enemies while a robot companion unlocks a door. Most importantly, New Order is the last of a dying breed of single player shooters.

Skuletor20h ago

Singleplayer shooters are still getting released every year, just look up "boomer shooters" and you'll find an an abundance of them. AAA fps campaigns, not so much.

Last year had Trepang2, RoboCop: Rogue City, Turbo Overkill, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, Dread Templar, Sprawl and more

DustMan15h ago

The games you mentioned are not from AAA developers. Wolfenstein likely had a budget that was probably as big as all those games you mentioned combined. I'm not knocking the new wave of retro shooters. I absolutely love them (I think some get much higher review scores than they deserve though). I just really wouldn't describe Wolfenstein as purely a boomer shooter based on the relatively cohesive story, with cut scenes and is fully voice acted. Full set piece moments.

AA development seems to be focused keeping the single player solo experience alive. But the big developers are only concerned about the MTX and milking players who enjoy multiplayer.

ChasterMies7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

The age of AA shooters. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I like less expense, shorter games.

Abear2120h ago

Weird all the Wolfenstein articles.

Can you guess what will be announced at Xbox showcase?

DefenderOfDoom220h ago

What Machine Games did with Wolfenstein franchise is awesome. The game play definitely to me , is still very fun to play !!!

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